Escambia Schools Addressing Problem Of Students With Little Or No Internet Service

September 22, 2020

As traditional students head back to class Wednesday in Escambia County, the school district is addressing the problem presented for students in areas that have limited or no internet service following Hurricane Sally.

“With over 50% of students being served through remote and/or virtual learning, it’s important that we continue to work with families to find appropriate methods to continue students’ learning and progress,” stated Superintendent Malcolm Thomas.

On Wednesday, remote and virtual learning teachers will begin contacting parents and guardians to determine if students have an available and adequate internet access. Parents should anticipate a phone call from their students’ teachers to determine  methods for delivering remote instruction.

For students without internet access, schools will work with families to determine an appropriate solution tol ensure instruction and learning can continue.  Solutions may include providing a temporary mobile hotspot for the student until the internet is restored, or providing printed packets of learning materials for students where feasible.

Because teachers will spend the day contacting parents, the normal remote learning schedule will not occur on Wednesday.


19 Responses to “Escambia Schools Addressing Problem Of Students With Little Or No Internet Service”

  1. Kathy Martin on October 13th, 2020 3:28 pm

    I actually like the remote learning. My son is present everyday, even when he is “sick”, and he feels more free to participate in his classes. His grades have never been better. My son is in Highschool though, I can see how elementary and possibly middle school would be a nightmare. Our teachers are being so patient and doing good with the changes. Thanks guys!

  2. Bob on September 24th, 2020 6:31 pm

    @Well then…

    Why? So they can grow up to become doctors and scientists and we can continue ignoring them?

    We are still in the middle of a pandemic. Teachers in at least five states have been killed since the fall semester began. Schools in Florida should have never been reopened.

  3. Well then... on September 23rd, 2020 1:39 pm

    Students should be IN school! Remote learning and virtual is ridiculous. Send kids back to the classroom. Quit expecting the school to cater to your every need. Kids need to be at school!!!!!

  4. Shannon Gresh on September 23rd, 2020 12:33 pm

    Either way it was to soon, some of the schools don’t even have all their resources online yet, or AC’s. So as a parent of children that are doing both virtual and traditional I am disappointed in the lack of preparation to return eitther to classes today.

  5. Wise years on September 23rd, 2020 12:00 pm

    Virtual learning is a very poor substitute for live, in class learning. Think of all that virtual students miss out on. I love computers and programming them but I understand the deficiencies…old observation of mind is that great programmers are TERRIBLE sellers, and social misfits. Me included I guess.

  6. MomOfVirtualAttendees on September 23rd, 2020 10:11 am

    Our internet IS non existent except spotty cellular data. Our power is still flicking on and off. My kids are in remote because I just had covid for 6 weeks and now I’m working 12-+6 hour days to make up income loss. I don’t think this school year is fair to any student. They should have compiled paper packets to be distributed 1x a month and allowed students the option of zoom or phone calls to teachers. Teachers in brick and mortar should not have virtual students surely the system can find a practical method of instruction. Or if not, perhaps it’s time for parents to invest in an education co-op.

  7. Samantha on September 23rd, 2020 9:45 am

    I understand the mess that COVID-19 and now hurricane Sally has committed. I have to do Virtual Instructor Led Courses and yes, it’s difficult but, I deal with it. I prayed for my internet to be working so that I wouldn’t be left behind. I understand both aspects of traditional and remote students. Parents need a way to send their child to a safe environment while they go to work or look for work. As an essential worker I’ve also had to deal with learning and teaching new ways of doing things. We all need to learn to help each other and stop being so mean. What matters is that our future learns how to handle obstacles. Back in the day there were no remote students or workers. Now we have the technology and our future is learning how to better use it. Yes, there will be students that abuse the system just like there are students who will ditch classes for one reason or another. These students will get left behind due to their own ignorance. After hurricane Sally struck we lost power, water, and internet services in a wide spread area. It can take time to get these things back. So at this time patience is key for everyone. Some of those students that don’t have internet right now could be your best students. Do you really want to leave a child behind due to no fault of their own?

  8. Debbie on September 23rd, 2020 9:28 am

    Lara Eastman you seem like the only one in here with a brain that works . I see some of these comments from ” Adults ” and think this is where these kids that have ugly attitudes are getting their attitudes from …” HOME “. Do you guys understand your kids watch how you handle things and learn from you ! This was a hurricane , the schools are doing everything they can with what they have to do with . They are trying !
    If you have all the answers then by all means call them up and let them know. I’m sure they would be very thankful.
    Remember your kids are watching be mindful of what you teach them .

  9. Hmmm... on September 23rd, 2020 9:12 am

    I have an idea…send your children back to school!!!! This virtual and remote learning is ridiculous! That would solve so many problems. If you decide to keep them at home, that is on you! I am tired of people expecting schools and the government to take care of them and their needs. Send your kid to school and we would not be having this conversation! My children go to school because that is where they need to be!

  10. At It Again on September 23rd, 2020 7:41 am

    Brandy ,
    Traditional students are being punished if remote students do not have to come. The teachers cannot teach effectively to half the class. When the remote students come back online, they have to be brought back up to speed with instruction. Guess who has to do that? The teacher, which means time away from traditional students. There is no perfect solution, but this one is unfortunate and almost impossible for the teacher AND the students. The traditional students will be sitting there while the teacher tries to catch the remote students up again. In this scenario, yes, they will be the ones being punished because the teacher will then have to try to catch the remote students up.

    Since you are psychic and can interpret my attitude and profession, please learn to leave emotional name-calling and attack-mode out of arguments. Also, obviously you know different teachers from me. I do not know a single one who SITS AT HOME and still draws a paycheck!

  11. Agree with At It Again on September 23rd, 2020 6:49 am

    I agree with “At It Again”…. my child is in hybrid classes with online kids and she says they soak up most of the attention while the traditional students sit and wait for them to mute their microphones, wake up after dozing off, or have fire alarms constantly going off in the background. She works so hard in a traditional classroom all day to then come home and do hours of homework on a Chromebook. We chose traditional for a reason. She feels completely like a background character thanks to the online kids taking up the time of the teacher. I feel awful for the teachers having to juggle this mess. And now, we have NO WiFi at home and her friends who do remote learning HAVE WiFi, yet won’t be “returning” today. This is a big mess.

  12. Brandy on September 23rd, 2020 12:22 am

    @At it again- How do you figure traditional students are being punished? Because they have to go back to school? REALLY?!?! If anything it is the children who do not do traditional who are seeing the negative in this. My daughter does traditional and I don’t see her going back to school as a punishment. Its actually a good thing she will be caught up with everything. The children without internet access with be the ones who are going to fall behind.

  13. Lara Eastman on September 22nd, 2020 6:51 pm

    I think the schools are doing all they can with these difficult times. I hope all our children are learning new life skills- like how to handle changes and have patience, how to persevere when faced with obstacles, and how to be kind and helpful to others in need. School lessons are important, but so are life lessons.

  14. T Allen on September 22nd, 2020 6:24 pm

    Some of these prior comments are ridiculous.What do you people expect? Who knows what to do in situations like this? It’s something none of us have ever gone through so just sit back relax and deal with it. If you chose to send your child back to school then it’s back to school.Why are you crying about it and commenting stupid remarks about babysitting…If internet is out..internet is out..for remote learning, unless you have some hotspot you would love to share with us if so bring it on then if not then zip it crybaby.

  15. Wow on September 22nd, 2020 6:03 pm

    Really “At it Again” maybe you should be happy you have a job! Pathetic that you hide your real name because you are hiding behind your keyboard complaining basically you have to teach! Many people have lost their jobs because of COVID-19 and you as a teacher continue to get a paycheck while sitting at home! So if you hate the situation and how it’s being handled get a different job! You sound like a lackluster of a teacher and sounds like the kids would be better off if you did take an exodus from teaching! Fact of the matter is ultimately the kids are the ones suffering from the situation at hand! I pray you don’t teach any of my kids that is why I mask my name because you sound very bitter and would retaliate on any child that parents speak against you! Suck it up buttercup and get a different job because you sure don’t belong teaching our future!

  16. Aaron on September 22nd, 2020 5:58 pm

    Well, well….I have been begging either Frontier or Spectrum to provide service. I got a quote from Spectrum, which, BTW, would serve approximately 25 households. I was told there may be help from the Local Government, since this is a Known issue. Still waiting. Anything over 5Mbs, no cap and stable would be appreciated.

  17. Hmmm on September 22nd, 2020 5:14 pm

    My middle schooler does a ton online even though she is traditional. We have no Internet at home and neither do our family members in town. I hope they keep this in mind when they assign homework this week.

  18. At It Again on September 22nd, 2020 5:05 pm

    Are you kidding me? Again, our traditional students are the ones being punished. Remote kids can simply say, “No. My internet is spotty,” and they have more time off. Secondly, what about the teachers? Many teachers have half-remote and half-traditional. That means, if the remote kids cannot come online, the teachers will either teach the warm bodies in their classes or simply babysit them. If remote kids are not required to come online, why are traditional kids? Do not be surprised when you see a massive exodus of teachers, especially your veteran teachers. This is impossible.

  19. The Doer on September 22nd, 2020 4:35 pm

    Many middle and high school teachers may not even have a planning period tomorrow because of even and odd days. Also, many courses are hybrid. Again, the district has not thought this through. Students should log on if they have internet.