Escambia CARES Mortgage/Rent And Business Grants: Here’s Who Received Checks So Far

October 22, 2020

Escambia County has made check registers available online for the Escambia CARES Rent and Mortgage Assistance Grant Program and the Escambia CARES Business Assistance Grant Program.

The Escambia CARES Business Assistance Grants are currently being distributed, with most recipients receiving the $7,500 amount. More than 490 applications were received and are in the process of being reviewed with those approved for funding being notified via email. Applications will be funded with the $2.8 million that is allocated for this grant program. The check register is available here.

The Escambia CARES Family Assistance Program received more than 9,000 applications, and county workers are racing to approve applicants for this grant. This check register is expected to go live next week when the first check run is completed. Approved applicants will be notified by Friday, Nov. 6. Checks in the amount of $3,000 will be sent following the email notification of approval. In all, the county has allocated $16.5 million to its residents in this grant program. The check register is available here.

“We are working as quickly as possible to vet the grant applications and disperse funds to those in need due to COVID-19,” said Clara Long, director of Neighborhood and Human Services. “I’d like to kindly ask the public to refrain from emailing or calling to check on the status of their application so we can focus on processing applications. Applicants should keep a close eye on their email that was supplied on the application. Applications that were completed correctly and met the criteria are being processed first, and then we will reach out to those who may need further assistance. We thank you for your patience.”

Florida Housing funded the Escambia CARES Rent and Mortgage Assistance, with the application requirements supplied by the state. Currently, 79 applicants have been approved with more than $220,000 allocated to grant recipients. Grants to bring applicants out of the arrears on rent, mortgage or utilities have been issued in the amount as low as $34.52 to as high as $7,500. In total, the state allocated $813,451 to this grant program.

The Escambia CARES Grant Programs are part of a larger federal economic recovery program, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Securities Act. Escambia County is expected to receive up to $58.2 million in funds to aid the citizens of the county affected by COVID-19 and programs to help the county navigate the challenges of the pandemic.


31 Responses to “Escambia CARES Mortgage/Rent And Business Grants: Here’s Who Received Checks So Far”

  1. Garland McCary on January 16th, 2021 8:49 am

    I’ve been on the registry since December 14th and still haven’t received anything and anytime I reach out for answers I get no response or an automated message saying dont bother them with questions. I’m just wondering if I’m getting it or they ran out of funds and accidentally put me on the registry. I would just like a simple yes or no.

  2. Diane on November 24th, 2020 5:22 pm

    I was patiently waiting for my results and whether or not I’ve gotten the Grant I was told you can apply for one or the other but not both of the grants but I see one person’s name on both and on your website it said you would be notified by November 6th I’m not trying to be mean but just being straight with us would be appreciated

  3. Bhayes on November 16th, 2020 11:24 am

    I got confirmation 2weeks ago that my package was sent to clerk.i haven’t received anything yet. I know of people who applied after me that got checks before me. So I’m not really sure what’s going on.

  4. Peggy A Fitzsimmons on November 13th, 2020 6:58 pm

    I applied on the first day the cares act was accepting applications. To date no email only the neighborly portal that states application in progress. How do we know if we have been denied and by what date.

  5. Jeremiah on November 13th, 2020 3:01 pm

    I got my approval email 10/21/20 and my name still isn’t on the registry for a check being cut. I understand a lot of people applied, and I also understand that a lot of people really need the funds; but this system is terrible! I haven’t received a check for funds since I was 20 something. DD could’ve helped everyone a lot sooner. I just pray I get it before Christmas. Cause this wait 2 weeks for it to be mailed is clearly misinformation and they know it.

  6. Tyler Arnette on November 3rd, 2020 8:36 am

    Still no response, email, phone call, letter, nothing.

  7. Jennifer Wallace on October 23rd, 2020 12:54 pm

    I am on ssi and I have joint custody of my kids and I was claimed on my husband income tax we owe child support I’m only income in my house and its been very difficult to pay Bill’s and our child support payments. I feel like during pandemic we all should have been treated same because were all struggling with debts and with Bill’s.

  8. MR REALITY on October 23rd, 2020 12:34 pm

    Lelia, taking MORE applications would mean, you ready for this….MORE WORK by these clowns we pay to do nothing everyday since al,ost ALL county offices are CLOSED…..WE PAY THESE FOOLS>>>>>>>

  9. Confused....... on October 23rd, 2020 7:51 am

    I applied for the housing grant as well. I was a housekeeper and my hours were cut drastically. I’m now through a temp service and was relying on this grant to get me caught up. So the ones that weren’t approved what are we supposed to do? I feel someone should’ve reached out and said something. Especially if it was a simple question or if you needed more documents. This was an epic fail. I really hope and pray the ones approved are not just sitting on their butts at home not doing anything. To the ones that really needed it God Bless You!

  10. Gman on October 23rd, 2020 6:59 am

    Sure hope they pay this directly to the landlord, if not ill have to sell my property or have it foreclosed.

  11. Kenyette on October 22nd, 2020 11:35 pm

    I feel like instead of increasing the amount you guys should have taken more application that way you could have helped more people.Will you be receiving more application?

  12. Toni Hardin on October 22nd, 2020 6:57 pm

    Try to apply when you first did it but you closed it down in less than 3 days. just said y’all would be taking more applications and I never heard anything else after that are you going to be taking more applications.

  13. Britt on October 22nd, 2020 6:43 pm

    I got approved thanks

  14. Lereno Stewart on October 22nd, 2020 6:23 pm

    Living on the strets now wit my 3 kids dont know who to apply to to get this grant please help me

  15. Nina Reeser on October 22nd, 2020 5:48 pm

    I need HELP. Why did I get denied?

  16. Nina Reeser on October 22nd, 2020 5:47 pm

    Why did I get approved for the loan? I am confused about it. I need help about to lose cause no money.

  17. Trish on October 22nd, 2020 5:11 pm

    I also need help with electic and water bill.i also tils due to not relates china virus but still was fired during this hardship time.

  18. Donnita on October 22nd, 2020 4:56 pm

    Please help me I’m a disabled 41 year old female with lupus sleep I’m being evicted and my landlord hasn’t paid the water bill no water please help me 8502883192

  19. Tyler Arnette on October 22nd, 2020 4:38 pm

    Why would you give us an email and a phone number to check on our status or if we have any questions, comments or concerns only to tell us to stop bothering you about it? That person can obviously pay their rent. Would love to switch positions, I will handle all the paperwork and I won’t complain, just give me a decent salary. These people need and deserve help. Asking us to leave you alone about it already is childish and rude. I don’t know how many times we have to tell you this: WE ARE SUFFERING. And knowing the amount of fuss I’ve put up over this I am already expecting to get rejected just out of spite. Would really know what is going on behind the scenes to cause these delays? Did you not expect anyone to apply? The fact that you only got 9,000 applications is a shock to me. Quit talking about how hard it is on you to process all this government money, we are dying one by one.

  20. Jay on October 22nd, 2020 4:10 pm

    They purposefully make the application process tedious and nearly impossible to navigate. Unfortunately, 95% of the people that need this help won’t get it, and NO ONE at the state or federal level could possibly care less.
    There are a lot of people really hurting right now in ways that were unimaginable just a year ago.

  21. Reed cameron on October 22nd, 2020 3:37 pm

    About to lose my house

  22. AlwaysAutumn on October 22nd, 2020 3:00 pm

    I am one of the very fortunate people who received an email two days ago letting me know that I was approved for the $3,000 for the Family Assistance Program. Now I just have to hope and pray that I receive my check when they send the first group of them out! I was so happy that I could’ve honestly cried when I opened the email and saw that I was approved. Keeping everyone else in my thoughts and prayers and hoping that you all receive good news quickly about your applications. I feel so blessed and am so thankful to have this help. God knows I needed it!!

  23. tc on October 22nd, 2020 2:41 pm

    Becki, if you can get me your contact info, I will try to help the best I can. Prayers to everyone struggling right now.

  24. Melody Cugnon on October 22nd, 2020 2:20 pm

    Taking more applications, would have been nice, I know by the time I found out. The time was up for applying. . Maybe not increases in amount of money, but spreading it out amount more people in our community! Thank you for asking our opinions on this topic!!!

  25. StillWaiting on October 22nd, 2020 1:59 pm

    This is a joke. I was told I didn’t qualify for rental assistance because I wasn’t directly impacted by covid. Only I work inside of Cordova Mall they were one of the first major businesses in Escambia county to close down leaving us without income So I’m still uncertain as to how I was not directly impacted by covid. If they would email me back and at least give me a reason as to why I was not impacted by covid maybe I would accept that however for those of us already struggling before this pandemic those of us that had to bury a child at the beginning of the year and their father three months aater & were already struggling financially before the pandemic and then had their business close due to covid It really sucks to be told that you don’t make the cut

  26. Kattie threatte on October 22nd, 2020 1:55 pm

    I just need help with my bills my light bill have gone up up as high as. 753 dollars can you please help me with my light and my rent trying the keep my lights on my rent got behind

  27. Becki on October 22nd, 2020 1:21 pm

    I, like many others awaiting an answer, Very nervous. I need this desperately. I’m 59, a widow, disabled on a fixed income. I have my beautiful granddaughter living with me whom is 11. Any extra I can get I do. I get no support or income for her so I do odd things to make ends me. Well that’s all halted due to this virus. I extremely high risk. Times have been so hard on the both of us… physically, mentally…everyway. I pray we will be blessed with this to catch-up, give us room to breath. A bit of happiness in a world that currently dark

  28. Confused!!! on October 22nd, 2020 1:19 pm

    I am 4 months behind on rent and 3 months on utilities and I got denied for the rent and utilities help. I have four children and lost my job in March. I also only got approved for $75 in unemployment so I didn’t qualify for the additional money given out. Im currently doing odds job trying to catch up. Somedays only sending $15 to Gulfpower. Im so behind its insane. Do not understand how I got denied. Getting help for people who actually need it is impossible in this town. At the same time im watching people get approved who are not behind, people who didn’t pay bills on purpose so they can get approved and people who are working full time rack $13,000 in unemployment up in savings. Im sick to my stomach, the system is so flawed.

  29. Raymond Williams on October 22nd, 2020 12:59 pm

    Need help to pay rent

  30. Bewildered on October 22nd, 2020 12:41 pm

    All government programs are like that. Savvy people who know how to navigate handout programs cash in – others are holding an empty bag

  31. Lelia on October 22nd, 2020 2:25 am

    I feel like instead of increasing the amount you guys should have taken more application that way you could have helped more people