By The Numbers: Local COVID-19 Hospitalization Rate Doubles In The Past Month

November 19, 2020

The COVID-19 hospitalization rate in Escambia County has doubled in the past month.

The data in the chart above, compiled by the City of Pensacola, reflects the current combined number of patients hospitalized on the listed date at Ascension Sacred Heart, Baptist Hospital and West Florida Hospital. The numbers are not cumulative.

On month ago, the number of patients hospitalized was around 45. There were 95 hospitalized for COVID-19 on Wednesday.

The numbers are still below the well over 200 on multiple days in July.


7 Responses to “By The Numbers: Local COVID-19 Hospitalization Rate Doubles In The Past Month”

  1. David Huie Green on November 26th, 2020 12:03 am

    “Are we not allowed to question anything anymore? At the very beginning we were told not to wear masks. Now, wear masks. Am I wrong for trying to understand and search for answers?”

    It is never wrong to seek the truth, everyone is encouraged to do so. Sometimes true seekers are mistaken for conspiracy theorists who think people are lying to them for unspecified evil reasons. Back in April you watched Dr Fauci advising against mask usage by people who were not infected or around the infected. You saw him say it would cause a shortage for those who DID need masks.
    later, he pointed out that people often did not know if they were infected and infectious, also that by experience, they had learned masks didn’t have to be perfect to protect others and their wearers.

    He, at National Institute of Health, and others at Centers for Disease Control have dedicated their lives to saving lives of others and advise mask use as well as other measures. They cite the studies which led them to say this.

    Those who argue against preventative measures tend to say things like, “They say…,” and “I heard…,” rather than “Researchers at Johns Hopkins report…”

    David for truth and those who seek it

  2. Jane Doe on November 21st, 2020 11:05 am

    Joy, wow you are so smart, you really know if someone is a Trump supporter if they don’t have a mask on. And, they don’t care about others? Now, that is following science, folks!

  3. joy bryant on November 21st, 2020 7:37 am

    ONE TIME at the beginning it was denoted that they were not sure about masks -ALMOST immediately they were learning more and more from China about masks and said wear a mask! It is NOT a hard thing to do and when you do not wear one EVERYONE knows you follow Trump AND everyone knows you DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS!!
    It should NOT be that way !!!! We should be smart enough to understand it not only can save your life-make sure it is 3 ply and has the extended front and you can breath, glasses do no fog up AND everyone can hear and understand you.

  4. Jane Doe on November 20th, 2020 9:08 pm

    Are we not allowed to question anything anymore? At the very beginning we were told not to wear masks. Now, wear masks. Am I wrong for trying to understand and search for answers? I found every doctor saying to wear a mask, there is one saying not to. I do not know what you should do. Wish I did, but I don’t. We have never been down this road before. If I hear someone calling for help, I will run to help you mask or not.

  5. take it serious on November 20th, 2020 8:06 am

    True Story;

    A family member didn’t take it seriously, wouldn’t wear mask, made fun of others that did. Thought it was no more than the flu,—– He is no longer with us! SAD!!

  6. Citizen on November 19th, 2020 10:58 am

    Not that I would wish it upon anyone, but some people will not take Covid seriously until they have a loved one in the hospital and they fear losing them, like I did.

    True story…

    Student – *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*

    Teacher – Are you not feeling well? You should not be here if so.

    Student – No, not really but my dad won’t let me get tested because he thinks Covid is fake.

    This is what we are up against in this county!!
    Thank you dad who thinks it’s fake.
    You’re wrong though… and frankly you’re very obtuse.
    Thank you for putting my family in danger because you think it’s a political game.

    I am a conservative and a republican and watch Fox News as much as anyone.
    But for the love of God, have some compassion for others and put your politics aside so that we can keep people safe until we can defeat this thing!!

  7. Rufus Lowgun on November 19th, 2020 8:35 am

    This isn’t difficult. Wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands. Is isn’t about your (capital F) Freedom, it’s about gramma and grampa being alive for Christmas, and about there being enough room at the hospital so they can take care of your kid if he or she falls off their skateboard and breaks their arm.