Escambia Closes Applications For Rent, Mortgage Assistance A Week Earlier Than Planned

September 5, 2020

Applications closed Friday, a week earlier than planned, for the Escambia County CARES Act rent, mortgage and utility assistance program.

The program made $813,451 available on Tuesday to assist eligible applicants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with up to $3,000 for each family.  In the first day, over 600 applications were received, and by Thursday that number was around 900.

The county decided to close the application period early because the funds are likely exhausted due to the overwhelming response. The maximum assistance for those that qualify will be $3,000 per household and will be paid directly to the landlord, mortgage or utility company.

About two hundred of those that applied will be immediately deemed ineligible because they indicated that they had not lost income due to the pandemic. All applicants will be notified by county staff regarding their eligibility in the coming days.

A larger county assistance program is forthcoming, but applications details have not been announced.


10 Responses to “Escambia Closes Applications For Rent, Mortgage Assistance A Week Earlier Than Planned”

  1. Mark on September 9th, 2020 3:33 am

    I’m still waiting on social security to send me a wage statement so I can apply. Same crap like calling community action program for an appointment it’s amazing all appointments are filled in the space of 1 minute. Friends and family first

  2. Patricia Wearnes on September 7th, 2020 1:11 pm

    I applied never heard anything back I was out of work 7 weeks due to having covid 19 I work on the front line in the emergency room.They help people that was on hud already getting public assistance because I heard housekeepers at my job talking about it they didnt miss work.It was a very UNPROFESSIONAL process.I heard some people new about the application before it was posted due to there caseworkers and they had already applied..I even called the 211 number when I had covid trying to get help because I was quarantine inmate home for 7 weeks no family in Florida.

  3. fisherman on September 7th, 2020 9:20 am

    Shame shame.i didnt need the help but go figure.they closed this down without actually trying to find more funds or ask the public for help.when all the applicants are in and the money is distributed. We would like to see a public read the utility companies and landlord in the amount of the is public information.

  4. MR REALITY on September 6th, 2020 12:35 am

    Pete. apparently they closed it so it wouldnt affect how much this “first group” wink wink wink will get….WHY CANT THESE PEOPLE SEE WHAT IS GOING ON…..

  5. MR REALITY on September 6th, 2020 12:33 am

    WOW some of you should learn some critical thinking skills….They should keep it open until the closing date….it doesnt matter if 100 or 19999 apply….To close it and say too many people have applied isnt a fegit excuse. If 100 applied by the deadline then so be it. If 1000 apply by the deadline then divide it by then 1000 applicants. WHY WHY WHY are so many people now laking in THINKING SKILLS….Oh and PS…Whne you CAPITALIZE certain words it is called STRESSING those word DAN…Instead of trying to make your self look smart you should just let grown folks handle this.

  6. John doe on September 5th, 2020 12:59 pm

    they closed it down because they likely don’t have the funding for the applications they already have, not because they “can’t handle it”. Please read before responding.

  7. Pete on September 5th, 2020 12:05 pm

    It should be based on need. If 813 qualify thtey should each get $1000, 1626 qualified is $500. Wouldn’t that be fair and just? What about the person that took a job , working face to face with the public, making 1/4 oof their pre covid income? Shouldn’t they be at the front of the line?

  8. Dan on September 5th, 2020 10:47 am

    @ Mr. Reality
    Perhaps the reason was the cap lock while they were typing kept getting in the way and forgot to capitalize at the beginning of a sentence while they were playing in the circus

  9. Willis on September 5th, 2020 10:36 am

    Hope the right people got their apps in 1st.
    Cause it apparently isn’t for everyone.

  10. MR REALITY on September 5th, 2020 6:56 am

    wait…we rolled this out WANTING PEOPLE TO APPLY, then they apply and to be honest LESSS THAN 1000 people apply and now the county has to shut it down becasue so many people applied they cant handle it? HUH? We cant handle 600 applications and get the ball rolling. You dont award the max BASED upon the number of applicates SO they should leave it open LONGER due INSTEAD of everyones “family” gettin in line first…WHY WHY WHY IS OUR COUNTY RUN BY A BUNCH OF CLOWNS?