Molino Tom Thumb Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19; Store Closed For Cleaning

November 10, 2020

The Tom Thumb in Molino is closed after an employee tested positive for COVID-19.

The employee notified Tom Thumb of their positive test result, and the store was closed Tuesday afternoon for cleaning and sanitizing by an industrial cleaning crew.

“The store will re-open in the next few days. We are grateful to all our customers for their patience and understanding during this time,” Tom Thumb said in statement to

The company said the store’s employees have been contacted and advised to follow CDC recommended guidelines.

“We are making every effort to provide the affected team member and our broader team with the necessary resources and support,” Tom Thumb said.

Pictured: The Tom Thumb at the corner of Highway 29 and Highway 97 in Molino. file photo.


13 Responses to “Molino Tom Thumb Employee Tests Positive For COVID-19; Store Closed For Cleaning”

  1. Just a thought on November 15th, 2020 6:46 am

    I say … the government should give us two weeks to get our stuff together. Then mandatory make every household quarantine for two weeks. That means shutting down everything. That way everything would go back to normal. Or am I dreaming?

  2. pencil on November 14th, 2020 10:24 pm

    Its really not a surprise, that’s a high traffic environment with workers coming in from AL every day for breakfast and lunch with no masks.

    The staff wears masks sporadically at best.

    Then the store was LATE taking social distancing measures and putting up those plastic barriers and I noticed last week they are among the FIRST area stores to remove those barriers as if the election was the only thing making them relevant.

    Molino’s numbers have steadily been going up. Grocery Advantage, the community centers and that store are just places to avoid in town if you have elderly loved ones around.

    That someone doesn’t understand the very simple concept that masks protect others, not you is at the root of the problem.

  3. Just wondering on November 13th, 2020 3:03 pm

    Does anyone know when the store might reopen

  4. 429SCJ on November 12th, 2020 11:53 pm

    I ceased patronage there months ago, after they changed the sausage gravy.

    I hope that no one gets sick or dies; prayers also.

  5. DDD on November 12th, 2020 9:56 am

    Mask issue again??? if your mask works, then you are safe from those of us who don’t believe they work. Suck it up and drive on; next topic.

  6. Rasheed Jackson on November 12th, 2020 9:07 am

    So we can’t just be happy dividing along racial lines now, we got to start dividing along maskers and non-maskers. Yeah I made that word up, masker; people who wear masks, non-maskers; well you get the picture.

    It does not take much to get people in this country to draw a line in the sand. Yes masks are for the protection of people around you but if you are constantly touching it and adjusting it then not washing or sanitizing your hands, you are the spreader and the problem. A person without a mask that does not constantly touch their face nose and eyes is least likely to spread the virus than a masker that handles the mask then does a business transaction.

    I wear a mask when asked but I also sanitize my hands. Sanitizing and washing your hands works to protect you and the people you come in contact with, and is the best defense against this virus. According to the CDC guidelines, washing your hands is first on the list of things to do to prevent the spread. Second is distancing, and third on the list is, wear a mask.

    I have no problem with Maskers or Non-maskers. I have no problem with people who distance that is good. I do have a problem with “close talkers”. I did not like close talker even before the Covid hit. And I do have a problem with “nasty”. There are some people who are just nasty, and no mask is going to fix that. So, mask or no mask, keep your distance and wash and or sanitize. GOD BLESS AMERICA and her Citizens!

  7. Phillip Ware-Ehlers on November 12th, 2020 7:27 am

    The mask is not for your protection, it is to protect others from you. This is why so many people show no respect for others, by not wearing a mask. They only care about themselves.

  8. L. B. on November 12th, 2020 7:03 am

    CW you are so politically correct,. The glass is Half Full or the glass is Half Empty.
    Molino Mon I understand just what you mean. The Mask is for your protection and the protection of others. “WARE YOUR MASK IN PUBLIC PLACES, SOCIAL DISTANCE, AND TRY TO WASH YOU NASTY HANDS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE”. The GAS PUMPS, DOOR KNOBS and HANDLES, BATHROOMS, GROCERY ITEMS; ETC; This Virus is “NOT A JOKE”. People are still Dieing everyday folks.

  9. SMH on November 12th, 2020 6:02 am

    Yall are funny with this mask thing it was a non mask wearer who spread it

  10. CW on November 11th, 2020 9:20 am

    @Molino Mom

    You have it backwards. The mask is to protect others from you, not to protect yourself.

  11. joy bryant on November 11th, 2020 6:41 am

    Anyone who has any intelligence understand that the mask is for EVERYONES PROTECTION! and those that do not wear one are risking my life as well as their own.

  12. Molino Mom on November 10th, 2020 10:50 pm

    Again, your mask is for YOUR own protection. If you want to wear one, do so, but don’t shame others for their decision.

  13. Chelleepea on November 10th, 2020 6:23 pm

    I’ve noticed most of the customers don’t wear a mask in there and they look at my mask like I’m an alien from another planet! I hope the employee don’t have any symptoms or just mild ones.