Gulf Power Customers To See Slight Electric Rate Increase In January

November 5, 2020

Gulf Power customers will see a small rate increase on their bills in January.

Gulf Power residential customers that use 1,000 kilowatt hours in a month will see their bill increase by 19 cents from $140.43 to $140.62, according to the Florida Public Service Commission. The 1,000 kilowatt hours in an example; actual usage varies widely among consumers.

Customers of Florida Power & Light, the parent company of Gulf Power, will see a $2.62 increase for 1,000 kilowatt hours. Their total bill for example usage will increase to $99.05.


17 Responses to “Gulf Power Customers To See Slight Electric Rate Increase In January”

  1. Melissa Pellizzeri on February 4th, 2021 7:07 pm

    My bill went from 90 something a month to 162 in January. This month its 112. That’s quite of an increase, especially living alone, only run heater in morning to get ready for work. Im gone all day so all lights are off. How in the heck is my power bill so much.

  2. nod on November 7th, 2020 11:39 am

    ss check goes up $20. food goes up, rent gores up, gulf power goes up for 3rd time this year and it will go up again m in jan. how am i going to afford to keep paying $300 for my cable and $150 for my cell phone? i know i will cut back on my water bill by stop taking showers,
    really things do get tough to pay and a nickel here and a nickel there add up to people on a fixed income.

  3. Fact on November 7th, 2020 8:45 am


    Everybody else: WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?


  4. terry on November 5th, 2020 8:27 pm

    Should see a reduction,because of the hurricanes,some people didnt have power for almost aweek.

  5. Carl on November 5th, 2020 3:41 pm

    @Josh. For most people its more than .19 cents. For most houses its more like double that. On top of the 10% increase they did in January of this year and the Hurricane Michael increase last July. @Dale got it right about going solar.

  6. joy bryant on November 5th, 2020 3:16 pm

    WHY NOT??? people have lost their jobs, people are being evicted, the time of day we need heat -IT IS THE HIGHEST RATE- and people can’t afford to turn on the heat MUCH LESS THE AC – it is called GREED GREED AND MORE GREED Being in a hurricane zone WHY DON’T THEY BURY THE LINES

  7. Tom on November 5th, 2020 1:12 pm

    (Dale) I myself am on EREC power. But it did not stop me so far I have about half my house running on solar and wind alone. It really is not expensive or hard if one just reads into the setup of such systems. my 19cents worth

  8. T Allen on November 5th, 2020 11:58 am

    Just ridiculous the way they continue to increase increase increase…people struggle as it is to keep that ridiculous power bill paid..The good people in charge or that own Gulf Power could care less. Increase? It was supposed to be cheaper once they merged but just look now increase.They going broke poor Gulf Power,..Gulf Power is already outrageous with the current charges. They keep on with the increases and many wil struggle even more so just to keep it paid up and Gulf Power won’t hesitate to shut it down..They are GREEDY it’s a fact and have been for years. It starts with a small increase but that’s just so they can nudge it up again soon
    .To anyone.that says theirmpowernwas back on in record time well good for you, because we were the last to get it back almost 7 days later..Only to lose it again for 2 days when just a littlemwind.

  9. T Allen on November 5th, 2020 11:55 am

    Just ridiculous the way they continue to increase increase increase…people struggle as it is to keep that ridiculous power bill paid..The good people in charge or that own Gulf Power could care less. Increase? It was supposed to be cheaper once they merged but just look now increase.They going broke poor Gulf Power,..Gulf Power is already outrageous with the current charges. They keep on with the increases and many wil struggle even more so just to keep it paid up and Gulf Power won’t hesitate to shut it down..They are GREEDY it’s a fact and have been for years.

  10. WOW on November 5th, 2020 9:23 am

    didnt see a single gulf power truck during sally.. guys from gulfport fixed us up on chemstrand near nine mile. guess we are paying for all the people who cant pay for themselves. always knew the power company and the government had alot in common.

  11. Josh Jones on November 5th, 2020 8:59 am

    I am grateful to Gulf Power and all the sister electric companies who worked so hard to restore my power after Sally. We were without power so much less time than in previous hurricanes.

    I, for one, will not have too much difficulty in coming up with an extra 19 cents a month. If I have to I can search under my couch cushions or in my car ashtray.

    Geez folks – it’s $.19/mo. Let me know when the rate is raised by $1/mo.

  12. ensley boy on November 5th, 2020 8:59 am

    But the good news is that I am clearing a whopping 45 cent raise per month starting in January on my social security benefit.

  13. Dale on November 5th, 2020 8:23 am

    Time to convert to solar power.

  14. mat on November 5th, 2020 8:06 am

    Let me get this right.

    Gulf Power customers will pay .19 more per 1000 kilowatt hours.
    Gulf Power Total 140.62

    Florida Power and Light will pay 2.62 more per 1000 kilowatt hours
    Florida Power and Light Total 99.05

    Why are we (gulf power customers) paying a whole lot more than
    the Florida Power and Light customers?

    Isnt Florida Power and Light the Parent company of Gulf Power?

  15. Lou on November 5th, 2020 7:12 am

    Shocked? NO! And what can we consumers do….nothing!

  16. Surprise on November 5th, 2020 6:55 am

    Knew this was coming. Heard they were notorious for this in south Florida before buying Gulf Power. Guess I’ll be looking for power from somewhere else. Oh wait, I almost forgot that they are a monopoly.

  17. Shocked on November 5th, 2020 6:23 am

    Wow I am shocked! They already have been increasing Bills. What are we having to do pay for this new gas line they are putting through? Poor people can’t get a break.