Cox Says They’re Still Working On Heavily Damaged Areas, 97% Restored

September 30, 2020

Cox Communications had restored service to 97% of customers that were impacted by Hurricane Sally as of Tuesday, and they expect to complete major network repairs by October 2.

Restoration crews have identified over 46 miles of damage to the network and are continuing to complete repairs. In more severely damaged areas, Cox network crews and our partners continue to make great progress getting those areas up and running. Crews are also continuing to repair down lines at customer’s homes this week.

The company previously identified Cantonment, Myrtle Grove and along Lillian Highway as among the hardest hit.

“First, we’d like to thank our customers for their patience while we continue to make great progress in the restoration of our network,” said David Deliman, vice president of Cox’s Gulf Coast market. “Our crews continue to work extremely hard to reconnect the Gulf Coast. We estimate that all our major network repairs will be complete no later than Friday, October 2. While the network repairs will be complete by that day, individual customer damage to their home could take longer to fix. We will not rest until all customers are connected to the services they enjoy.”

To achieve this timeline, Cox has brought in additional teams from across the country to assist with our ongoing repairs and service calls at customer homes. These crews are in addition to the network restoration crews brought in immediately after the storm.

Customers should be receiving emails with updated service restoration information. If a customer has received notice that major repairs have been completed to their neighborhood and are still experiencing issues, they can:

  • Reset their device by unplugging and plugging it back in.
  • If resetting the equipment doesn’t get it back online, please chat with us at or for Cox Business.
  • If service is not restored, please contact Cox at 877-556-7815 to schedule a service call.
  • If a customer had a service call scheduled already, our team will be reaching out to them with earlier service appointments, when possible.

Also, intermittent service outages may occur as providers are working to replace temporary lines with permanent ones, remove trees, install permanent power poles and restore equipment to power from generators. This infrastructure could also be damaged by debris collection.

“We ask customers please take caution to place debris away from Cox equipment boxes and infrastructure,” said Anthony Pope, senior vice president and region manager of Cox Southeast. “Keeping those areas clear allows crews to better facilitate repairing and replacing cable lines. That will allow us to restore services to all customers quicker.”


12 Responses to “Cox Says They’re Still Working On Heavily Damaged Areas, 97% Restored”

  1. mamaw69 on October 4th, 2020 12:46 am


  2. mamaw69 on October 4th, 2020 12:44 am

    Cox will send a message one minute and tell you your service is restored and 5 minutes later you have determined it has not. You call and they say “outage in your neighborhood” “we can’t schedule anyone” But they did send a notice yesterday say the technician would be here between 8am and 10pm. Of course no one showed and when we called we were told someone would call us. that didn’t happen either. Then today we called and they said that our date for Tues for a Tech isn’t going to happen because they can’t schedule a tech when there is an outage, even thought they DID. INTERNET – UP A COUPLE MINUTES DOWN 6HRS-TV-ONLY LOCAL BROADCAST CHANNELS, SO YOU CANT EVEN TAPE ANYTHING ON THE OTHER CHANNELS AND PHONE…ON. OFF. ON. OFF . ON OFF………..IT’S NOW BEEN 18 DAYS AND COUNTING…..I HAVE WORK TO DO….BUT IF YOU HAVE KIDS AT HOME TRYING TO GO TO SCHOOL, THEY CAN FIX YOU FIRST!!!!

  3. Heather on October 3rd, 2020 9:45 pm

    We’re in Crescent Lake and have not had internet since 9/15. I keep getting messages stating all fixed, I go through the modem reset, still no internet. Can’t talk to a live agent unless you use chat. I couldn’t even get through that way today to report our drop is touching the ground. My husband is supposed to be working from home.

  4. Jay on October 1st, 2020 5:14 pm

    They got mine back up today.
    Thanks COX for working to get everyone back connected.
    I don’t ever expect a cable company to be out there risking their lives to get cable up immediately after a storm like a lot of people seem to clamoring for. That is a very selfish thing to expect from a worker that is simply providing a creature-comfort, and not a vital service. It isn’t life or death to get internet back up. No one is in pain or terribly uncomfortable without cable. It isn’t the same as having the power grid down. Seems like people in the community today have absolutely no grit, and just love to whine and complain about stuff even in the aftermath of a natural disaster. I am glad Cox let the power trucks and tree cutting trucks in first do their job before the Cox trucks started competing for that same space. Some people are so unrealistic with their expectations.

  5. Theresa Trillo on September 30th, 2020 2:38 pm

    Cox Internet and Cable is not back on Perdido Key Drive in Escambia County. Cox Customer service keeps telling me that I DO have internet :) .
    Their customer service is horrible.

  6. Julis Pearsall on September 30th, 2020 1:26 pm

    Shout out to Cox. We never lost internet or cable, but our lines were sagging down to the road. My husband propped them up and put flags on them, but with all the trucks coming through we were afraid the line would be torn off the house. Called Cox yesterday, was told to expect repair by October 6. This morning Cox was out replacing the line!

  7. Cox is the worst on September 30th, 2020 12:57 pm

    All Cox cares about is getting your money.

  8. Henry Coe on September 30th, 2020 12:49 pm

    My Mom and her neighbors finally got Internet and Cable service back. Cox had kept sending service techs out for each person’s house and would keep tracking the problem back to a line that was pulled out of a junction box by about an inch. The last day of this before we all had a fit, the same tech came out that had been out the week before and had no path for getting the right type of service tech. with the right equipment, to fix the problem.
    Over the previous two weeks I kept getting appointments and then would receive a text that the problem had been fixed when it hadn’t been fixed and then I would have to call Cox back to set up another appointment letting them know the problem wasn’t fixed.
    While these are not normal service related problems for Cox Technicians to deal with, Cox Management has some definite bugs to work through in their communications with repair teams getting help from each other and with their customers in how their automated notification system function.
    My average time to report a problem probably took 20 to 30 minutes and in a few of those experiences their system hung up on me and I had to start over going through a large redundancy in questions by their system trying to get me to reboot my modem over and over and over.

  9. Eric on September 30th, 2020 12:26 pm

    Cox has sent us several phone texts saying our service has been restored. It is still out, but their internet service is working and has been working ever since the power came on two days after Sally.

    I suspect that our service is part of that 97% that has been “restored”, so their numbers look better than they really are.

    Yes, we have unplugged their modem and cable boxes at least 3 times, to no avail. A rep is supposed to come by our house tonight. Thankfully, their Contour service works off their internet and we are able to watch TV, but you cannot do anything else on the internet or it will freeze.

  10. fisherman on September 30th, 2020 9:06 am

    I feel your frustration however they are working as fast as they can to get everything repaired. If you have phone/internet service from COX they are hooked differently at the pole. Your TV cable could have a break in the line causing this outage. It took a few days for them to come out on my service call but when they arrived they fixed more than what i thought was wrong. I had 4 bad connectors at the pole and once repaired I got better TV/Internet/Phone. Just hang on it will get fixed.

  11. Rodney Cammauf on September 30th, 2020 8:12 am

    Cox keeps saying they will be done and have us restored by Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and I don’t know. When the power was out Gulf Power did not make a bunch of empty promises they just dug in and got to work. I guess Cox just believes in fairy tails.

  12. mitch326 on September 30th, 2020 7:54 am

    I have internet and phone but no cable. neighbors around me have full service but I can’t get anyone out till Oct 6. Lack of a better word there customer service sucks.