Flomaton Police Captain Resigns After Facebook Post

November 6, 2020

A Flomaton Police Department captain has resigned following a controversial Facebook post.

Scott Waldon submitted his resignation Friday.

“They need to line up ev1 of them and put a bullet in their skull,” Walden commented from his personal Facebook account on Thursday. His reply was made to another individual’s post that stated, “The idiots that voted for Biden hated Trump enough to throw the country away. Thank the lying liberals and democrats news media”.

In another post on his personal page, Walden said he was calling for the punishment for treason as prescribed by law, not any kind of violence.

He was placed on administrative leave on Thursday by Flomaton Police Chief Charles Thompson who said the statements could result in termination.

“This Police Department docs not, and will not, condone or represent the alarming comments, made by the former officer. They arc completely against this Department and Towns mission task. The Flomaton Police Department will conduct matters with Respect, Integrity, Pride, and strive for Law Enforcement Excellence. I want our Community, State, and Country to know we will continue to uphold our Oath of Office and serve our citizens and visitors to the best of this Department’s ability,” Thompson wrote in a press release midday Friday.


49 Responses to “Flomaton Police Captain Resigns After Facebook Post”

  1. Rico on November 11th, 2020 8:25 pm

    It’s STUPID to even have a facebook account. It’s even worse when you post things like this officer did!

  2. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2020 7:25 pm

    “If this crap (I hope you don’t mind me correcting your typographical error, dhg) is funny to you….i dont wanna be in your stand-up comedy audience.”

    Poor thing.

    I never said it was, just responded to the prior claim that it was. And I agreed with you it would be a poor joke.

    David for better reading comprehension

  3. David Huie Green on November 11th, 2020 7:19 pm

    “1. Truth, it wasn’t a joke nor funny.
    2. Dementia is initially played off as a joke. So your assumption (despite your argument prior that we can’t assume to know intent) is probably true”

    The only ones claiming anything was a joke were those saying the suggestion bullets should be put through the heads of people who didn’t vote his way was just a funny joke. Ha. Ha.

    The dementia claim was in regard to President-Elect Biden in the introduction of his granddaughters on the basis of who was the father of which one. From the entire statement, it is clear that was what he was doing — unless someone were intentionally misunderstanding. The writer in the article wrote it up that way.

    Biden never claimed to be joking or not knowing the difference between a boy and a girl.

    David for literacy

  4. kluv on November 11th, 2020 5:36 pm

    i am so glad they have removed this dangerous captain.

  5. nateee on November 11th, 2020 1:45 am

    This Police Chief Needs A Raise And A Medal !

  6. ME on November 10th, 2020 9:25 am

    yes!!!! he should be fired there is NO Rime or Reason for what he said ..this man is an officer of law and order….there is No order to him…he should NEVER work in law enforcement again in this life.

  7. Hexlinger on November 10th, 2020 1:31 am

    No one in positions of authority should ever be misunderstood or misquoted. Imagine…if you will…that perhaps in an alternate world…that perhaps only black people and native americans voted for biden. If that were the case and an officer (any officer) of the law said those exact same words that officer would be in line for genocide. Or………communism. this officer has become what he states he doesnt want.

    This was not a joke….nor is it funny. This is a statement by a public official showing his authoritarianism and not exercising caution for consequence. If this ctap is funny to you….i dont wanna be in your stand upcomedy audience.

  8. jason on November 9th, 2020 3:29 pm

    Have u ever wondered why there’s people around the world that think the US is fake and our elections are rigged like they are in china and Russia. For years china an Russia have been trying to make the world believe this. now our president says the same thing and they show video of him saying the same thing . now where making world news with a police captain saying if they didn’t vote right they should be shot. what kind of citizen are you

  9. AML on November 9th, 2020 3:01 pm

    1. We can not assume his meaning or he is joking.
    2. We know it was a honest mistake. Like any grandparent.

    1. Truth, it wasn’t a joke nor funny.
    2. Dementia is initially played off as a joke. So your assumption (despite your argument prior that we can’t assume to know intent) is probably true.

  10. Floridatexan on November 9th, 2020 11:47 am

    To anyone defending this sorry excuse for a human being, you are definitely part of the problem with this country. I hope this man never works in law enforcement again.

  11. Robert Bruner on November 9th, 2020 6:14 am

    As the saying goes, Get off of the field, you lost the game. Complain all you want if it makes you feel better, but you still lost. The first stage of grief is denial. Just work your way through the process.

  12. Durk on November 8th, 2020 10:44 pm

    Not seeing the problem.

  13. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2020 12:56 am

    “Biden introduced his 20 year old granddaughter Finnegan to his supporters and the press as his deceased son Beau ! I could not believe it when I read this story”

    A grain of salt might have come in handy.

    “Introducing supporters to his family, he put his arm around one granddaughter’s shoulder, saying: “I want to introduce you to two of my granddaughters … this is my son, Beau Biden who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware.”

    “”This is my granddaughter, Natalie. No wait, no wait,” he added, after putting his arm around Finnegan Biden, Hunter’s daughter. “We got the wrong one. This is Beau’s daughter.”

    “Biden then put his arm around his granddaughter’s shoulder, saying, “this is Natalie, this is Beau’s daughter.”

    The second paragraph shows he started to introduce her as Beau’s daughter, Natalie, then corrected himself to say the other one was Beau’s daughter. As to grandparents calling out the wrong name of grandchildren, that is not uncommon.


    Richard and Bernie are older and younger brothers. Marcus and John are older and younger brothers.

    The grandmother of all of them called one Richard when only Marcus and John were in the house.

    Marcus looked at John and asked, “Was she talking to me or to you?”

    “She was talking to you. If she had meant me, she would have said Bernie.”

  14. David Huie Green on November 8th, 2020 12:10 am

    “What do you people not understand about hyperbole?”

    HYPERBOLE: obvious and intentional exaggeration.

    If it is not obvious that it was intended as hyperbole, then it fails the definition of hyperbole. The fact that many agreed shows they took it seriously.

    Another problem is that we don’t know it was an exaggeration. What makes you think he was exaggerating? The fact that murder is bad? People commit murder, especially when they have others egging them on.

    And what would he have been exaggerating? What would be the unexaggerated punishment for voting against a known liar with no sense of honor? When I see all the terrible things about President-elect Biden, I don’t see any which aren’t lies he and his worshipers made up.

    Would you defend a man who said your children should be killed? Especially if he never claimed to be joking? But even if he were, would you want an employee who thought killing your loved ones was funny?

    Regardless, many killers talked about killing someone before they did it. People around them didn’t think they were serious.

    David for better jokes, better people

  15. Bewildered on November 7th, 2020 10:35 pm

    Democrats used Biden as a Trojan horse. No one in his right mind believes a man who does not recall the names and faces of his family members anymore can lead our nation. Biden introduced his 20 year old granddaughter Finnegan to his supporters and the press as his deceased son Beau ! I could not believe it when I read this story in European newspapers who are 100% against Trump. Several more wrong details and an effort to correct himself ( after looking at perplexed faces) left Biden even more confused.

  16. Duns Megus on November 7th, 2020 9:37 pm

    What do you people not understand about hyperbole?

  17. Christopher Osborne on November 7th, 2020 9:15 pm

    Now that was real smart of you

  18. Dude14 on November 7th, 2020 7:12 pm

    What’s wrong with this country is that Adults are spelling the word “Everyone”. Ev1!!!!

  19. Lee on November 7th, 2020 6:04 pm

    Every thought that pops into your head does not need to come out of your mouth. Civility shouldn’t be so hard.

  20. Citizen on November 7th, 2020 3:46 pm

    No actually I meant look up treason law in the USA.
    There is a difference between a dissident and traitor. They is much rhetoric and hyperbole spread around and I encourage critical thinking and civility and self reflection. I wish others would do the same.
    I have at times felt there is sedition in the country. The critical race theorists want to take down western civilization. Some of the tenants in the social justice agenda is the result of anti American brainwashing.

    So far I suppose we are still working with in the system of our constitutional republic

    Many are very concerned about the push to take down the system though and have became aware of the chants such as “No more borders, no more walls, no more USA at all”. Socialism and communism and anarchists are trying to get a foothold.

    The war on police is wrong, however to hold them to higher standards is right.

    We need the middle ground and our government to work like it’s supposed to.

    Personally I also hope to see Pelosi Shumer and Schiff out. They have been causing the conflict and accomplished little.

    It would be nice if people didn’t stereotype and assume things.

    Some people were brought up to respect the flag and pledged allegiance to the republic for which it stands, The woke mob will not listen.

    Riots are wrong.

  21. Citizen of the nation on November 7th, 2020 2:42 pm

    THAT “TRUMPTRAIN” GOT DERAILED. Now we can move on and put race and politics aside. Lets love each other. White, black, purple, green, or blue..YOU ARE MY BROTHERS KEEPER!! Be brothers and sisters and help and be there for each other no matter who u voted for or your race. Life is to short. Alot of people talk about gangs and who ridiculous they look killing and fighting over a color… well what exactly is going on now with politics??? Red against blue right?? Blood against crips??!!! Stop the foolishness and lets make OUR world a better world to live in!

  22. skizzo on November 7th, 2020 2:37 pm

    The people defending this scumbag are disgusting humans.

  23. Smh on November 7th, 2020 12:59 pm

    Weather you vote Trump or Biden we all bleed red open your eyes people GOD is love not hate.

  24. kane on November 7th, 2020 11:13 am

    @JTV and @sueb Freedom of Speech means you can say whatever you like but it does not mean you are free from the consequences of what you say.

    You are free to go to a bar and have a drink but if you get pulled over your still getting a dui.

    And JTV you are correct those Doctors should be punished for stealing those Trump flags/signs whichever one it was just like that man in Hains Fl. who was punished for sealing a bulldozer to destroy Biden billboards in peoples yards.

    This is false accountability trying to justify someone’s behavior based on something another person has done. At the end of the day we are responsible for our own actions no matter what ev1 else has done.

  25. kane on November 7th, 2020 10:55 am

    If a kid made threats like this about “putting bullets in ev1 skull at school” on facebook they would have been arrested.

    @JTV Were the Doctors government employees hired to protect and serve the public? Also do they think putting bullets into peoples skulls a good thing?

    @Jerry Nope if he had said that about Trump supporters I would want him gone just as much. That type of sentiment towards fellow Americans exorcising their RIGHTs should not be tolerated in any government position Democrat or Republican.

    @Citizen It seems that you are trying to in a veiled way say that he was right which would put you on the problem side of this issue.

    @name “This dude” Was an officer of the law not just “a dude”. Trump did not destroy this country Obama didn’t destroy this country so I highly doubt Biden will either. You are very salty that your candidate of choice may not win so you are lashing out at ev1 of them.

    @BRING IT ON Have you been to many third world countries? We are no where near that for our country to become like that would take a major world shaking event. The economy would need to collapse the supply chains would need to be broken so much would have to he undone for a country built on our ability to pull ourselves up out of impoverishment to fall. We didn’t start out as a major power our ancestors (almost immigrants ev1) worked for that fought for that lived and dreamed for it to happen. One President will not break us only we can do that.

  26. JTV on November 7th, 2020 9:55 am

    The first amendment gives the right of freedom of speech. Although he is stupid and has been dealt with by loosing his job. The two doctors decided to steal a piece of property with their kids in tow, begging them not to do it. Now, stupidity, typing out an opinion looses job. Which I certainly agree with, but a mother and father committed a crime of of theft, child neglect and contributing to the delinquency of a minor both still have their job. Just as some have stated, this is not needed in a law enforcement position. In the same breath, the actions of these medical personnel is not needed in this position.

  27. sueB on November 7th, 2020 9:29 am

    I agree with the officer. However, the officer is in a position of authority and should know when and what to say even though we the people have freedom of speech. At least you will be hired again.

  28. sue byrd on November 7th, 2020 9:28 am

    I agree with the officer. However, the officer in a position of authority and should know when and what to say even though we the people have freedom of speech. At least you will be hired again.

  29. Your Voting Right on November 7th, 2020 8:32 am

    As I read some of the comments concerning this incident and how passionate people is about it; that’s the exact reason that people have the constitutional right to support and vote for whoever they choose to. When someone gets that upset about other people choices of who they vote for, it is a sure sign of irrational thinking. It is apparent that Mr. Walden has issues and should not be allowed to serve on anyone’s police force. It really makes me sad to see the state that America is in right now, and as bad as I feel about the way Donald Trump has brought so much divisiveness to this country, his supporters still have the right to vote for him. I know most of us have political affiliations that we align ourselves with and believe in the principles of those affiliations, but regardless of who is occupying the office of the President, it doesn’t have much change or effect on our everyday lives. We just like to complain when the opposition is in power, because that is what we do. So just hope that the next four years are better!

  30. Alecia on November 7th, 2020 7:48 am

    This idiot got exactly what He deserves,He was a danger on our streets!

  31. jooy bryant on November 7th, 2020 6:50 am

    STAY OFF OF FOX – watch ALL channels – get the truth and most of all STOP THE HATE, RACISIM, PREUDICE AND BIGGOTRY – that is the bottom line
    Don’t pretend to be a Christian and hate Mexicans, blacks, and gays – that makes you NOT a Christian!!!


  32. Robert Bruner on November 7th, 2020 4:20 am

    Trumpers are mad and vindictive since their man lost the election. Now you know how Dems felt for the past 4 years.

  33. Dalton on November 7th, 2020 2:21 am

    Maaaan…we take Facebook way too serious nowadays. I am completely shocked that someone can be forced to resign from a Facebook comment lol. If yall seen some of the comments I’ve made out of frustration or simply just thinking I’m funny…you’d probably want me in jail. I guess it ain’t just the big cities…the softness is among us now.

  34. Jerry on November 7th, 2020 12:47 am

    If anyone else made those threats online they would be arrested

  35. BRING IT ON on November 7th, 2020 12:25 am

    I agree with the officer.Have any of you ever really experienced a third world country ? If not check it out for a year or 2 because that’s where we’re headed. You get what you vote for

  36. William on November 7th, 2020 12:17 am

    We’re very fortunate that this officer “outed” himself before he could apply his power tainted with his bias and prejudice. There are plenty of people that are either overtly aware of their behavior towards others or demonstrate unconscious bias towards others. Whether forced or willing, having Mr. Walden off the force is best for the public. Additionally, his comments (and probable future behavior) provide an example of why we should have data on law enforcement. We do it for food safety (handling, cleanliness, etc.), credit worthiness (payment history, repossession, collections, etc.), teaching credentials (drug and alcohol abuse, criminal record, etc.), gun ownership (felon, mental health, domestic violence, etc.), and the list goes on. The same risk determination needs to be applied to LEO and after they pin their badge. The expectation is not perfection but for someone like Mr. Walden who openly shares his hostility towards others with a different political view, they need to be DQ’d for reasons of public safety as they are clearly ignorant and also incapable of sound judgment and they taint “the good ones.”

  37. @ name on November 7th, 2020 12:08 am

    So u think it’s ok for those people to tear down a flag( even tho it was not an American flag. It was still a flag) which was an actual physical event or happening. But this dude typed an opinion or statement
    ( which I for one agree with 110% ) and u wanna say he is part of a problem?? U must be supporting that Ben Hiden Lie’N Joe Biden. THAT snake in the grass and his entire family( both blood and political) ARE THE PROBLEM! Which would make U a part of the real problem! &U ain’t seen a problem yet. Let that incompetent puppet get in office and u gone see a problem. Real , life changing problems! Trump may be an arrogant and slightly over zelous. And may come across as an Ahole at times. But he was all for our country and we were top of his list . It was all for the good of us as Americans. He is a realist and the Demon-crats hated him bc he could not be bought or intimidated into going along with their shady agendas .!

  38. Larry Jackson on November 6th, 2020 11:15 pm

    It couldn’t have happened to a better person! Don’t no Police Department deserve a loser like him! They use to call him jump out boys when he was here in Atmore! The only thing he’s jumping out of now is his BADGE! GOODBYE SPIKE!!!

  39. Citizen on November 6th, 2020 9:03 pm

    People we really need to ask ourselves as a country why are we so divided. Much has to do with social media and the ability to take a few seconds of a persons typed word and ignite a wildfire. The police have been under fire politically and the media fans the flame. Look at our current reality and figure out how to go forth and do better. A start look up Karpman drama triangle and try to avoid conflict

    Its no secret the democrats have tried to unseat the POTUS since 2016. It does seem like a long running attempt to over throw the president.

    Be smart look up treason law. Congress sets the penalty.

    We have at our grasp the ability to be informed and civil. Do it.

  40. Citizen of the nation on November 6th, 2020 9:01 pm

    Im happy he is gone… TRUMP DIDNT MAKE PEOPLE RACIST, HE JUST MADE THEM COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO REALLY SHOW IT. This guy doesn’t deserve to serve anything. He is pathetic. I wonder what would he do if he stopped someone that didnt vote for trump

  41. Concerning on November 6th, 2020 6:03 pm

    Ev1 of them?

    At the present time, that would mean the execution of 74 million Americans.

    Somehow, this doesn’t seem like it would make America great at all.

  42. Don Hamilton on November 6th, 2020 3:58 pm

    I think he made the best decision to resign so now he can leave the town, hopefully take his family too finish boxing up that useless store and move on. It will be interesting to see the next small town that lets him slip through the cracks. I’m not sure what department would want to take on this kind of baggage.

  43. Thomas Paine on November 6th, 2020 3:37 pm


    There’s a pretty wide gap between tearing down the flag of a political candidate and threatening to put a bullet in someone’s skull. Unfortunately, the little bubbles that we put ourselves in these days make that seem like a big deal.

  44. Jerry on November 6th, 2020 3:34 pm

    If he was a Democrat and was talking that way about republicans, he still have a job nobody would care

  45. Name on November 6th, 2020 3:20 pm

    Uhhh tearing down a flag – not even an American flag at that – is HUGELY different than calling for the execution of fellow Americans. BY A COP AT THAT. If you can’t see the difference in the two I pray for your logic & reasoning as you are part of the problem that leads to this way of thinking.

  46. Policethepolice on November 6th, 2020 3:17 pm

    He will just move on to the next job…. nothing to a God ole boy like him. Im sure he has plenty of friends in high places.

  47. Good riddance on November 6th, 2020 3:14 pm

    Let’s not all act like this man and half that police station isn’t racist and hateful. Good riddance you deserve it

  48. JTV on November 6th, 2020 3:01 pm

    Yet the doctors that rip down Trump flags with their kids are still employed.

  49. Confucius on November 6th, 2020 2:59 pm

    Knowledge is knowing what to say…. Wisdom is knowing when to say it.