Ivey Extends Alabama Mask Order Until December 11

November 5, 2020

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey on Thursday announced that the state’s mask order has been extended until Friday, December 11. It was set to expire on Sunday.

Ivey said she had hoped to change the order into a strong recommendation, but it’s simply not time. She said with the impending flu season, the flu and COVID-19 could be a “deadly combination”.

“I know you can’t go on forever with a government mandate,” Ivey said. “I am willing to keep the mask order in place acknowledging that sooner or later it will be up to each up us to do the right thing.”

She did roll back restrictions on retail stores and restaurants, and close contact service providers such as hair and nail salons, allowing them to return to full capacity if everyone is following CDC guidelines.

“If you mask up and social distance, you can increase occupancy in your businesses,” Ivey said.


  • Occupancy rates were removed for retailers, fitness centers and entertainment venues.
  • An exception to social-distancing rules will be allowed for many businesses, including barber shops, hair salons, gyms, and restaurants, if people are wearing masks and separated by an “impermeable” barrier such as plexiglass partitions.


22 Responses to “Ivey Extends Alabama Mask Order Until December 11”

  1. LMT on November 9th, 2020 8:00 pm

    I can’t work on someone with a mask on I do facials and massage and what good does it do if only I am wearing a mask. We sanitize our rooms before and after each session. and screen everyone when they come in. We wash our hands before and after each client, and use hand sanitizer often. This seems like a more worthwhile practice than requiring service workers to wear masks and not our patrons. In restaurants, the patrons outnumber the workers anyway so what is the damn point of all of this??? Maybe a requirement to use hand sanitizer and have patrons wash their hands upon entering a facility would be a more worthwhile cause? I just know this is absurd and annoying to say the least

  2. nod on November 7th, 2020 11:30 am

    BAH BAH BAH bring it on i am a sheep and proud of it, but if necessary i can be a ram to protect my family from those of you who do not conform to a mask that helps. no threat just stay away from me and mine and i will stay away from you that refuse to wear a mask. why try to belittle me for that.

  3. Truth Bomb on November 7th, 2020 1:15 am

    Americans should not be wearing mask period.


  4. BRING IT ON on November 7th, 2020 12:31 am

    DeSantis is a much more logical governor. I’ve yet to conform to mask wearing and travel cross country regularly. Wearing a mask makes you sheep.

  5. Bart on November 6th, 2020 5:57 pm

    Mask do work!!! The cases are continuing to rise because people have quit wearing them. You can look at the graph of any state and see the rapid decline in cases two weeks after mandatory mask orders were put into place. The cases have steadily increased because some states have lifted their orders and people have quit wearing them in states that still have a mask order in place. It doesn’t help matters that our top leader continues to belittle the doctors and scientist while telling people it’s fake and not to wear a mask.

  6. Bob on November 6th, 2020 4:07 pm


    “Any number less than 100% means it ain’t working”

    Some people die in car wrecks, even if they’re wearing seatbelts. Seatbelts don’t work and we should stop using them.
    Some people die of cancer, even if they were receiving chemotherapy. Chemo doesn’t work and we should stop using it.
    Some people die from foodborne illness every year, even though the FDA tries to prevent it. The FDA doesn’t work and we should stop using it.

    Masks aren’t perfect, but they help. The consensus is that the transmission rate of airborne respiratory droplets is reduced by anywhere from 70% to 95%, depending on the material of the mask and whether it is worn correctly.

  7. Jon on November 6th, 2020 1:04 pm

    Mandate that lot of people haven’t been following. Stores have signs requiring masks but let people walk In and shop without one. So what’s the point if requiring a mask if you wint enforce it. Ignorant ass people refusing to social distance weark masks etc. Is why the number is as high as it is.

  8. Henry Coe on November 6th, 2020 12:35 pm

    When socializing with others you are either working to stop the spread of Covid-19 or you are helping it to be able to spread. Wear the mask when around others and wash your hands.
    Looking at other countries and how they have handled stopping or slowing down the spread of Covid-19 gives us a very accurate accounting for know what works and what doesn’t work. This is about science. Some have tried making this into a political wedge issues. Let’s just ask Herman Cain what he now thinks about not wearing a mask, social distancing and washing hands.

  9. Roger on November 5th, 2020 11:49 pm

    To educate yourselk, You say mask don’t work 100% of the time, is that like being somewhat pregnant? Either it works or it doesn’t. Any number less than 100% means it ain’t working. If your cell phone only worked some of the time, would you it was working effectively?

  10. Roger on November 5th, 2020 10:22 pm

    We have been under a mandatory mask order for several weeks and yet the number of cases continue to rise. That fact alone says “Mask Don’t Work”. I have people tell me they have a stomack virus all the times. A virus is a virus, the mask doesn’t control the spread of the stomach virus and will not stop the spread of COVID.

  11. Stumpknocker on November 5th, 2020 8:23 pm

    Lol, more like I was hoping all the votes would have been counted by now, so let’s push this out a little further, lol . Don’t want JB miss out on getting credit for eradicating the C-19, lol , right!!!!!

  12. MAX on November 5th, 2020 7:47 pm

    Again..cases are simply positive tests. One may be totally asymptomatic…no fever, no cough, no loss of smell or taste, none of the myriad of symptoms that are being tossed around, yet have a positive test…which is now being touted as “cases”…

    I’ve heard people say “The paper says we have to stay at home, but I’ve only got a quarter tank of gas”. They haven’t read beyond the headline to see all the things you CAN do..the most important in my mind is get outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine WITHOUT a mask on!!

  13. MAX on November 5th, 2020 7:38 pm

    “Cases” are not physically ill, sick, or hospitalized persons. They simply represent “positive” tests. The number of hospitalized individuals, along with the death rate has dropped significantly, but since more people are being tested, the media and government have to have something to continue to hold control over the population, and the increasing number of “cases” is their scare tactic. The CDC has said that large numbers of previously reported covid deaths were not really covid, but illnesses and diseases the individuals were already suffering from. OSHA has indicated there are no masks that shield against the virus – none are made for that purpose! Constant wearing of masks leads to reduced immunity against a variety of things our systems would ordinarily be fighting. It is not beyond belief that come next spring or summer there will be significant numbers of people suffering from a number of illnesses simply because they’ve compromised their immune system by wearing a mask for better part of a year! It’s beyond safety and health now, it’s about control.

  14. Educate yourself on November 5th, 2020 7:35 pm

    How is it there are claims that masks do not work? They do work. They may not be 100% effective, however they do provide some protection. I also take it that you’re insinuating that all medical professionals should throw the masks to the side because they DO NOT WORK. Keep reading your CDC guidelines, facts, etc. I’m sure you’re also the one to claim that you have no fear over catching it. Everyone has their own “fact based opinion” regarding Covid. We all protect ourselves according to what we feel comfortable with. Some more than others.

  15. Nov 3d Virus??? on November 5th, 2020 7:15 pm

    Thank God.

    @Steve-Quit touching your face every 5 minutes & handle/store your mask correctly, it will work. :)

    I work 8-12 hour shifts and everyone I work with has no issues “touching their face” and luckily we get a new one every day.

    Masks work if you wear them correctly, get a mask that fits and wear it right!

  16. Steve on November 5th, 2020 6:57 pm

    memmaw needs to go home and let the younger generation handle this issue. I see her doing this over false info. MASK DO NOT WORK when used as a cover for all day and multiple days on end. Also touching it every 5 minutes dont help either.

  17. Lucie Wesson on November 5th, 2020 6:38 pm

    Good news I have been watching the Cornovirus cases grow every day and most Alabama cities
    don’t have quarantine stations for the homeless
    and Medicaid for every one.

  18. Caraway on November 5th, 2020 4:07 pm

    @josh jones

    “There would be no need for masks if the environment was sterile.”

    It’s to keep you from contaminating said sterile environment….

  19. if used properly on November 5th, 2020 3:30 pm

    This is a step continued in the right direction and is helping, but MAN I wish people would use them correctly. If you’ve got your nose hanging out, breathing all over everyone, it is not as effective as it’s meant to be. If everyone would take this seriously, we could drastically reduce cases. I see people everywhere ignoring the mask mandate and no one is enforcing it either.

  20. Josh Jones on November 5th, 2020 2:51 pm


    “Masks are meant to be used in a sterile environment.”

    There would be no need for masks if the environment was sterile.

    In addition, what would the number of new cases of covid be if there were no masks being used? I’m betting a much greater number than 141K.

  21. Jason on November 5th, 2020 2:18 pm

    Alabama has had a mandatory mask requirement since July 15th. Cases of the CoronaVirus have grown by 141,000 during the past 16 weeks. Should be an clear example that MASKS DONT WORK. How could they?? The virus particles are smaller than the weave on every masks. Masks are meant to be used in a sterile environment. I am truly surprised more people arent sick for a respiratory illness from continuously wearing dirty masks.

    I also note that the infection rate in Alabama is FOUR-TENTHS (4/10) of 1%. Just roll my eyes.

  22. EMD on November 5th, 2020 12:44 pm

    I do not know if I agree, but I really like Alabama’s governor. And, I believe that she really has been doing what she believes is best.