Century Grants Late Approval To Budget, Increases Property Taxes And Gives Employee Raises

October 6, 2020

The Century Town Council granted late approval to their annual budget, increased property taxes and handed out employee raises during a Monday night meeting.

The town was required to approve their budget prior to its implementation on October 1, but they were unable to do so at a September 28 special meeting due to the absence of two council members.

With all council members present Monday night, the council approved a property tax increase with a millage rate of .9204, about 5% greater than the rolled-back rate of .8759.T he rolled-back rate is the tax rate that would generate the same amount of property tax revenue as approved for the prior year.  A millage rate higher than the rolled-back rate is defined by Florida law as a tax increase.

They also signed off on a $4.14 million budget for fiscal year 2020-2021, up from $3.63 million during the previous fiscal year that ended September 30.

The town council also voted Monday night to grant raises to town employees, in additional to their 3% annual cost of living increase.

Employees received a raise between 1% and 3% based upon the results of a performance review. Eight employees with an “outstanding” review received a 3% increase, four employees with a “very good” review received 2%, and one employee that had a “good” review received 1%.

Two other employs with an “outstanding” review received higher raises.

Kevin Merchant received a 6% raise due to exemplary performance, extra duties due to COVID-19 and fixing water leaks, and Kristina Wood received a 4% raise due to to exemplary performance along with extra duties due to leave taken by another employee and COVID-19.

The cost of living increase went into effect with the passage of the budget, and the performance raises were approved retroactive to the beginning of the current pay period last Friday, October 2. The town had budgeted up to 3% for the performance raises; their approvals Monday night averaged 2.87%.


3 Responses to “Century Grants Late Approval To Budget, Increases Property Taxes And Gives Employee Raises”

  1. Mike on October 8th, 2020 8:58 am

    I feel for the Century residents. Whatever happened to the miracle worker from Gulf Breeze that was supposed to make things happen? He has disappeared into the night. And how in the world has Florida, or some other Government official not picked up on all this craziness? This is beyond insane, I mean some of the stuff these people are getting away with has to be prison time worthy. You literally can’t make any of this stuff up.

  2. Bob on October 6th, 2020 10:13 am

    No accountability, no fiscal responsibilities and the train rolls on…

  3. chris on October 6th, 2020 9:22 am

    Increase taxes. Then give raises. Seems legit.