Pensacola Declares State Of Emergency Due To COVID-19 Spike

November 10, 2020

Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson has declared a state of emergency in the city due to the an increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations.

He issued the state of emergency as the number of individuals hospitalized in Escambia County due to COVID-19 increased to 78, up from 61 on Monday.

In addition, data from the Florida Department of Health indicates that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 in Escambia County has spiked with 90 positive cases reported on Nov. 8, an average of 84 new cases each day for the seven-day period leading up to and including Nov. 8, and a seven-day positivity rate of 7.3% for the week ending Nov. 6, versus 5.1% and 4.4% for the two previous weeks. This data indicates greater local community spread and transmission of the disease, according to the city.

Pensacola’s mask order remains in effect, requiring masks for employees and patrons inside businesses with the city limits.


56 Responses to “Pensacola Declares State Of Emergency Due To COVID-19 Spike”

  1. David Huie Green on November 15th, 2020 4:41 pm

    “The cv19 is purely political but also biblical.”

    A disease which is hitting people all around the world is a political fiction? The dead aren’t really dead? The scarred lungs aren’t really scarred? The damaged hearts aren’t really damaged? The Bible does speak of people with eyes who can’t see, ears who can’t hear, so that part might be right.

    David for functional faculties

  2. Lee on November 15th, 2020 10:27 am

    @JaneDoe, you need to read up about rights. Civics is taught in 7th grade. Ignorance is not bliss.

  3. Bigblock on November 14th, 2020 10:36 am

    Just get in the cattle car. It’s for your own good. You’re dirty and destitute. We’re just going to take you to get a shower, some fresh clothes, and a hot meal. Trust us. We are from the government, and we are here to help.

  4. David Harrison on November 14th, 2020 12:22 am

    I will not comply. Grover is just another scared spineless politician. The cv19 is purely political but also biblical. I go into many businesses daily and they don’t enforce. They don’t confront. They want their business to survive. I can’t believe how many Americans just “get in line and march to the beat” with out question.

  5. Live free or die on November 13th, 2020 9:17 pm

    Your life might be controlled by the government buddy, but mine in controlled by myself and God. I don’t derive my freedom from government. The government derives its power from my consent. Anything else is tyranny.

    And being ignorant of other’s lives on this comment thread while saying those with whom you disagree are “loser types” is laughable. If you can’t stand on your two feet without the government propping you up- news flash- you’re the loser.

  6. Jane Doe on November 13th, 2020 7:16 pm

    @ Lee My three simply put sentences upset you that much. I am more scared of closed-minded people than I am the virus.

  7. Dean on November 13th, 2020 12:44 pm

    Some here live in an alternate reality for sure. They actually have no comprehension of how their live is controlled for the greater good by government through laws, etc. they will talk about their rights and freedom and totally disregard the rights and freedom of others in the same breath. As Kristofferson once wrote in a song “freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.” These advocates of not complying for the greater good are most often real loser types. They really don’t have much to lose. They lead lives in “quiet desperation” blaming everyone else for every single miserable part of their lives. Wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands….proudly. You demonstrate not only care for yourself but as well for your fellow citizens. And most of all you demonstrate intelligence and optimism…not the ignorance of these angry losers who apparently are just plain ignorant or have “nothing left to lose,” or a combination of the two!

  8. Live free or die on November 12th, 2020 7:29 pm

    @Nod- the feeling is mutual. Nothing more shameful than a proud sheep with self imposed blinders on. And martial law is carried out at the local level. There’s one cop for every 5000 citizens and even less Federal and reserve troops. And an arguably high percentage of them won’t enforce mandates. So, continue to seeth.

  9. DJuan on November 12th, 2020 7:27 pm

    The virus “plague” is not political. However, it is biblical. Jesus said we’d see these things Matt:24:7 and Rev. 18, call for His people to come out of her so the don’t get
    impacted by the “last day plagues”. Put up your voter registration cards up and get a Bible.

  10. Lee on November 12th, 2020 6:19 pm

    @JaneDoe – Opinions aren’t equal to actions. With rights come responsibilities. If you drive, under the law you should wear seatbelts, use signals, follow traffic laws, have a valid license and insurance. Violate the law and there are consequences and your opinion doesn’t matter. That’s the way civil societies work; its about what’s for the greater good. In Texas they are running out of morgue space. Will it take having to bring in refrigerator trucks to store bodies before people take this seriously? Our military bases all require masks, and they have a plan for two years out. This is not a hoax.

  11. Nod on November 12th, 2020 1:52 pm

    Each state is in charge of its own covid program. do not depend on the federal government it’s never been that way it’s all local. The only way the feds can make local governments do anything and enforce it is to declare martial law.this includes a mask mandate.

    I am a proud sheep, I wear a mask.

    Live free or die i hope never to meet you.

  12. Lee on November 12th, 2020 12:39 pm

    Grow up, people. Wants and needs are two different things. What we want to do is get together to watch a football game, have dinner at a restaurant with friends, go to a concert. Which family members and friends are you willing to sacrifice for a few hours of pleasure? If we want businesses to stay open with as little impact on public health as possible, we have to make some compromises. A mask is a compromise.

  13. DDD on November 12th, 2020 12:29 pm

    Well, I won’t shop in the city of Pensacola until the stupidity ends. I am sure I won’t be the only one. Hey Mayor, enjoy the lost revenue. We in the county will be just fine.

  14. Djuan on November 12th, 2020 12:05 pm

    It’s amazing. Freedom means you’re free to spread a virus that is certainly killing people and kids. Go to Waffle House on 9th. No one wears a mask going or coming. Place is crowded with folks crammed in a small place. No one told hem there is a State of Emergency either.

  15. Diane L Houser on November 12th, 2020 12:04 pm

    Face it Folks! We live in a tourist. town. TOURISTS may wear a mask at home, but while in sunny florida and our beaches, certainly masks they THINK should not apply here.
    To celebrate our NEWLY ELECTED SCIENTIFIC BASED PRESIDENT BIDEN , I went to the beach to celebrate with other BIDEN SUPPORTERS. As i walked into the SANDSHAKER i was stared at simply because I wore a mask and gloves. I ordered a water, tipped her a dollar, AND FLED THE PREMISES ASAP!
    The crowds were there, packed like sardines.

  16. Jane Doe on November 12th, 2020 11:59 am

    We all have the right to live our life the way we want and a right to our own opinions. It is easy to see where the hatred comes from. I am more scared of closed-minded people than the virus.

  17. retired on November 12th, 2020 9:43 am

    when crowds are shown in streets celebrating Biden’s win, in front of the White house, they were using social distancing JUST LIKE THEY DID AT THE FAIR.

    Got to go to the fair and spend money i don’t have, so when i’m sick everyone else can pay for it. Send me my stimulus check “JOE” and increase my unemployment check, my FREE medical, so I don’t have to work.

  18. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2020 10:36 pm

    “Each year over 480,000 people die from smoking, both second hand and direct.”

    Mostly direct. And after years of use. Not ten months after the first cigarette is sold or as little as a week after meeting someone with a cigarette. Self inflicted mortality.

    More effective treatments have been developped. Survival rate has gone up even though El Paso is having to set up temporary morgues even then. Vaccines are in development.

    There is hope. Soon someone who takes it seriously will be in office, rather than one saying he has it totally under control as over a thousand Americans a day die under his control.

    David for the honest

  19. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2020 10:22 pm

    “U people make me struggle to NOT lose my religion and lady-like language. js”

    It’s easy to keep.
    Get yourself a bumper sticker that says


    and a bracelet which asks


    (A strange religion, but there it is.)

    David for the real Saviour

  20. Bigblock345 on November 11th, 2020 9:59 pm

    Don’t worry. Your master will soon bring you the shot that will end all your worry. It will be the cure to the life that so many are frantic about.

  21. JR on November 11th, 2020 9:03 pm

    @Jordan, Trump has a political rally and the left screams “Super Spreader.” But when crowds are shown in streets celebrating Biden’s win in the election the left is completely silent. The double standard is astonishing and sad, but more astonishing are those who are to oself involved or too ignorant to even recognize the double standard.

  22. Live free or die on November 11th, 2020 9:00 pm

    One glance at these comments and all I see is cowards who buy the media tales hook, line and sinker. You’re going to have a serious meltdown when Trump’s win is certified after Biden’s illegal and fake votes are pulled out of the mix. Oh and I’m not wearing a mask; and you, the government, and whoever else damn sure can’t make me. Cower at home with your mask and gloves all day if you like till the day you die of something else. I’ve already had Covid and survived. Just like dozens of other people I know and my family members. And we didn’t go to the fair or a political rally, etc.

  23. Jane Doe on November 11th, 2020 8:19 pm

    Not one word in all the comments about Biden supporters, but Trump supporters are ignorant and pitiful. That tells you everything.

  24. Lee on November 11th, 2020 8:17 pm

    Can’t believe people don’t care enough about one another to wear a mask. What a way to lead the world.

  25. Yvonne on November 11th, 2020 6:10 pm

    Also, desantis has made Florida open up to stage 3. He doesn’t care about you living or dying. I truly don’t feel that the president has our best interest either Our lives should matter over reopening before it is safe. As a high risk family. I wear a mask. I would wear the mask anyway because it is the right thing to do. After the masks were no longer a requirement. People don’t care. How many tourists come here,spend their money, and drop off covid for us to spread.
    It isn’t fun with having kids at home from covid. It is a real headache. Husband is home too. Working. Instruments and everything. Using grocery pickup apps and having an anxiety attack because the person behind you has no mask or not socially distancing. Half of us can’t get it done. All of us can. It just depends on who’s lives we care about at the time. If it was you at risk, I bet you would think different. Some people are fine and others die. We don’t know who will be effected in what way. Just because you made it through covid okay, doesn’t man the next won’t die. It is super selfish to only care about onesself. At least teenagers and children have a reason. They can’t comprehend why they need to do it. However, if my 12 and 15 year old can distance and wear masks, then you all surely can too. Grow up and do the right thing.

  26. Hugh on November 11th, 2020 5:48 pm

    anexhaustednurse … well said…. just wear the mask wash hands an social distance

  27. James on November 11th, 2020 2:00 pm

    THE VIRUS!!! My wife and I had the virus in Jan-Feb this year, more like the flu. I think people need to think about what has happened to our country over this virus. Each year over 480,000 people die from smoking, both second hand and direct. Nobody is required to wear a mask or there is no political talk about smoking. The regular flu kills many people yearly, a corona virus. I can’t take a flu vaccine, so I just wash my hands and try to stay back from people who seem to be a little sick. Have not had the flu in over 40 years, stay healthy. We need to go on with our lives and live, this virus has done more damage to our everyday lives because of government control. Kids need to be in school and business needs to be open. Politicians can tell us we have to do this or that, but they are not hurt by the economy they still get a pay check and the rest of us suffer. Live your lives without fear, I am 74 and made it through the virus.

  28. Tom on November 11th, 2020 12:56 pm

    You know with a lot of people saying oh the masks don’t work see..the numbers are up. Well there is also a large portion of the people in this area refusing to wear one or social distance to begin with. And also sure we know the mask’s are not 100% effective that’s quite true, but what we are doing is just trying to slow the spread so the Hospital’s do not reach full capacity like North Dakota and Alabama have. It does not stop the virus but it slows it down enough to buy us time and not get overwhelmed.

  29. Selina on November 11th, 2020 12:03 pm

    Did we forget about the fair. My husband and I went just to get something to eat one night. None of the fair food workers wore mask and very few people and teens everynight had no mask. And now Pensacola is wondering why it is full of covid. No one thought about that for more than a week. Why was that fair allowed to even be here. A waste of money .

  30. anexhaustednurse on November 11th, 2020 11:46 am

    We all need to stop auguring. It’s so not helpful to anyone. This is not about who did or did not win the election, it is however about our lives. I find it truly amazing this many months out and a quarter of a million deaths, there are actually still people out there that believe that this virus isn’t real. It usually takes 2-3 weeks after an event for us to see a spike to be able to determine where it might have come from for example the stugis motorcycle rally. This spike can clearly can be traced back to the Trump rally, now that being said, do I I blame him? No. I blame the people that went and chose not to wear a mask and not social distance. We won’t know about the fair for another week or so and that will depend on how much people adhered to the protocols. If haven’t seen any spikes after the BLM protests then probably wasn’t any problems there cause again spikes are usually seen approximately 2-3 weeks after events. We all must come together and wear mask. It as clear as the nose on your face. Nurses are literally wearing space suits to take of patients. Do understand what that entails for 12 solid hours. Really? To stand at the bedside of a human being, hold their hand, gently brush their face, while you watch the heart rate and blood pressure go down very very slowly down to nothing over and over again. Until some of you people do that, please stop! To watch patients struggle to breathe on high flow oxygen or bipap. It wears on a person. Yes some people come through it just fine and they are very lucky, but not everyone does as the death rate tells us. When you are asymptomatic, you are like a mass shooter,. You are shooting a mass droplets of covid without knowing and like bullets, you may graze some, you may wound some, but you may also kill some. Now you may not know it, but what if you do, do you want to live with the guilt? Is it really to much to ask to wear a mask? I mean, really? Come on? For those of you that say I can’t breathe with one, may I remind you of the above, nurses in space suits for 12 hours, suck it up! You think nurses are all prefect healthy machines, well I’m here to tell you we are not! I’m 4 years from retirement, if you non-maskers don’t kill me first. Why don’t we try a little experiment, so it’s so obvious that we have been doing isn’t working, why don’t everyone and I mean everyone try wearing a mask for the next 2 months, just to see if the cases come down, make sure you social distance, and if I’m wrong, no harm no fowl, but if you don’t and you’re wrong there will be more cases and more deaths. It’s just an idea. The rally was a super spreader event, whether you like it or not, and no matter who held it or not. If you went or have been in contact with someone who did, I highly recommend you get tested. Now if you plan on responding with a bunch of bullying comments, all I can say is, please let me know when you would like to join us on a covid unit without a mask. I’m sincerely trying to help here and not step on anyone’s toes. I leave with everyone with this. I’m sure everyone remember where they were on 911, and how the whole nation came together as one when we lost over 3,000 human beings, can’t we do that now with a quarter of a million lives lost……. and counting.

  31. Phyllis on November 11th, 2020 10:25 am

    I recently visited Pensacola and I was amazed at how many people gathered in small spaces, no masks.
    In fact, someone made a rude comment to me because I was wearing a mask.
    Pensacola is slowly being destroyed in many ways.
    Pensacola is NOT Pensacola anymore!

  32. Jay on November 11th, 2020 10:01 am

    After reading some of the comments here, I can understand why Biden won! We might be able to cure covid, but we can not cure ignorance!

  33. Mary MATTHEISS on November 11th, 2020 9:55 am

    Social distancing( even in areas where there are large amounts of people) frequent hand washing and wearing masks when inside a public business or office can help control the spread of Covid. I find it hypocritical to blame Presidential rallies for spreading Covid when there were thousands of people rioting and protesting and nothing was mentioned on the news about Covid being spread at those events. So yes, stop watching the news and use common sense . Do what YOU need to do to handle the pandemic and stop judging and bullying others.

  34. Confused on November 11th, 2020 9:52 am

    !. I thought Pensacola had a Mask mandate, So guess that didn’t work.
    2. Pensacola Hospitals cover 400/500K residents. Pensacola population id less than 60K. (Are these Pensacola residence in the hospital?)
    3. WHAT did Trump have to do with it (My son caught it but never attended a rally or around anyone else that did?)
    4. I thought Joe ran on the Unity theme, SO where is all the Love now.?

  35. aam on November 11th, 2020 9:09 am

    Joy Bryant
    Political affiliation has nothing to do with being stupid.

  36. A alex on November 11th, 2020 8:55 am

    Ref Joe B
    So all the cases are Republicans. Go to our housing projects and see how many grouped together or not having masks on in pensacola restuarants and businesses. I have refused to go south of 9 Mile road. I needed to go to the ER Sunday but gambled in not going.

  37. Deez on November 11th, 2020 8:33 am

    @joy, I bet you are a lot of fun at parties. A JOY to be around.

  38. Alecia on November 11th, 2020 8:31 am

    Is there some rule that says if you support Trump you cannot wear a mask? Support who you want,WHO CARES, just use common sense and wear the DAMN mask!!!

  39. Charlene Ward on November 11th, 2020 8:28 am

    It’s not Trumps fault, they allowed the fair & seafood festival. Go ahead & get ready to be controlled since the Moron got elected!

  40. Charlene Ward on November 11th, 2020 8:25 am

    Figured this would happen after the fair & Seafood festival, never should have allowed these events to happen!

  41. Bama89 on November 11th, 2020 8:00 am

    “I didn’t realize so many Karens live in Pensacola”

    You do realize “Karen” is the name that’s been given to right-winged women that don’t “believe in masks” and have the same ignorant point of view as you, right?
    Just making sure you knew what you were taking about.

  42. jordan on November 11th, 2020 7:55 am

    @ Joy – thank you so much for your comment. And, yes I did forget about the fair; but since it takes about 10-14 days to spread the virus, then we should see another big count of case coming soon, Sadly, it will be about 60-65 more days before president elected Biden can start making progress on the virus and so many more people will die. I wear a mask for you but more importantly for me, The drug that they say is 90 percent effective (and still not out yet) worries me because I remember that they say that the virus keeps changing like the common flu so i worry how effective it will be,

  43. Bewildered on November 11th, 2020 7:36 am

    Europe had over the top stringent restrictions in place and yet the virus is rampant again! We will be in a pickle once Trump is gone and have nobody to blame anymore. Biden, China, the CDC “brilliant “ experts who change their minds every day, they are all off limits. Bleak days ahead!

  44. joy bryant on November 11th, 2020 5:56 am

    It is PITIFUL and STUPID that something as simple as a mask, no crowds, wash your hands, social distance – is STILL disbelieved by the pitiful TRUMP followers
    THE PROOF IS A HUGE RISE IN COVID!!!! Get off of Fox and pay attention to PBS, NBC, MSNBC, and yes your hated CNN
    Wake up or die of covid – and by the way TRUMP IS NO LONGER PRESIDENT AS OF 1-20-21 thank you !!!

  45. @ jordan on November 10th, 2020 11:58 pm

    I knew before I even read the comments , that SOMEBODY was gonna blame Trump. And say the event was a super spreader. . No nevermind the fact that the PENSACOLA INTERSTATE FAIR was just in full swing . But nobody gonna think that could have contributed. Just like all those BLM protests back a few months ago was absolutely not a factor in the spread at that time. LET’S ALL BLAME TRUMP. !! U people make me struggle to NOT lose my religion and lady-like language. js

  46. Elizabeth on November 10th, 2020 11:53 pm

    Oh you mean there was a spike in cases after a huge festival where no one had masks on? Gosh. I’m just so shocked. And the plan to do something about it is…?

  47. Jack on November 10th, 2020 11:27 pm

    Pensacola turning more liberal everyday

  48. JOE-IS-NOT-MY-PREZ on November 10th, 2020 11:14 pm

    Mask don’t work on a Covid, just look at the CDC that wear full body suits with air packs. I didnt realize so many Karen’s live in Pensacola . 99% survival rate again!!!

  49. Just saying on November 10th, 2020 11:12 pm

    I’m confused.

    First it was a hoax. Then it would go away when it got hot. Then almost nobody was dying. Then it would go away after the election. Now a quarter million Americans dead and that includes blacks, whites, liberal, conservative, Republican and Democrats.

    Go back and read Woodward’s book. POTUS knew in January. He knew the severity. He knew it was airborne.

    Then I look around the world thanks to the internet. Our most trusted allies are looking down again. People are filling their hospitals and morgues. People around the world and all the world leaders must have really hated POTUS to stage such a scam just to make him look bad.

  50. Chelleepea on November 10th, 2020 11:06 pm

    I wish people will stop calling people dying or getting sick a scam!!!

  51. Kevin on November 10th, 2020 10:47 pm

    Linda the Pensacola city limits is where all of the positives are. Your mask don’t work.

  52. Not brainwashed on November 10th, 2020 9:48 pm

    Scamdemic. No mask. Be smart. Don’t be stupid and controlled. Turn off your tv

  53. Linda on November 10th, 2020 9:30 pm

    They need the mask mandate for all of escambia not just city limits

  54. So simple on November 10th, 2020 9:30 pm

    So simple.
    No masks = Accelerated spread

  55. Jordan on November 10th, 2020 8:56 pm

    No one should be surprised by this. Trump was just here having yet another SUPER SPREADER events.

  56. Beth on November 10th, 2020 7:43 pm

    Public schools are not requiring kids to wear masks. They may report that they are but they are not.