Trump To Hold Pensacola Rally Friday Evening; Here’s What You Need To Know
October 22, 2020
President Donald Trump will hold a campaign event Friday evening in Pensacola.
The “Make America Great Again Victory Rally” will be held at 7 p.m. at the ST Engineering hanger at the Pensacola International Airport, the location of Trump’s last Pensacola rally in November 2018. Doors will open at 4 p.m. for the ticketed event.
No homemade signs, banners, professional cameras with detachable lenses, tripods, monopods, selfie sticks, backpacks, large bags, chairs or umbrellas will be allowed. There is no seating in the venue.
Two free tickets are available per valid mobile phone number on the Trump campaign website. By registering for the event attendees agree to assume the risk of COVID-19 exposure and not hold anyone liable if they contract the virus, including the Trump campaign or the Republican Party.
As a COVID-19 precaution, all attendees will be given a temperature check, masks which they will be instructed to wear, and access to hand sanitizer.
Other speakers at the event are expected to include U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, state Rep. Alex Andrade and Alabama Republican congressional candidate Jerry Carl.
Langley Avenue between Tippin and McAllister will be closed beginning at noon. All event parking, including handicap parking, is in a large open grassy field that is bordered by Langley, 9th Avenue and McAllister. It is about a half mile from the event, and there’s no word yet if shuttles will be provided.
A parking map and other information from the Pensacola Police Department is below.
Pictured top: President Donald Trump during a November 2018 visit to Pensacola. Photo for, click to enlarge.
The President of these United States is visiting … again. He will be holding a rally at the Pensacola International…
Posted by Pensacola Police Department on Thursday, October 22, 2020
32 Responses to “Trump To Hold Pensacola Rally Friday Evening; Here’s What You Need To Know”
Numbers headed upwards again. The least folks can do if they want to attend is wear a mask.
Joe just like the democrat we have running for district 1 has no answer to a question at a debate just COVID and malarkey all they can say no plan at all
TRUMP 2020 yea
How you can vote for a man who lies as much as he does is beyond comprehension.
He hasn’t done anything to disrupt the social unrest but aggravate it. He violates everyone of the 10 commandments and will want to be premier for 20 or more years.
You can not tell me one thing Joe Biden has done that was illegal or immoral like Trump. Stop watching FOX and watch some intelligent tv. Cry abortion and you vote like robots. He knows what to say to get you on his bandwagon. SAD!
Every single person I come in contact with tell me they are voting for Trump and I just smile Because I know they are making the right choice For our country ❤ stay strong Trump you got this .
Damn it Dave quit reading my mind. How can a reasonably intelligent American vote for either of these two? Truly it baffles me,
Trump man everything this guy says is either a lie or slander on a person place or thing unless you’re white old and rich. Trump does nothing that does not directly benefit his image period. Truly Truly he is a Buffoon.
Biden so old he can’t even carry a sentence let alone the country. He is at a time in his life were he will not be able to carry out the duties of the office. Plus he is a creep. You don’t sniff peoples heads on national television without their consent.
There are your choices people a Buffoon or a Creep. Neither are fit for office and whom ever is elected prepare for 4 more years of god awfulness. Maybe we should do away with the office altogether as it does nothing but distract from the issues we as a nation must address.
I wonder if the masks given out will be souvenir masks… i might go to get one. MAGA 2020 AND THEN, Governor of Florida!
What I left of the debate is, neither impressed me
Biden has been in Washington on the good old boy train and accomplished absolutely in Washington for decades. But make his family rich with certain things and actions which is questionable
Trump has accomplished a lot, by making America look like a joke factory, and blaming America for all that dont go his way.
I vote for neither.
If these 2 are the best America has to offer as Presidential contenders, we we lost before we got started
No matter who wins
Sorry, Trump. But you’ve lost Florida.
the new Russian roulette, a Trump rally.
President Trump will be our president for 4 more years. I have faith that the American people are smart enough to know Joe Biden is a long time corrupt politician and would be a great detriment to our financial stability. We don’t live in fear in America.
@ Jim Pecker
If the mask do nothing…get a refund on your Walmart medical degree
Just keep laughing but don’t forget to sign the liability release form when you enter
Re:Jim Peckard,
“Many things should be matters of individual choice. The government has no business dictating your cultural tastes, your faith or what you decide to do with other consenting adults.
But refusing to wear a face covering during a pandemic, or insisting on mingling indoors with large groups, isn’t like following the church of your choice. It’s more like dumping raw sewage into a reservoir that supplies other people’s drinking water.”
@Shay Low
You are absolutely right to bring up people whining about the environment!!
I have heard all the conservatives and they are starting to make sense, I mean, I’ve heard the Karen’s talk about “their baby’s futures” (which includes the environment in which they will spend this future), and then mock someone for thinking or caring about the environment. Sweetie, sad news for you, if we don’t start caring a little bit more about the environment, there will be no environment to have a Starbucks or Target built for you to continue to try to live out your daily life and get your mind off of how the world REALLY works. But you can always take a Karen pill to forget it all, also known as a Xanax. Hope this takes some of the anger out of ya!
The Democrats will find outrage in everything Trump does. I’m surprised he hasn’t been impeached for defecating in the White House.
From the Trump camp, this is a standing room only event. No seating will be allowed. They prefer people who can stand. If you cannot stand you don’t belong there. This will be a COVID free zone, No need to worry at all. Photos (cell phone) and handshakes will be permitted. Free gifts will be given. (some direct from our president). Post rally with GOP members at Chow Time. Elderly encouraged to show their support.
I’m the guy in the grocery store laughing at you dorks cowering with your masks on. I love all these crybabies in here, it’s hilarious to me. Masks do nothing, lockdowns are ineffective and Joe Biden is a beta male addicted to soy and sniffing children. I can’t wait to taste the salty tears of all the liberals come election day. God bless President Trump.
Consider K-12 schools have been open for thousands of Escambia county students for months now… Pensacola Interstate Fair opened today… Yet we still get the normal expected politically driven negative “the sky is falling” comments from the left… Ohh well… Love ya President Trump… We know your team around you have battled hard and we look forward to an even more productive next 4 years under your leadership and guidance…
Why is it that an organized visit in a location that requires a ticket to get in, with temp check , mask and available hand sanitizer sparks so much negativity? But not very long ago, there were large gatherings by protesters in or near Pensacola, and that was perfectly fine.. No tickets or masks required there, but that had NOTHING to do with the spike or spread in covid cases at that time? Y’all haters are something else!
We are dying at rapid rates from the “virus”. Lock all the doors. Trump, the virus and environment,”oh my”!! Lol!! Ready.. set… cry!!!
Woo Hoo! Another super spreader event! I like the part where they will give you a mask and instruct you to wear it…. #maskitorcasket
Wow, the Democrats are really scared of Trump and his Supporters. When y’all start screaming and panicking about a bs virus and trying to instill fear, we laugh at you…. Bahahahaha
Yea because those poles tell the truth. Remember when Hillary was ahead in the poles till Tump won
Not as red as you think, consider the removal of the civil war monument. Who caused that to happen? A whole lot of people with different viewpoints have entered the county in the past 4 years. I am moving to a redder location.
The hospitals are just getting back to some kind of normal , with limited visitors.
This will all change as most MAGA supporters don’t wear masks and if they do they are under the chin or nose .Watch out for the next #superspreader rally thanks to The President of the United States.
If you think that that is the only reason for COVID cases to increase is due to the President visiting then you might need to remember that the Pensacola Interstate Fair is opening today for a week. Talk about a special place for COVID to spread.
Before the virus, all my family and friends were happy. Things were looking up and moving along and smiles on faces. New business stores popping up bringing more jobs. Wow, there are 5 new neighborhoods being built near me. Money to the military and how about low gas. There is so much more he has accomplished. The virus, come on, no one can say anything. No one knew anything about it. I am happy to be voting for my President!
Please both my Husband and I are handicapped in different ways walking isn’t our long suit … but we try with a cane!!! We’d be great full to President Trump❤️❤️❤️
Eleven days before the election and he’s campaigning in the ruby red panhandle of Florida??? And Mrs Pence was here just a few days ago?
The campaign’s internal polling must be flashing a bright red warning about Florida.
I bet Pinellas, Hillsborough, Osceola, Orange, and Seminole Counties are showing blue, and the red vote is soft in Sumter and Marion (think: The Villages). That would be one of the few reasons he would come here this late in the campaign and with nearly 30% of votes already cast.
If he’s stopped campaigning on the I-4 corridor, it will be bad news for the red team two Tuesday’s from now.
Here’s what you need to know:
COVID-19 cases are going to explode in the next 4 to 5 weeks.
Masks that they will be “instructed” to wear, not “required.” Plus a waiver releasing them from COVID liability.
If you’re dumb enough to go along with this trainwreck, you deserve everything you get.
Will there be any seating for handicap?