Today Is The Great American Smokeout. Here’s How You Can Get Help To Quit Smoking.

November 19, 2020

Tobacco Free Florida in Escambia County is encouraging Floridians to use Tobacco Free Florida’s free tools and services to make a plan to quit smoking for the American Cancer Society’s 45th annual Great American Smokeout on Thursday, November 19.

Tobacco Free Florida aims to educate Floridians on the various free quit resources available in the state and support them through the process – on the Great American Smokeout and year-round.

Our program is reaching out to local businesses, virtually. We are encouraging business owners and management teams to help their employees quit. Employers have a unique opportunity to provide employees with access to proven-effective tobacco cessation medications and counseling. And our program can assist, free of charge”, stated Dr. Vanessa Phillips, director for Communications, Health Education, Nutrition, & Public Health Preparedness Division.

Most adult cigarette smokers say that they want to quit, but quitting smoking is hard and may require several attempts. Creating a quit plan and using proven-effective resources, like Tobacco Free Florida, can significantly increase your chances of quitting smoking for good. Smokers can and do quit smoking. In fact, today there are more former smokers than current smokers in Florida.

Tobacco Free Florida’s Quit Your Way program offers free Phone Quit, Group Quit and Web Quit services, in addition to individual tools like texting support, a Quit Guide and helpful emails. Free nicotine replacement therapy – nicotine patches, gum or lozenges – are available to tobacco users who are 18 or older, if medically appropriate.

For more information about Quit Your Way, visit


2 Responses to “Today Is The Great American Smokeout. Here’s How You Can Get Help To Quit Smoking.”

  1. Cliff on November 19th, 2020 12:12 pm

    Chris, you can do it. I contact that number to get free supplies and support. I quit on Sept 1 of this year. I also smoked for around 30 years. I still have cravings but you just have to find a way to push them away. It’s tough but well worth it especially @ $7/ pack.

  2. Chris on November 19th, 2020 9:46 am

    My wife wants me to quit so bad. I tell her, “I quit every night”. While being funny, I really do want to quit. I’ve smoked continuously since I was 15 yrs old. Almost 30 years. I leave for work at 5:45 opening a fresh pack and I sometimes open the second one by 11 a.m. I generally smoke two packs a day but sometimes it’s three. I notice my own breathing, it’s sad. I wonder if I’ve already done permanent damage. I just don’t want to die any sooner than I need to. I suppose programs, gum, and patch work however, I feel if you really want to quit, you’ll just quit. It’s a matter of will power.