COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue To Decline In Escambia County

September 3, 2020

The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in Escambia County are continuing to decline.

As of Wednesday, there were 107 patients current hospitalized for COVID-19 in Escambia County. It is first time since July 3 the number has been below 110. Once month ago, the hospitalization number was 217.

Click graphic to enlarge.

Source: City of Pensacola.


4 Responses to “COVID-19 Hospitalizations Continue To Decline In Escambia County”

  1. Drew on September 4th, 2020 1:02 pm

    What an insane comment from James. When has the flu caused hospitalizations in the middle of summer? Unbelievable. Please stop drinking the bleach and pick up a book sometime.

  2. James on September 4th, 2020 9:54 am

    The numbers most likely are correct and no doubt the number of cases are going down. If they kept as accurate of numbers of people who had the flu each year it would be far worse than this virus. Also many people die from the flu! I still believe this virus has been over played and used as a political ploy. People should be aware by now of how much power the government has over us.

  3. Dan Casey on September 3rd, 2020 2:22 pm

    Thanks for a great graphic! Useful info, easily and quickly understood, and timely. What a great job

  4. k on September 3rd, 2020 9:09 am

    Based on other records William has posted here, the max number of cases was 246 on July 20th. Now it’s at 107, a decline of about 60 %.

    This decline in hospitalizations is in spite of new admissions with the virus. So that means the number of people getting sick is dropping as fast or faster than the number of people who are getting discharged from the hospital.

    If people were getting sick at the same rate as the people getting discharged, the numbers would be nearly constant.

    And I don’t think people would suddenly start getting better at a faster rate… so there’s that.