Gulf Power, EREC Ready For Hurricane Sally

September 15, 2020

Gulf Power and Escambia River Electric Cooperative say they are both ready to restore power as quickly and safely as possible after Hurricane Sally.

“We are taking every action possible to ensure we are ready to respond and can do so quickly to restore power to customers affected,” said Marlene Santos, president of Gulf Power.

Gulf Power crews are prepared to work around the clock once winds are below 35 miles per hour, conducting damage assessments as needed and restoring power to customers that are affected.

In addition, Gulf Power has secured additional resources that can help restore power, which would bring the total number of lineworkers, vegetation crews and other support resources available to nearly 500.

Escambia River Electric Cooperative has employees on emergency storm alert status.

“Our co-op may be significantly affected by high winds and heavy rainfall if Sally continues to intensify,” said Ryan Campbell, CEO. “With safety as our top priority, we have activated our emergency response plan in anticipation of the storm. This includes contact with our statewide association to coordinate the arrival of additional utility crews should they be needed.”

“EREC has taken all precautionary measures, and our emergency preparedness team has confirmed that all preliminary requirements for the possibility of a major hurricane have been met,” said Campbell. “We continue to monitor the storm very closely.”

Pictured: Gulf Power crews and contractors on standy to restore power after Hurricane Michael in 2018.


8 Responses to “Gulf Power, EREC Ready For Hurricane Sally”

  1. sam on September 18th, 2020 3:58 pm

    wanted to kidnap one of the 100+ that went down 29. now they’re rubbing it in. they’re parked all over the place at the overpass. %&^$$#%*&. patience, patience, patience.

  2. BRING IT ON on September 15th, 2020 2:04 pm

    When you see them out in the heat working offer up some refreshments.

  3. LineWife on September 15th, 2020 2:03 pm

    Thank you EREC lineman for everything you do! My line also has to leave his family when his job calls, but he does love it and is committed to it. Prayers for every lineman and his family. We love you very much!!

  4. EMD on September 15th, 2020 1:46 pm

    I love you EREC. You have integrity and a work ethic we don’t see that much of any more. It is so nice to have people we need so much, be as caring as you are. Prayers for your safety, and that of your families. Hugs

  5. sam on September 15th, 2020 12:38 pm

    lol, my power goes out once or twice a month in dry weather. broke out the candles.

  6. Shannon on September 15th, 2020 8:20 am

    Thank you linemen and everyone who work diligently to keep us with power! Sometimes we take things like that for granted until we don’t have it. You all risk your safety sometimes and time with family to make sure we have cool air and TV. Luxuries really but you guys keep it going. Shout out to my familie’s lineman Matt Reynolds!

  7. JustSaying on September 15th, 2020 7:45 am

    Thank you, EREC! You have an awesome bunch of employees, both out working in this weather and inside helping get everything coordinated! All the beautiful trees we have in the country, make such a mess when it comes to storms! Thank you for all you do!

  8. Jason on September 15th, 2020 1:09 am

    Welcome to Pensacola. Hope your stay is short and uneventful!