Your Hurricane Sally Photos Are Needed To Help Get A Disaster Declaration For Escambia County And Individual Assistance

September 23, 2020

UPDATE: A major disaster declaration was signed  by President Donald Trump for Escambia County, but it does not include individual and household assistance. [Read more...] Your photographs are still needed as Escambia County continues to seek individual and household assistance.

Escambia County needs help after Hurricane Sally. We need what’s called an Individual and Households Program (IHP) declaration from FEMA that, simply put, helps people.

And there’s a way you can help advocate for assistance for you, your friends and neighbors,  and your family that need help in Escambia County.

Gather several photos that show your damage, write a short email (up to 200 words) telling your story about Hurricane Sally damage, include the physical address of the damage and send the email it to Escambia County will use the information to advocate for the federal assistance needed in Escambia County, including help for individuals and households.

“I plead with citizens to take the time and make the effort to send their photos and their personal stories,” Escambia County Commission Chairman Steven Barry said. “They become an integral part of the FEMA application as it relates to the individual assistance component, which is what will put money directly in the citizen’s hands to help with their restoration of their way of life.”


53 Responses to “Your Hurricane Sally Photos Are Needed To Help Get A Disaster Declaration For Escambia County And Individual Assistance”

  1. Cheryl Lynn on October 1st, 2020 10:26 pm

    What the people slamming Trump don’t realize is it is the subjective opinion made by the FEMA administrator that decides whether Trump signs the declaration or not. I am confused that Mobile County was on the dry side and had less wind, yet they were declared, and for Sally to get to Escambia County, Alabama, she had to go through Escambia County, Florida because escambia County, Alabama is not of us and if you track the storm, it did not respect state lines and cut through the most western part of Florida to get there, so we were on the dirty side of the storm the entire time.

    I am
    Not upset with Trump, but I am upset with Gaetz for doing a press conference with FEMA making the excuse that this storm was water damage and not wi d damage so it was harder to assess. That was a crock, or he just didn’t get off major roads or go west of Pensacola…. maybe he just looked at Ft. Walton and decided every one was like his home town, which they were far enough away to not get the same winds that we did staying on the eye wall the entire time.

    All we hear is crickets, not what he is doing to work with FEMA to get the community help, as that is his job, be the representative for our district to Washington. I voted for him, but personally could care less to read about his book signing events…. we don’t care about his book, we care about our community and people being able to recover. It’s like he has a horrible relationship with FEMA administrators, or FEMA is strapped for personnel between the wildfires, Hurricane Laura, and now Sally. They may have decided that they needed to tier the help because FEMA is overwhelmed. That I could understand, especially with Covid and FEMA teams dealing with that as well. But if that is the case, be honest with the people and give them hope, don’t lie to our faces when we lived through 30 hours of wind, had heritage trees fall (flooding does not do that), trees landing on houses, again not caused only by flooding. We had no flooding in our neighborhood, but heritage oaks cane down like dominos.

  2. Ashley Ruble on October 1st, 2020 7:18 pm

    Lost all our food. A freezer and 2 fridges. Grandmother fell in the dark and broke her foot in 4 places and got a compression fracture in her lower back. We need individual disaster relief!

  3. Donna Mindrebo on October 1st, 2020 8:10 am

    I have rental properties that are now considered unsafe for my Tenants to live in. For their safety I’ve released them from the current lease.
    Due to inflated pricing I will have to over 15K out of pocket in roof replacement & repairs. That is with insurance!

    Where do I sent my photos?

  4. Christine Quick on September 30th, 2020 1:28 pm

    Were I live at Westminster Village for Seniors our lights was out for serveral days we losed our food and need to throw out because it spoiled

  5. Nusha Smith on September 29th, 2020 9:33 am

    We are at a loss our whole house was destroyed by hurricane Sally. Four trees went through our home left us homeless and no one in our government seems to care this is totally an outage where is our assistance.

  6. Tabatha Jones on September 29th, 2020 9:22 am

    I have a lot of damage and no insurance to help. I roof damage and my light pole is leaning badly. We need help badly where do I send the pictures to?

  7. Mary and jethro moore on September 28th, 2020 6:15 pm

    We had damage to the property we rent with our belonging our house got flooded in our grandkids play room as well as our living room our grandkids lost there toys and our tv and couches got wet as well as our tv it rained from the damage of the roof of the rental our grand kids mattress got destroyed we are needed help to replace the stuff that got destroyed also have pictures

  8. Chanel Lambert on September 27th, 2020 8:02 pm

    A huge oak tree limb fell through the living room and kitchen of my mobile home. It fell over my two younger children and almost killed them. If my sectional couch had not been in the position it was in, The tree limb would have fallen flat on them. The kitchen caught on fire. I lost all my food, kitchen ware, and all of my furniture. I’m a single mother of three and need the help with paying for another place to live. My car was crushed by a huge oak tree limb. My deposit money and the rest of the money I paid on rent for the month have not been given back to me so I could try to pay for another place.

  9. Gabrielle Goodwin on September 26th, 2020 11:54 pm

    Hi I’m sending u photos of the damage I received due to hurricane sally that to were I live we really need some help Ya’ll I am a mother of 2 young children I I devastated me my kids we really need the help I have mold holes in my roof we really need da help badly um begging please help us out. I have alot of damage

  10. Brian on September 26th, 2020 8:35 pm

    It should amaze me but it doesn’t… to you peeps complaining… and blaming President Trump… go and hop in your mommy’s lap and cry a little harder, kick your feet and scream unfair. We recievd damage, neighbors did too… we are rebuilding our neighborhood one home at a time. Friends helping friends… if you can not help yourself without begging Uncle Sam then maybe you should check yourselves.

  11. Cynthia Clemmons on September 25th, 2020 11:13 pm

    Roof damage. Privacy fence down, my dog stays inside cause strays dogs attacked her kennel and spooked her causing her to Tare knee ACL, $ 1063.00 for surgery. My husband is unable to climb on roof to put tarp on. Bathroom needs repair. Tree branches ,all over yard. I have worked in a grocery store deli to support my family since COVID-19. Need help I’m almost 60. Lost all food in refrigerator. Hot water heater on fritz caused by power surge, TV 1/3 blacked out fRom surge.

  12. Mary A. Wright on September 25th, 2020 7:38 pm

    My sister and I lost many shingles on our module home. An estimate of $7000 has been given to us.
    A pecan tree fell in our yard. The roots are still partially in the ground. As a result, we have a big hole that will need dirt.
    The pecan tree busted our water line. Because the earth was so saturated with water, many holes had to be dug around the tree area in an attempt to drain the standing water out of the hole with the broken pipe. We were without water for 2 days Again, we will need dirt to fill the holes dug for the repair of the water line. .
    One of our large, old oak trees split and the broken part fell into the neighbor’s yard.
    Of course, we have limbs and debris all over the yard. My sister is 65 and I am 68.. We are no longer able to load up the limbs, pieces of trunk, and debris to take to the road.
    We need help to get our lives back in order.

  13. Jami L Dunlap on September 25th, 2020 7:11 pm

    We moved into our rental home on Perido Bay in June and have been unable to get renters insurance due to the tropical activity this summer. We were rescued by boat from our dining room window the morning of the storm. Both vehicle have been totaled and we lost almost everything we own. We are completely devastated along with all our neighbors in the Meadson area by Helen Caro school.

  14. Hennie Hopkins on September 25th, 2020 5:54 pm

    Donald, why would you treat the people of Northwest Florida any differently than those who live in South Alabama ?
    I know geography isn’t your strong suit, but we need FEMA personal assistance in Pensacola/Escambia county, FL NOW!!!
    I am a senior living on 2 wooded acres. My property looks like a someone dumped a can of giant pick up sticks. There are big trees down all over the place.
    I am unable to do the work to clean the property up. I need heavy equipment and 7 lumberjacks to get the property in order.

  15. Denice Pare on September 25th, 2020 11:26 am

    Three waters green division 60 skystone court lost everything in my house due to flooding. Me and my 2 children are displaced now because of this hurricane. there was over 3ft of water in the house. The house was deemed unlivable.

  16. Charles d ingmire jr on September 25th, 2020 10:51 am

    Edge water was hit with tornados we heard whistle and what sounded like trains threw out the night whe the sun rise we could see the damage roof was pulled off water pored out the attick a river ran right in our home bust open the frount door fooding out the house we tryed to save what ment the most but ever thing was ruins this was the worst storm for me in all the years ive lived in Pensacola my car was flooded so now im without transportation this was devastating i have no idea what im going to do i have lost everything without anyway to get it all put back together

  17. Loretta L Taylor on September 24th, 2020 10:31 pm

    This hit us HARD…

  18. Tammy Smith on September 24th, 2020 10:19 pm

    This is a diaster…. God

  19. Susan Grimes on September 24th, 2020 10:04 pm

    My rental home flooded. Carpets are soaked. Landlord has not even pulled out the carpets so the wallboard is wicking up the water. It will take 6 weeks to fix, I’m told, once the insurance adjuster does his thing…and the landlord will not awhen I ask if I will be allowed to move back into the house. I lost my couch, a queen size bed, dining table, book shelves, clothes, food….and my home. Now I am having to pay for a storage unit, had to pay someone to move what was salvageable and staying with a family who is selling their mobile home and leaving Florida. I have no family here to stay with. I have a job…what am I supposed to do?

  20. Olexus S Page on September 24th, 2020 9:49 pm

    Im at 7170 Klondike rd apt 2 had flooding bad in my apartment lost everything in my apartment of me and my daughter stuff

  21. Diana Gither on September 24th, 2020 7:30 pm

    Fence 3000, Roof 10k, 3 trees that need to come done before another storm takes them out and lands on my house, the power lines and does more damage than we already have.

  22. mary randall on September 24th, 2020 6:35 pm

    i am beyond feeling abandoned and betrayed by our country. my house is leaking through the ceiling. i was awakened at 2 AM on the morning of the storm listening to the water pouring on my floor, and shingles being plucked off my roof. my privacy fence leveled to the ground, pool damage and MORE damage. i have no insurance because the last time i tried to buy a homeowners policy they wanted $3800 + for a policy so stripped down it gave the insurance companies a loophole to avoid paying for just about everything. besides, I’m on a small disability for income of less than $1000 per month. i have COPD so I’m now wondering what i will do when the mold starts growing with me already suffering with a breathing problem. i would like to believe trump is not entirely at fault here when he has got to know it is not to his advantage to ignore the residents of florida here at election time as much as he needs our votes. i somehow believe this storm has become a game of politics for the residents of the state of florida to suffer. this has upset me so bad i WILL vote for trump even though i had planned to not waste my vote on either party. this is persecution for the residents of florida!

  23. Cathy on September 24th, 2020 5:45 pm

    so this is why we can’t get DSnap for all the food we lost in fridges and freezers. Some of us could not afford generators.

  24. Christopher on September 24th, 2020 5:25 pm

    We had a tree fall in our home yet it still in here water damage has molded in a bedroom it smells really bad pensacola needs help asap we had to go to family members house cause of the smell in me and my wife home please help help

  25. pencil on September 24th, 2020 5:16 pm

    When you’re a priority, these things happen rapidly. They’ve done it for other storms so those saying we are waiting for paperwork and approval from someone who constantly brags about cutting through it for extra virus measures, think again.

    Google: florida , fema, hurricane and the first 10 entries are talking about past storms. That’s because we aren’t on their radar.

    He probably thinks the Hurricane was a hoax to make him look bad before the election. Don’t worry someone will be around before long to throw you paper towels to clog up your leaky roofs, soak up the puddles in your the living rooms and collect your votes.

  26. Deadre Hendrickson on September 24th, 2020 12:16 pm

    Lost our fence and pool damage ( estimated repairs $5500)

  27. Kathy Douglas on September 24th, 2020 12:13 pm

    I am at 4625 Hale St.Pensacola Fl. We had a tree fall on our house.we need help desperately.

  28. Phillip and Mary Stewart on September 24th, 2020 11:56 am

    We have roof damage (shingles blown off and missing), gutter parts blown off, water damage from roof/shingle leaks had water running down walls, windows leaked from wind blowing in, front door leaked water running in from all four sides, plants completely uprooted, walls/sheetrock/insulation has to be removed/dried behind and then replaced. Wood floors may need help-drying and watching hoping they are ok.

  29. Nurse on September 24th, 2020 11:50 am

    DeDe. Are you aware of who is in charge of Fema. Are you aware. The declaration has been issued to Alabama before Florida. Are you aware. President Bush. Signed the declaration. For Florida the day. After Ivan. This is incompetence.

  30. DeDe on September 24th, 2020 11:04 am

    @ Linda Schoonover

    Before the President could make the declaration, it has to go through channels, and the hold up was FEMA. I guess you weren’t aware of those steps in the process before your statement.

  31. Latasha Paulson on September 24th, 2020 10:55 am

    My mother had trees crush the back half of her home, including a pool and had a foot of water in her room and laundry room. What needs to be done for us to get some type of relief??? The entire back half of her roof needs replacing … Est of $20,000.00 if not even more. This isn’t included anything lost inside the home, the pool, any of the tree removal… It’s sad we have to beg for help!!

    Where do we send photos?

  32. Linda Schoonover on September 24th, 2020 8:56 am

    Sad that this President is making Northwest Florida beg for help. Kanye West was given more than 3 million for his church during covid by his buddy trump. Why can’t he help us with our own tax payer dollars? Remember this when you vote in November!

  33. sam on September 24th, 2020 7:03 am

    there is homeowners and renters insurance that covers this stuff. if you made the decision to not get the insurance it’s on you. storms are going to happen, they always do. politicians can get you some water and food but it always comes back to you.

  34. Nurse on September 24th, 2020 6:08 am

    It. Didn’t. Have to be. This. Bad

  35. Robert Bruner on September 24th, 2020 5:52 am

    Whatever happened to personal responsibility? You knew you live in a hurricane prone area so you should have had proper insurance. It appears people want big government only when it directly helps them. You cannot have it both ways. I personally believe the Bible that says acts of God are punishment for your sins. God has spoken.

  36. CW on September 24th, 2020 5:51 am

    This is my what used to be my home that’s pictured. Not going to comment anything towards the negativity just going to say you don’t know unless you’ve been through it!
    The inside of this looks worse and pictures just don’t do it, actually seeing it in person is heartbreaking. The tree landed in our bedrooms, kitchen, and bathroom! Thank God we didn’t stay and lose our lives. We need all the help we can get here and I know other families need it! Thankfully we could save some of the furniture but most of it got soaked by rain water & a gas leak from the tree busting one of the pipes in the attic.

    Praying for the other families that lost their homes from Sally!

  37. Christal on September 24th, 2020 5:07 am

    I took a heritage oak to the back of my house crushing the gable of the roof, my deck snapped , water spigot snapped behind the concrete block wall due to the tree windows, blown out. I have insurance to fix it.

    But am truly worried, without access to FEMA disaster loans our counties don’t have the budget to reimburse all the companies that went for world record power grid rebuild. If we have to fund the rebuild locally, it’s going to shoot power cost thru the holey roof, not to mention what’s going to happen to our taxes to cover repairing damaged government buildings, roads, watermains, etc.

    Bush declared us a disaster the day Ivan hit, this collection of evidence is us having to convince our federally elected officials that it’s way more than flood damage. Trump nor Gaetz seem to think we got hit hard enough.

    The other option is Trump thinks we’ve been wasteful with other FEMA dollars for whatever reason. No matter what reason though, we are royally screwed without that Declaration

  38. Jasmine Ferrell on September 24th, 2020 1:06 am

    Me and my family lost everything durning hurricane sally our apartment was flooded it was waste deep as we were leaving we called for help and they said they wasn’t sending anyone out to help we had to swim to the front of the apartment complex hey water was above chest level and I’m only 4”11 I had to carry my 5 year old daughter on my back with two bags that definitely got wet but that was all I could grab my mom and dad was to nervous to swim out due to snakes and the water being so high after I told them no one was coming to reduce us we had no choice but to swim out the water was making its was to the windows… when we finally made it back to observe the damages everything was wet and not only that we had someone to break a window and steal the Items that wasn’t damaged this is my first time experiencing the and I’m truly lost for words hurricane sally really broke us down just asking for prayers doing this time

  39. Mr. Metoo on September 23rd, 2020 10:33 pm

    Hurricane Sally was a hoax created by China and the damage isn’t real. So why would Northwest Florida need help. Now if South Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach got hit that would be a National disaster.

  40. Mike on September 23rd, 2020 9:54 pm

    Looks like this is going to be a gripe collection :)
    I ain’t got no insurance didn’t want to pay for it, save me! I had to work in my yard, insurance don’t pay for it, gimme money!
    Where is the spirit of self-reliance? Where is the spirit of I’m in charge of my destiny? Is it all replaced by “Gimme, gimme, gimme! “?

  41. Nurse on September 23rd, 2020 9:48 pm

    Elections. Have. Consequences. Here it is. Remember in. November

  42. Joseph Lowe on September 23rd, 2020 9:43 pm

    We need help and century

  43. Tasha Foret Knowles on September 23rd, 2020 9:28 pm

    my outside gazabo got destroyed and purchased it not long ago …also had no power for 4 days had to buy a generator out pocket of 700 plus 100.00 worth of gas ..i received snap benefits on the 11th which was all spoiled because of the power regardless of a generator my microwave and oven on my stove both didnt work when power came back on and the stove is only a year old . Lost 3 days work pay it may not seem much to some but I am on disability and part time worker

  44. Allison Clark on September 23rd, 2020 8:10 pm

    I need apply for food assistance or disaster food stamp program

  45. Teresa on September 23rd, 2020 6:42 pm

    First, my heart goes out to all that have suffered. I don’t understand how Alabama recieved Declaration by last Friday and we are having to beg for help. I’ll remember this during the election Mr. Trump.
    I am a caregiver for a bedridden woman, she cannot transition from the bed to a wheelchair and we have tried for 3 years to establish evacuation protocol for her to no avail. I rode out the storm with her in her mobile home; a tree fell on the roof, her privacy fence was demolished by 3 separated fallen trees and numerous huge limbs. She went 3 days without power which meant manual oxygen, manual lift and lowering of her bed, no access to 911 due to dead phones and a loss of both a regular fridge/freezer and standing freezer full of food. Debris is everywhere and trees down in every yard.
    I have taken pictures or her yard/damage as well as neighbors and will be emailing address provided. Its s shame when the government isnt taking care its people and even more shameful to exclude the elderly, disabled and most vulnerable (wise) of our society from evacuation protocols or to make them inaccessible to them..

    This storm really should be our wake up call to everything around us… it’s only getting worse. We have to act individually to make a difference as a whole..

  46. Nurse on September 23rd, 2020 6:34 pm

    Alabama got the declaration. Before Florida. Dasantis. Gaetz. Broxson. You have some explaining to do. Northwest Florida start calling your elected officials

  47. Bewildered on September 23rd, 2020 5:01 pm

    Tree removal is the biggest hurdle. My State Farm policy doesn’t not cover removal of trees unless they fall on a house or structure. I probably consider selling after waiting out the “scammer price period “ and scrape up the money to clear my yards. They are not even my trees – all belong to my neighbor who has a dense forest with lots of huge pines and dying trees behind my house – it will be only a matter of time before some storm knocks some down again

  48. Selina Baisden on September 23rd, 2020 4:34 pm

    Pensacola FL needs help
    Trees down big as a house
    Water damage by flooding
    Loss of food due to no electricity

  49. Tracy Mickelson on September 23rd, 2020 4:21 pm

    my home has a 60′ oak tree on and inside of it. I firmly belive that it will be deemed a total loss and will need to be rebuilt. If Escambia is counted as a disaster area my deductible will be significantly less, therefore I may actually be able to afford to replace my home. I’ve been working at a local hospital taking care of everyone else, now I’m asking my government to declare us a disaster area so I can take care of my family and myself.

  50. Brandon on September 23rd, 2020 3:52 pm

    @Paula $20k seems like price gouging to me. Don’t you have insurance?

  51. Santanna Bennett on September 23rd, 2020 3:43 pm

    Need help badly had a tornado rip off our roof and have bad mold damages.

  52. Nurse on September 23rd, 2020 2:25 pm

    Why. Doesn’t. Dasantis. Just call. Trump and ask for the declaration. Earthquakes. Pandemic Covid 19. And a hurricane. Waive the tolls on Garcon point bridge until 3 mile bridge is repaired. People are hurting. Politicians do the job you where elected to do. Are. Vote them out. Now is your time to step up

  53. Paula Ricketts on September 23rd, 2020 2:12 pm

    We had 20 docks wash up on our intercoastal property, estimate for removal $20,000. Our roof needs to be replaced estimate $15,000. Hardscape repair $3,000. Tree removal 5 trees 3,500.

    Where do I send photos?