Rubio, Scott Want To Keep U.S. On Daylight Savings Time This Year

September 17, 2020

Florida Republican senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio have introduced legislation that would keep the United States on Daylight Saving Time (DST) through November 7, 2021.

By preventing the United States from “falling back” to Standard Time in six weeks, Americans would also avoid changing clocks in March 2021 when the United States typically springs forward into DST.

“The bill would provide one year of stability for families who are already dealing with enough change with virtual learning, work from home, and other disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has placed into our daily lives,” according to a press release from Rubio.

“Our government has asked a lot of the American people over the past seven months, and keeping the nation on Daylight Saving Time is just one small step we can take to help ease the burden,” Rubio said. “More daylight in the after school hours is critical to helping families and children endure this challenging school year. Studies have shown many benefits of a year-round Daylight Saving Time, and while I believe we should make it permanent all year around, I urge my colleagues to — at the very least — work with me to avoid changing the clocks this fall.”

“After months of staying inside amid the coronavirus pandemic, families across the nation could use a little more sunshine and time to enjoy all that Florida has to offer,” Scott said. “I signed legislation as Governor to continue Daylight Saving Time year-round for Floridians, and I’m glad to join Senator Rubio to lead this effort in Congress.”

Recognizing legislative days prior to November 1 are limited, Senator Rubio will “Rule 14” the bill, which means the bill will bypass the Senate Committee on Commerce and be placed directly on the Senate calendar.

In March 2019, Senator Rubio re-introduced the Sunshine Protection Act, legislation that would make DST permanent across the country. The bill reflects the Florida legislature’s 2018 enactment of year-round DST; however, for Florida’s change to apply, a change in the federal statute is required. 11 other states —Delaware, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Washington, Arkansas, Alabama, and Wyoming — have passed similar laws, and dozens more are looking. In 2018, California voters overwhelmingly passed a proposition to authorize the state legislature to move to permanent DST.


8 Responses to “Rubio, Scott Want To Keep U.S. On Daylight Savings Time This Year”

  1. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2020 10:59 am

    “Yes to year round Daylight savings time!”

    NO to year round Daylight savings time!
    Do as you wish. It just strikes me as silly.

    “The bill would provide one year of stability for families who are already dealing with enough change with virtual learning, work from home, and other disruptions the COVID-19 pandemic has placed into our daily lives”

    We will balance out the harm done by COVID-19 by keeping our clocks set to tell us it is Seven am when the sun still hasn’t risen yet? People in higher latitudes are used to it already. These guys are potentially presidential contenders — as Republicans anyway. (How the mighty have fallen.)

    David for better Senators

  2. WM on September 18th, 2020 3:30 pm

    Please feel free to continue to not read the instructions on the portable wood chippers that you dispose bodies with.

  3. Trudie Blackmon on September 18th, 2020 3:09 am

    Why don’t people read articles before commenting? This isn’t what was voted on. This is for the whole US not just Florida. This is also only for one year.

  4. Me on September 17th, 2020 3:23 pm

    Florida has already voted for this!!! Let’s do what the majority is waiting for! Yes to year round Daylight savings time!

  5. Great on September 17th, 2020 2:33 pm

    This is great news! Who wants to get off work in the dark every day? Moving the clocks in November also coincides with the least amount of daylight, and increase in suicide and depression. Arizona doesn’t move their clocks.

  6. Rasheed Jackson on September 17th, 2020 1:33 pm

    Time to stop the changing of the time twice a year. There is no reason to have a time change. Leave it at the time we are on and be done with it. And yes we are smart enough to change the time but give we one good reason why it is necessary.

  7. Julia Pearsall on September 17th, 2020 12:44 pm

    Scott and Rubio do not think we are stupid, they are doing what the State of Florida asked them to do. I say thank you to both.

  8. justme on September 17th, 2020 7:47 am

    Do Rubio & Scott think we are stupid and unable to handle changing the time on the clock? Fyi… Mother Nature controls when the sun rises and sets…doesn’t matter what time is on the clock.