Escambia County Parents Can Now Switch Their Child’s Traditional Or Remote Learning Option

October 13, 2020

Parents have an opportunity to switch their child’s school option in Escambia County, such as returning to face-to-face traditional school from remote learning.

The current nine weeks grading period ends on October 27.

Parents interested in changing their student’s current instructional learning model from remote or virtual back to traditional model will receive information on how to make that enrollment change when contacted by their child’s school. Those calls are taking place now; there’s no need to make the switch in the parent portal.

Parents that plan to move their child back to traditional school are asked to finalize their selection by Tuesday, October 20.

If no change is being made to the student’s instructional learning model, no parent action is necessary.

If a parent wishes to switch their child from traditional face-to-face instruction to virtual or remove , they should contact their child’s school.


6 Responses to “Escambia County Parents Can Now Switch Their Child’s Traditional Or Remote Learning Option”

  1. Julia on October 15th, 2020 8:54 pm

    They should just start back at 100 capacity ! These remote/virtual students are failing .

  2. Know better on October 14th, 2020 11:10 pm

    Seriously, students have been changing from day 1. I’m not sure what this is now the nine weeks is up. Students were not made to stay in their learning model they selected. It was said there would be no changing until after the first nine weeks. That did not hold true. I understand it’s difficult times but consistency is the key!!

  3. Kelly on October 14th, 2020 12:40 pm

    @Laurie-I am also a remote teacher in Escambia County and am working very extensive hours like your daughter. However, I did receive training opportunities from the district to help prepare for Remote. There continues to be training offered as well. They have been sending out emails about them. I am a member of a Remote Facebook group too and we share materials as well as our frustrations lol. I’d be happy to talk with your daughter and help her anyway I can. She can reach me at

  4. kelly wright on October 13th, 2020 7:51 pm

    I’ve been trying since day one since school started to get my son on online learning and I can’t even get a call back from Escambia High School I’ve called six times less 6 messages and I’ve even called and JD Hall Center… And been to the school twice who can i talt too

  5. Laurie on October 13th, 2020 3:45 pm

    My daughter teaches remotely and, because she’s the only remote teacher in her grade level at her school, she has 30 (that’s right, THIRTY) 8-9 yr old kids already in her class. She is absolutely exhausted trying to keep up with entering data into her remote classroom and figuring out ways to adapt the traditional curriculum to remote learning, and trying to constantly evaluate the effectiveness of the methods she’s using (Are the kids learning?) Not to mention having to stop and train a new student on how to participate (she usually uses up all her breaks during the day, including lunch, in order to accomplish that). The school district has offered NO training or materials geared to remote teaching, she has literally had to make it all up as she goes — and it’s pretty much impossible to plan more than 2-3 days ahead because it’s so labor-intensive. How in the world does the school district expect teachers like her to keep re-adapting to students coming and going on a large scale like this? Of course as students move in and out of the area or on a case-by-case basis, it’s necessary to adjust. But open it up to everyone to try a different method when there’s no system in place to accommodate it? My daughter loves teaching, and loves the children (even from a distance), but she isn’t superhuman. Our school district is going to drive teachers like her away just because of sheer burn-out.

  6. George Washington Carver on October 13th, 2020 3:11 pm

    Teaching is much harder than it appears! Just think…your child’s teacher has 15-20 angels…just…like…yours.

    Hopefully we will all be more appreciative of what teachers get accomplished…even with the obstacles that may occur.

    Teachers need a raise.