Escambia School Board Votes To Hire Dr. Timothy Smith As Next Superintendent

September 2, 2020

The Escambia County School Board voted 3-2 Tuesday evening to hire Dr. Timothy Smith as the next school superintendent.

Smith is an executive area director of high schools in Orange County, Florida, which has 212,000 students. His direct responsibility is for 10 high schools with a combined student population of 30,000 students. There are about 40,000 students in the entire Escambia County district.

Smith has served as a teacher and a principal at the middle and high school levels.

Board members Bill Slayton, Paul Fetsko and Patty Hightower voted in favor of Smith on a motion made by Slayton. The vote came after failed motion by board member Kevin Adams to hire Keith Leonard, who is currently assistant superintendent of human resources in Escambia County. Only Adams and Fetsko voted for Leonard.

If the district successfully negotiates an employment contact with Smith, it will be set for a board vote on September 15.

In November 2018, Escambia County citizens voted to move from an elected to an appointed superintendent. Malcolm Thomas, the current elected superintendent, will retire in November.


33 Responses to “Escambia School Board Votes To Hire Dr. Timothy Smith As Next Superintendent”

  1. Joe Noplis on November 24th, 2020 1:26 pm

    You pick a Leader based on Track Record and Historical Facts. Who will Lead the Escambia School District for the Next Decade and Improve what Malcolm Thomas has done. It should Not be based on one’s Color, Creed, Religion, or connections. Time will tell if Dr. Smith was a Good Selection!

  2. JLee on September 6th, 2020 8:53 pm

    This does not make sense at all to me. I know many of the public comment were in favor of the local candidate, Keith Leonard, as the new superintendent. Really education leaders…when the top two candidates are tied, you drop down to #3 for your choice??? Maybe the system for appointing a new superintendent needs to be improved. Let’s get the top choice somehow, not #3 or #4 or whatever. Very disappointed citizen. And not I did not vote for appointing a superintendent.

  3. tc on September 3rd, 2020 5:24 am

    Sounds like Smith was chosen for his “Doctorate” Degree. That’s a title that doesn’t mean squat to me. Keith has been an asset to Escambia County for MANY years.

  4. JD on September 2nd, 2020 6:32 pm

    Some on here Are saying Leonard was a good ol boy system candidate. I’ve know Keith for 33 years and had several cousins and family play ball for him and other school functions. Someone please name one thing that makes him part of the good ol boy system besides being a lifetime employee basically. . All who have up that voting right for an apointee can either savor their victory or can live with their choice for good or bad.

  5. Arnold on September 2nd, 2020 5:38 pm

    I am glad to know that the new superintendent has a doctorate….hopefully he has an emphasis on child psychology, for he will need it while dealing with the director of maintenance. And while we are on the subject of “good ole boys”…I believe Keith Leonard knows now how Hillary Clinton feels.

  6. Hmm on September 2nd, 2020 4:50 pm

    For those who missed the school board meeting let me explain what happened using an analogy. The Daytona 500 ended in a tie, a dead heat, a photo finish between Dale Earnhardt (Mr. Johnson) and Jeff Gordon ( Leonard). Therefore the only logical thing to do was to name Kyle Busch (Smith) as the winner.

  7. Inigo Montoya on September 2nd, 2020 3:04 pm

    @ Bonnie: Adiminant? Forgive me for being uneducated, but what does that word mean?

    Adamant, perhaps?

  8. Jeff on September 2nd, 2020 2:20 pm

    *Adamant, Teach

  9. Bonnie Exner on September 2nd, 2020 1:28 pm

    adiminant about NOT giving away my right to vote( correction)

  10. Bonnie Exner on September 2nd, 2020 1:24 pm

    I was adiminant about giving away my right to vote because you will NEVER ELIMINATE POLITICS in any just changes whose power will be implemented!!As 33 year retired teacher from ESCAMBIA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT,I wish only the best for the newly appointed superintendent and pray that all who are making decisions think what is best for the students first and support ALL PERSONNEL who work diligently for the success of PUBLIC EDUCATION in FLORIDA.

  11. Really Pleased on September 2nd, 2020 1:24 pm

    I’m so pleased.

    I voted for an appointed superintendent and in doing so an empowered five member ELECTED school board with authority to direct policy, rather than recommend it and be overridden by one person.

    Additionally, I’m pleased the board is going for someone who has been a principal and has a doctorate degree.

    All of this is exactly what I hoped would happen when I voted for the referendum.

    For the students (and they are what it’s all about), the public education system of Escambia County just took a big step forward into the future.

  12. Melissa Pino on September 2nd, 2020 12:45 pm

    Mat, you are right about the need to support the new superintendent, and I should have made clear that by “let the games begin” I meant the GOB that got ousted working on him.

    To be clear, my remarks weren’t anything about Dr. Smith’s capabilities or character. It was just mind-blowing to watch that quick vote go down for a candidate they had entertained very little discussion on. It’s being read as the result of a “gridlock” by some, but there wasn’t any gridlock that I could see. Very likely another shade maneuvering substituted for the ongoing shade maneuvering that the community had an eye on. Disappointing, and it also seemed, in my opinion, to be discriminatory.

    I find it sad that the only way to subvert backdooring in this town is with more backdooring. Maybe someday we’ll get some transparency.

  13. Citizen on September 2nd, 2020 12:31 pm

    You voted NOT TO HAVE A VOTE.

    Therefore, you have no say in the matter.

    And it’s “clique”, not “click”. ;-)

  14. R C on September 2nd, 2020 12:20 pm

    A new day for Escambia County! Welcome Dr Smith. Thank you to the three board member who stood up for education. Looking forward to a new day in Escambia education.

  15. Andria Price on September 2nd, 2020 11:17 am

    Dr. Tim Smith was a fabulous principal at Winter Park High School in Winter Park Florida. He strived to meet the needs of all students of all levels. He took the parents and students concerns to heart and did everything possible to make Winter Park High School the best high school for all. Escambia County Schools is lucky to have Dr. Smith on their team.

  16. Condolences on September 2nd, 2020 9:23 am

    My kid is a brat who’s tough to take. Good luck!

  17. Mat on September 2nd, 2020 8:34 am

    Instead of bashing this new superintendant lets all gather together and support him in his new position. It does no good to be angry with him. Everyone please just support him.

  18. Blindsided on September 2nd, 2020 8:07 am

    Wow! Didn’t see that one coming! I believe Dr. Elder said it best as money wasted. I wasn’t aware at the time the board was allowed to put back a name at anytime. Saddened for Mr. Leonard and proud of district 1 Mr.Adams for sticking with his first choice. What was the reason of having 4 finalists if you weren’t going to choose one of them. That just defeats the purpose of the selection committee. Just shocked!

  19. Just Listening on September 2nd, 2020 8:01 am

    Hang tight Dr. Smith. Sounds like it is going to be a rough ride for a while. Stay
    clear of the Good O ‘ Boys and stick to your guns on decisions that you see best for the students first. Your calling probably was a good choice. just saying

  20. Bob on September 2nd, 2020 7:45 am

    Keith Leonard is part of the good ole boy network. The district hires good ole boys and their entire family. Nothing but waste, fraud and abuse at the Pace Building. The district is run by unqualified and incompetent employees many with only a high school diploma. This has been going on for 25 years.

  21. JW on September 2nd, 2020 7:24 am

    Leonard was YOUR choice. Not OUR. Out with Malcolm and let’s move on with school being about our children and teachers.
    Now, please vote for school choice. We shall see how he does but deserves a fair chance here.

  22. AR on September 2nd, 2020 7:21 am

    Dr. Smith will not break up the “downtown click”. This is why he was hired. He will be a yes man from the beginning. This is why the downtown click pushed for a appointed superintendent. I feel bad for Keith. Most in Escambia were pulling for him, but again, our voices don’t count.

  23. Time for a Change on September 2nd, 2020 6:49 am

    Stick a fork in it. Finally, the good ole boy system is done! Dr. Smith needs to clean house starting with the downtown crowd. Demand performance and rid the district of incompetent political payback place holders, which includes principals who got positions not based on performance but by connection.

  24. Anne on September 2nd, 2020 6:27 am

    Mr. Leonard, we are saddened that you did not get the Supt of Schools position.

    Our feeling is that the same “progreswive downtown ibig bucks nfluences” are what pressed the committee and board to appoint Dr. Smith.
    These are the same ones who promoted the Appointed Supt and wrangled our right to Vote away from the citizenws. Smoke and mirrors, but then a majority of We the People did fall for this.

    There was obvious confusion on the part of Ms Hightower wanting to have another vote just to make sure she saw on the tally board what she couldn’t really believe.

    BTW, same group that pressed the Appointed Superintendent is hard at work planning for a change in other high offices in managing Pensacola and the County.

    Mr. Leonard you are OUR Choice and we know you will continue to put your heart and soul into making this school system Better every day. Thank you Sir.

    Best wishes to Dr Smith, you have a GREAT TEAM already in place and they will do all things possible to make your position a Success because it is All About the Children….God Bless.

  25. Arnold on September 2nd, 2020 6:26 am

    With Keith out, there goes the “good ole boy network” at the School District. Ha ha! Glad to see this happen! Now maybe our benefits will improve and hourly employees will be paid what they are worth!

  26. Gave your right to vote away on September 1st, 2020 11:33 pm

    People what do you expect. You gave your RIGHT to vote away. Live with the choice, you the majority of people voted for.

  27. ADB on September 1st, 2020 11:29 pm

    Dr. Smith… just made the worst career choice of your carrier, coming to work for these yahoos who make up the school board. It isn’t called eSCAMbia county for nothing. So sorry.

  28. John Bodie on September 1st, 2020 11:11 pm

    Wonderful news, I was wrong, I thought Leonard was getting it. Great choice, hopefully. Let’s see the good ole boys cringe. Lol

  29. Kevin on September 1st, 2020 10:27 pm

    Patty Hightower seemed shocked that Dr. Smith received 3 yes votes (including her ‘yes’). Sounded like she asked to vote again. Is ECSD in good hands with a potential Dr. Smith superintendency?

  30. Sherry Taylor on September 1st, 2020 10:22 pm

    Saddened that Mr. Leonard was not chosen. He would surely have been elected!!!

  31. Precious on September 1st, 2020 9:15 pm

    FINALLY now maybe he will take care of the support personal break up the downtown click because the esp have been screwed over for years first thing get rid of the self insured policy and get some decent insurance and pay the hourly employees what they deserve then you can hire qualified employees hopefully he has enough backbone to replace everyone on the top floor and the head of maintenance clean house!¡!!!!!

  32. Buh-bye on September 1st, 2020 9:06 pm

    Nice job of stabbing Mr. Leonard in the back by Mr. Slayton. His choice didn’t get consideration so he switched over to the other non-Leonard choice. Hope people remember this garbage when it comes to NOT re-electing Slayton.

  33. Melissa Pino on September 1st, 2020 8:18 pm

    Ain’t that something. A candidate who received no discussion except for Bill Slayton suddenly bringing him in on the last round of discussion. When Kevin Adams’s motion didn’t pass, Slayton–who had represented his choice earlier in the meeting as Johnson versus Leonard–is right there to bring a quick motion for Smith. With a couple of quick votes ready.

    Let the games begin.