Escambia School District Keeping COVID-19 Restrictions In Place Until At Least January

November 16, 2020

The Escambia County School District will keep COVID-19 restrictions in place until at least January.

“The district planned to review restrictions concerning visitors, volunteers and mentors on November 13,” incoming school superintendent Dr. Timothy Smith said.  “As much as we look forward to allowing parents and volunteers back on campus, we have to look at the data.  That data indicates we should continue following the restrictions currently in place.”

As of Friday, there were 25 COVID-19 positive students and 25 positive staff members in the Escambia County School District. There were 645 students and 44 staff members excluded from school due to a positive COVID-19 test result, awaiting a test result or close contact to a positive case.

“We are aware of the COVID data which indicates an increase in our state over the last two-three weeks. Therefore, we will reevaluate in January 2021 after reviewing the data on current patterns and trends,” Smith said.


7 Responses to “Escambia School District Keeping COVID-19 Restrictions In Place Until At Least January”

  1. No Excuses on November 18th, 2020 6:34 pm

    For those of you thinking that masks are mandatory, they are NOT. We cannot force students to wear mask, although we strongly encourage it. I even go so far as to ask a student to mask up if he or she wants my assistance, since I regularly wear an N-95 mask due to health issues. They do out of respect for me, even if they don’t wear it when I’m across the room.

    Like everyone else, school personnel have gotten complacent. I know teachers who have been sent home with COVID, and while not pleasant, wasn’t as devastating as they thought it would be. However, for those with underlying conditions, it could be deadly. Please wear a mask to protect others, even if you don’t care if you catch it! Same with the students.

    Just know it’s NOT mandatory. That’s illegal at this point in time. If someone really challenged Pensacola on it, they’d have to back off.

  2. Hannah on November 17th, 2020 10:50 pm

    So a 5th grader test positive Friday. A few kids from class quarantined but not the teacher or kids that sat across from him on the bus. None of them had mask on! Kids come out of the school to get on the buses they aren’t wearing mask.

    A teacher had a child at home confirmed postive. However teachers are essential workers so they went to school everyday and taught their class. (By order not choice)

  3. Lee on November 17th, 2020 4:36 pm

    Good luck with getting a mask mandate in the north end of the county. Seems people believe they know more about this virus than the experts, or they don’t feel obligated to keep their loved ones safe.

  4. My2Cents on November 17th, 2020 1:57 pm

    Masks should be mandatory. My son attends school remotely. One of his teachers said that 40 students at Tate High were sent home for either having the virus or exposed to it. When will they take this seriously?

  5. Citizen on November 17th, 2020 9:23 am


    Masks are NOT MANDATORY in schools and no one in the school district wants to answer the question, “WHY?”

    Certain school board members stated in the last workshop that they are of the opinion that gatherings of students at parties spread Covid, but gatherings of students at school do not spread Covid.
    Figure out the pseudo-science behind that line of thinking!!

    Anyone who is reading this should reach out to the school board, the new superintendent, and principals and ask why masks are “encouraged” but not mandated.

    The simple answer is that they don’t want to deal with the pushback from those parents who are opposed.

    There is no social distancing in schools, there are very few masks being worn, and schools are not being sanitized regularly or at all.

    The spread of Covid is much worse now than it was in March when schools went to remote learning, and yet school district leadership is burying their heads in the sand and putting children, teachers, and the entire community at risk.

    This announcement to keep parent and volunteer restrictions in place was in response to the school board trying to lift the restrictions as Covid cases are on the rise.
    They followed with a discussion of how to legally compel remote learners to return to traditional classrooms.

  6. Charles Derry on November 17th, 2020 6:36 am

    Finally somebody is thinking with their head good work keep the kids safe

  7. Mary Peterson on November 17th, 2020 6:03 am

    Some elementary students are not wearing mask in school. WHY??? I thought mask were MANDATORY.