FEMA Individual Assistance Approved For Northwest Florida

October 2, 2020

FEMA Individual assistance has been approved for Hurricane Sally victims in Florida.

Public assistance had already been approved from the two counties for government infrastructure, including direct federal assistance, for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities.

Individual assistance from FEMA helps people, providing federal funds for home repairs, temporary housing, and additional programs for individuals and businesses.

Rep. Matt Gaetz said much of the delay in approving the individual assistance was because so much of the damage from Hurricane Sally was flooding that was not immediately apparent to federal officials that toured the area.

“Flooding events are different that windstorms,” Gaetz told NorthEscambia.com. “In windstorms it is easy to get a fast declaration for individual assistance when you look from the sky and road.  But after a flooding event, it can look pretty normal, but you have to get inside and see the damage.”

Gaetz said he was notified Friday morning that the individual assistance has been approved for Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton counties.

Escambia County launched a public push on NorthEscambia.com asking individuals to submit their damage photographs and damage stories that were passed on to federal officials. That allowed those officials to get a much closer look at the damage, including flooding damage inside homes.

“We are absolutely thrilled FEMA individual assistance will be available for Escambia County residents,” Escambia County Commission Chairman Steven Barry said. “This gives our residents who are hurting the opportunity to apply for much needed assistance after Hurricane Sally devastated so many homes in Escambia County. I hope this assistance provides some degree of stress relief for those who are in need. On behalf of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners, I would like to thank President Trump, Representative Matt Gaetz, Gov. Ron DeSantis, as well as every single federal and state partner for working together with us and for advocating on our behalf on the national level to help our community recover post Hurricane Sally.”

For information on the assistance program, click here.


13 Responses to “FEMA Individual Assistance Approved For Northwest Florida”

  1. Bonnie Exner on October 4th, 2020 12:06 am

    Still don’t understand why ALABAMA got individual assistance within days of SALLY’S landfall and it took almost 3 weeks for FLORIDA..both have beaches that were demolished and homes on those beaches were destroyed many of which were permanent residents…a BIG THANKS goes to JANICE GILLEY ,County Administrator and DIST5 COMM STEVEN BARRY for encouraging all who had damage to send photos and explanations to FEMA for justification of aid.

  2. dreamboat annie on October 3rd, 2020 11:54 pm

    Matt Gaetz ….
    Thank you for telling it like it is, LOVE your tweet .
    And a thank you to everyone who worked to make this happen.. Regardless of your political party..

  3. Just wondering on October 3rd, 2020 12:21 am

    Better late than never but just wondering who was asleep at the wheel?

    Perhaps they didn’t know there was an Escambia County in Alabama and Florida

  4. Jan on October 2nd, 2020 5:53 pm

    Thank goodness

  5. L Mogollon on October 2nd, 2020 4:32 pm

    Thank you Congressman Gaetz. Your hard work in Washington has paid off. You will get my vote again. It’s nice to know we have someone working for the people. Instead of doing the Potomac two step dance.
    Thanks to our local emts law enforcement county workers for all your hard work.
    God bless you all.

  6. sam on October 2nd, 2020 3:06 pm

    lol, i did not know that the pensacola news journal still exsisted.

  7. Whisperjet on October 2nd, 2020 2:13 pm

    Thanks to the commissioners and our county administrator for all the hard work and long hours to get this approved…

  8. JB Cuthburt on October 2nd, 2020 1:59 pm

    Also thank democrat Nikki Fried who visited the area and pushed hard for approval.

  9. Josh Jones on October 2nd, 2020 12:53 pm

    Let’s not forget to thank Jimmy Carter for establishing FEMA in 1978 under his Presidential Reorganization Plan.

    FEMA is an independent agency, within the Department of Homeland Security, headed by an Administrator (currently Pete Gaynor).

  10. Frustrated in Santa Rosa on October 2nd, 2020 12:36 pm

    I still cannot complete a FEMA registration online. Before today’s announcement I received this error when I entered our zip code. I get passed that now, but get this same error when it asks me to choose which disaster. Sally is not listed, so I chose disaster not listed. It says “We could not find a federally declared disaster in your area”. Not quite ready for us yet.

  11. John Doe on October 2nd, 2020 12:15 pm

    Matt Gaetz, please be professional and stop negative language in your social media communications. It is unbecoming, especially for a public servant at the highest levels.

  12. Carlos E McGugin on October 2nd, 2020 12:02 pm

    Thank you President Trump and Congressman Gaetz. While I personally will receive nothing, I am sure there are honest people out there that needs some help.

  13. Slow but sure on October 2nd, 2020 11:47 am

    Thanks to all who helped push for the help.I have insurance but we were devastated with outdoor damage, down fences and trees and roof damage on sheds and barn. And the insurance deductable is outrageous. But would have been able to pay it if covid -19 had not shut me out of work. Or if I had been eligable for any assistance due to the loss before now. But I had faith in TRUMP all along . So Thanks to the president for all he does and God Bless him for all he goes thru while trying to get things done.. This is great news. And I sure needed some good news today!