Major Disaster Declaration Issued For Escambia County, No Individual Assistance Yet

September 24, 2020

A major disaster declaration was issued by President Donald Trump Thursday morning for Escambia County following Hurricane Sally. It does not yet include any provision for individual or household assistance.

The declaration will provide funding for roads, bridges, public facilities, debris removal and other public damages. So far, Escambia County has recorded some $183 million in damage to public infrastructure.

Escambia County Administrator said Escambia County will continue to seek funding for individual and household assistance.

“We are not taking our foot off the gas in trying to get that,” Commissioner Robert Bender said.

““I’m pleased to announce that FEMA has approved our request for a major disaster declaration for Hurricane Sally,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “This declaration adds all categories of public assistance for Escambia County, providing critical federal support for the long-term rebuilding efforts of this area following the severe damage and flooding that Sally left in its wake. Northwest Floridians are resilient, and we will continue to work with our local and federal partners to ensure a full recovery from Hurricane Sally.”

Beginning Wednesday on, Escambia County began to ask the public to submit damage photos and narratives in an effort to seek assistance. By Thursday morning, about 250 people had submitted their damage photos directly to the county to be used to advocate for help for individuals and households. Click or tap here to submit your damage photographs and information.


30 Responses to “Major Disaster Declaration Issued For Escambia County, No Individual Assistance Yet”

  1. Nurse on September 26th, 2020 9:08 am

    Proud. Army parent. As I sit here in my home flooded and destroyed. And devastated with loss. Your comments. Are Mean. And. Hurtful

  2. Nmn on September 25th, 2020 1:36 pm

    People need help,please help them.

  3. Teresa on September 25th, 2020 12:58 pm

    Everyone wants to blame the Trump administration, that man has done more for this country in 3.5 yrs and then the last idiot did in 8. Definitely ready for 4 more years. TRUMP 2020

  4. Jerry Gross on September 25th, 2020 12:13 pm

    Has anyone heard a time lime for getting individual assistance approved? Alabama got it in no time. If Escambia County AL got it, we should as well.

  5. Too2tired on September 25th, 2020 12:01 pm

    Proud Army Parent, very well said!!! If you choose to live in Florida or anywhere along the Gulf Coast, you should know that at some point you are going to face a hurricane! I have lived here all my life and have had my home severely damaged many times. I live on a fixed income with no benefits on the side. I keep insurance on my house and let other things go that some people think are necessary but are not. I do not eat out or drive a newer car or anything that I can live without. I plan ahead for hurricanes with a generator and non perishable foods and water. I do not expect a hand out from the government because I wasn’t raised that way. It is neither President Trump nor DeSantis fault that you are having a loss. It is ole mother nature that has you in this situation and you for not preparing. I am so tired of people wanting and needing a handout from the government at every turn. I realize that it is mostly an inherited problem, where most people complaining were raised on handouts, and it makes a vicious cycle of continuance on government. People, you better wake up because if this Democrat party you are so fond of goes in, you will not continue as you are now. This Socialist new government will leave you starving and in the streets!

  6. Concerned citizen on September 25th, 2020 9:59 am

    It blows my mind how many people are so brainwashed as to support Donald Trump the Dictator. It’s like a cult now, Don’t worry Science deniers, he will be getting his crusty crooks out of the White house in 2 month’s.

  7. Adam Evans on September 25th, 2020 9:43 am

    I see a lot of comments here from people wanting other people to take care of them. You people chose to live in a hurricane prone area. Sell out and move to a place that has no natural disasters. It’s not going to change here, there will be more hurricanes to come. Many much worse than Sally. What made you think the hurricanes will not affect you? All through known history, Florida and all the Gulf Coast has had Hurricanes. Your damage and loss of assets isn’t President Trump’s fault, it’s your fault. You chose to live here. You might want to take this opportunity to cut your losses and git.

  8. Luis Santos on September 24th, 2020 11:47 pm

    We live on the gulf coast, there are hurricanes, to say that we were not prepared is inane, people should always be prepared for a hurricane, I start stocking up months prior, I have plenty of non perishables, water and gas. I have a generator and a camp stove, also battery powered lights and flash lights. I am always prepared. I lost power, my generator kept my freezer and refrigerator powered up until my power was restored, It’s not rocket science to be prepared.

  9. DK on September 24th, 2020 11:31 pm

    Some of the laughable comments on here about politics the President in office right now has done more for the American people in 3 1/2 years than the last administration didn’t do in 8.More funding to minority colleges than any other President record stock market gains started prison reform he gets treated badly because he cut out all the gravy train and about Obama care that’s a joke has cost everyone I know lots of out of pocket money that have insurance so just sit back and watch the one in office will get re-elected but will try to be stolen with bogus mail in ballots but I don’t think the good people lawyers and volunteers will let such a thing take place.We shall see on Election Day.

  10. Jennifer on September 24th, 2020 11:00 pm

    Yet again I am let down by our current society. Rather then point fingers, and put people down when we don’t know their situation or why they are in it…maybe offer to help some of these people when we have the means to do so. I remember when neighbors talked to one another, helped one another, and had compassion for others. Now it is ridicule, why don’t u have this, you should of had that, any reasonable adult would have blah blah blah…I know I will be on solid footing judgement day. Will you?

  11. Jason on September 24th, 2020 10:20 pm

    Still commenting it didn’t have to be this bad and allegation the President failed our area. Well, the truth is, the FEMA rules in effect were implemented under the OBAMA administration after Hurricane Sandy. These rules apply to all disasters regardless of which state they may occur.

    If folks are unhappy about the lack of individual federal assistance they should be focusing on why that assistance isn’t available. Again, I will direct you the FEMA rules implemented under the OBAMA administration. A simple Google search for FEMA disaster rules will provide interesting reading.

  12. Common Sense on September 24th, 2020 7:38 pm

    Why is it the government’s responsibility to cover your for food loss? Living in an area prone to hurricanes should lead a reasonable adult to own a generator. A generator that is capable of at least running a refrigerator. Where does one come to the conclusion that the state or federal governement should supplement the lack of homeowner / renter insurance? This was not a major storm in terms of comparison to Ivan or Michael in Escambia County or Santa Rosa County. Many forms of assistance have been provided to the area such as tarps, food, water, etc.

  13. No Excuses on September 24th, 2020 7:37 pm

    Well said Proud Army Parent! We haven’t helped ourselves to any free food or water because others need it. We have jobs, so we bought what we needed. Fortunately, no damage to the house or property, but we do have insurance, just in case! Both my husband and I lost entire houses to Ivan. Thank goodness we had insurance!

  14. Brooke on September 24th, 2020 6:50 pm

    I see a lot of people asking people why they don’t have insurance knowing they live in a hurricane prone area. People asking do not understand that those of us who don’t buy the insurance is not because we don’t want to, it’s simply a matter of choosing to eat or have insurance. Choosing to have my lights on or insurance. I really wish I could afford the insurance but with my rental at $950 per month and my medicine that my husband and I both have to take daily at Almost $900 per month, insurance would be a luxury. We both are in our 40s and work full time, we get no assistance, just regular people trying our best.

  15. Mary randall on September 24th, 2020 6:42 pm

    this hurricane plucked the shingles off my roof, leaked through my ceiling leaving me with water damage and mold under my roof, leveled my privacy fence and ripped the eave metal off my house along with some vinyl siding. i have COPD so I’m not sure how long it will be before my house wont be safe for me due to mold growing while already struggling to breathe with COPD. i am in no financial position to accept this burden since i am a disabled 63 years old woman already living on a disability of less than $1000 per month. HELP.

  16. Linda Solice on September 24th, 2020 6:13 pm

    Proud Army parent: I beg to differ with your remark about ESCAMBIA COUNTY is REPUBLICAN. Too funny!! Look at what your have done to the office of President of the USA . We are laughed at worldwide…. Democrats are here and the election lin less than. 6 weeks away… Preach the truth. What a nobel idea.!! Rather than knocking the nurse’s comment perhaps an apology for labeling ESCAMBIA COUNTY is Republican !!! WRONG. Please thank your child serving our country. Bone spurs is no excuse. Your child is a better person than your candidate. Peace is weeks away.

  17. Fred on September 24th, 2020 5:52 pm

    Proud army parent:sorry telling people to buy generators is ridiculous, insurance is super expensive and most have a 4 percent value of home deductible for hurricane and zero flooding coverage. Florida is a terribly stingy wage state and many are still dealing with damage from pandemic. We need reasonable help. No body can survive without a living wage, which we don’t get in Florida. Please quit voting for the crooked republicans that want to push more good people into poverty and take away the health care reform from the Obama administration

  18. Linda Solice on September 24th, 2020 5:49 pm

    I am elderly at 66. I own my home but unfortunately I have no homeowners insurance. I have lost my mimosas tree and now lays across my front lawn. I am physically unable to take care of the clean up. HELP !! I am native to Pensacola (Navy brat) and this is the FIRST hurricane ESCAMBIA COUNTY WAS SO
    unprepared. Very discouraged with Ron deSantis as he hasn’t a clue what Floridians can do if leadership leaves us in the line of disaster … I sincerely hope this taught our hurricane watchers do their homework. Total dissatisfaction with local politicians, State of Florida governor is a poor leader in need of communication from his advisers that has the citizens of Florida #1 welfare priority. Election time DEMOCRATS care. Greed has left the Republican party scattered with no leadership skills anywhere from D.C. to Tallahassee Florida.

  19. ProudArmyParent on September 24th, 2020 4:15 pm

    Nurse, your comment was probably one of the dumbest on here! Acts of God are just that, Acts of God!
    These people need to try buying insurance, they also need to start listening to instruction, “the first 72 is on you”.
    Buy a generator during the Tax Free Hurricane Preparedness Time! Take some responsibility.
    We have 4 tree down at our house. We have good neighbors who helped. Learn to help yourself and each other, instead of depending on Government!
    Our Country is a Republic NOT a Socialist State.
    How is it Governments job to bail everyone out individually?

  20. Irene Bell on September 24th, 2020 4:08 pm

    My husband and I lost $ 120.00 dollars worth of food we was without lights for 4 days

  21. Natasha L Roemer on September 24th, 2020 3:16 pm

    My family lost at least$850 worth of food our power was out 5 days i had just filled up fridge and freezer also my deep freezer. So many trees down because im surrounded by them got dents all over my car from them im pretty sure my car has water damage.. The back side of my house is nothing but boards now, all the stuff blew off all the skirting so im sure the duct work is all messed up if the wind blows again my kitchen window will fall out. My bedroom window is shattered smh i dont know what to do! Oh and now my roof is leaking in my laundry room i feel lost and helpless….Natasha

  22. Nurse on September 24th, 2020 3:15 pm

    It. Didn’t have to be. This. Bad. Remember. In. November

  23. Ethel Mae George on September 24th, 2020 3:10 pm

    My daughter lost her diebeties medicine that was supposed to stay cool and we lost all our food just made groceries

  24. Mike on September 24th, 2020 3:06 pm

    Folks, contact your insurance companies. Gene, Sara, Jeanette, have you filed the claims with your insurance companies?

    Just don’t tell us you decided not to buy insurance knowing that hurricanes here is a part of life.

  25. concerned on September 24th, 2020 1:37 pm

    Denise, there is free food everywhere! NorthEscambia is diligent about letting the community know. There is a number on their page to call and request supplies. Please follow through and get some relief!

  26. Resource driven on September 24th, 2020 1:31 pm

    Gutters, fence, food, shingles. trees….etc; hmmmm… Do yal know how to file an insurance claim. The folks that lost a lot more/everything need the help the most.

  27. Jeanette Lawson on September 24th, 2020 1:08 pm

    The whole area of Myrtle Grove took a very hard hit. Trees in houses , on houses, crushed vehicles, and trees down in yards every where. We had 3 massive trees fall on 4 of the buildings in our yard and also damage to our fence. We and the people in our community need help. Our community has alot of elderly that need help. Just take a drive through the area and see for yourself.

  28. Denise Whitfield on September 24th, 2020 12:40 pm

    I had trees down , all over my yard, ripped the power lines from my house, Lost all my Food in two refrigerator with freezers , the food in them as the power was off , for 5 days. It took my stove and microwave out, when the power did come back on. I Could not use my oxygen, I could not find a motel, it was Awful. Now I’m without , any food, or me as as to buy food as I’m on a fixed income.

  29. Sara Morris on September 24th, 2020 12:07 pm

    Our household has lost at least $800 worth of food from our freezer and refrigerator. We have 2 five foot missing areas of fencing in our backyard which makes us unable to let our dogs outside safely. We have lost
    2 gutters that were ripped off our home during the storm. We do consider ourselves one of the much more fortunate households in this area however and we are quite dismayed at the fact that individuals in this area are being ignored by our government and not receiving the level of help that is needed here. Please add individuals to the list of help that is being provided. Thank you

  30. Gene and Delaney Wooton on September 24th, 2020 11:02 am

    Damage to fence and lost all our fruit trees. Lost lawn furniture and storage building. No place to up load photos.