Cantonment Man Charged With Stealing From Local Church, Pawning Items

October 4, 2020

A Cantonment man has be arrested on outstanding warrants for stealing from a local church.

Matthew David Moore, 52,  was charged with grand theft and dealing in stolen property.

Moore worked for the Pine Forest Assembly of God Church and took home three  heaters valued at $400 in order to fix and return them to the church, according to an arrest report. He also borrowed a lawnmower value, valued at $345. His employment was later terminated, but he never returned any of the items.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Moore later pawned the lawnmower at a pawn shop on Pensacola Boulevard. At the same time, he also pawned an air compressor that had “Pine Forest A/G” written on it. It was determined to also belong to the church, but they were not yet aware that it was missing, the report states.

The total amount of items taken from the church totaled $909.10.

Moore remained  in the Escambia County Jail Sunday with bond set at $12,500.


11 Responses to “Cantonment Man Charged With Stealing From Local Church, Pawning Items”

  1. Gid on October 5th, 2020 6:40 pm

    Even from the cross Jesus said to forgive… different circumstances maybe but what about the theif next to him. Ok what about “If a man steals your coat, give him your cloak also..?”
    All kinds of double standards and carnal thinking in the comments here.

  2. Rasheed Jackson on October 5th, 2020 4:11 pm

    This man definitely needs help. Not sure what his problem is but time to turn the other cheek.

  3. Lori Smith on October 5th, 2020 1:25 pm

    So $1250.00 would get him out. Lets say the church gets their $909.10 before the bailbonds man gets the $1250.00– now he has $340.90 towards his bond oops.. he can’t get out. Oh well. If he can come up with bond money he should pay the church first.

  4. Willie M George on October 5th, 2020 9:44 am

    I don’t feel sorry for him at all stealing from God’s house

  5. Willie M George on October 5th, 2020 9:42 am

    He’s a thief and a robber and it’s a shame to steal from God’s house and then the church was helping him by allowing him to do jobs for the church I just don’t feel sorry for him at all

  6. Don Neese on October 4th, 2020 4:35 pm

    1 Corinthians 6:1-3
    Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? [2] Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? [3] Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

  7. Cindy on October 4th, 2020 2:42 pm

    @Mike……I believe the church was actually trying to help this individual by employing him. You know, showing him the “Christian love” of which your post speaks. There are times when “tough love” is also called for…….stepping in to get this person help, even if its through the prison system is better than letting him continue. One day he will steal from a much less compassionate person who will render a much harsher verdict.

  8. Mike on October 4th, 2020 2:08 pm

    Another words to Alan and other Christians who believe it is crazy to let him on 12500 bond when he stole $900 worth of goods.
    What in you Christian love do you think would be a proper punishment for this this disturbed individual? Behead him for $900? Life in prison? 20 years in prison which is the same as killing him?

  9. Mike on October 4th, 2020 2:04 pm

    To Stephen.
    He did not steal from God, he stole from a church. If you equate church and God, I think you need to reconsider. There are hundreds of varieties of churches, often conflicting one with another, there are thousands of interpreters of God’s words each trying to get your tithe. That is what he stole.

  10. Alan on October 4th, 2020 11:05 am

    $12,500 bond? Is that a typo because if not, that is crazy.

  11. Stephen on October 4th, 2020 1:06 am

    You don’t steal from God. He’s definitely going to pay for this!