Alabama Governor Extends Mask Mandate Until After November Election

September 30, 2020

Gov. Kay Ivey has extended Alabama’s mask mandate until after the November election.

Facial covering will be required in public places within Alabama until 5 p.m. on November 8, Ivey announced during a press conference Wednesday. Alabama’s mask order has been in effect since July 16, and it was previously set to expire on Friday.

Ivey said Alabama’s COVID-19 numbers have continued to decline since the mask order, and she mentioned the national election as one reason for extending the order.

“I want everyone to (vote) and to be able to do it safely,” she said.

Ivey also loosened the restrictions on nursing home and other long-term care facilities. Beginning October 2, each patient or resident can have one caregiver or visitor at a time.


28 Responses to “Alabama Governor Extends Mask Mandate Until After November Election”

  1. Anna on November 2nd, 2020 11:03 am

    The masks create fear in people, that is the main reason for them. They have very little other value otherwise. Fauchi has said himself that they do no good. Then he changes his mind & says they are? Doctors outside of the “inner circle” are also saying that masks cause bacterial infections in the lungs because they are not designed to be worn all day long.

  2. Frank on October 29th, 2020 8:57 pm

    I don’t where a mask outside of work. i am required to where a mask. About 30 people that work in the same area caught the China virus at work and we all had on masks. Yes I had the virus no more serious than the flu. No reason to where a mask if you have no symptoms. Kay is compromised. China has bought her.

  3. Bob on October 1st, 2020 11:33 pm


    You keep saying that it has been proven that masks do not reduce the spread of COVID-19. Could you please cute the medical journal where you got this information? The people at the CDC, WHO, APA, and virtually every other medical association on the planet would love to know what massive breakthrough you’ve made showing that respiratory droplets can’t be stopped by a face mask.

    This pandemic has disturbed me. It’s not the people getting sick or the businesses closing, it’s my neighbors who are so willfully ignorant and proudly selfish that they would rather let their friends and families suffer and die a slow, painful death or suffer a lifetime of health complications rather than wear a mask for five minutes when they go into the grocery store.

  4. Robert on October 1st, 2020 9:27 pm

    Just a thought. If the mask makes it hard for oxygen molecules to get into your lungs, then maybe it also makes it harder for droplets containing the virus to get through the mask as well?

  5. Steve on October 1st, 2020 3:36 pm

    What a sheep herder she is… This is stupid. Let those that want to wear one WEAR THEM.. Let the rest of us make that choice for ourselves.
    I dont wear one cause it makes it hard for me to breath.
    The mask dont work as everyone is touching them all day long and then touching everything else.
    MASK DO NOT WORK… IT will be proven later it was just SOMETHING to placate the masses with a thing to do to help that is simple and has a purpose, even if its incorrect and a waste of time. Lots of sheep feel right in line too.

  6. Theresa Trillo on October 1st, 2020 1:24 pm

    Josh Jones
    As is typical for people like you…you judge before you post your nasty little comments. My husband had COVID and like every other illness, your recovery depends on your own health and care. Masks worn around all day, DO NOT WORK, so stop with your snarky comments.
    BTW he was sick for three days and like any other flu, he recovered and he is fine, but you keep yourself hid under your bed and the rest of us are going to continue building our businesses and going about our wonderful lives.

  7. Mic Hall on October 1st, 2020 11:28 am

    You are kidding right?!

    “lives before politics” Really!! She set the date not to Nov 1 or Dec 1 or just until she thought would be safe but JUST AFTER THE ELECTION.

    Of course the date set was about politics. Her focus is all about politics and picking that date shows her priority or a different date would have been picked.

    It is obvious that the concern was that removing the restriction before the election might impact the way people vote.

    No matter your opinion on mask wearing don’t be gullible about a politicians motives.

  8. Happy on October 1st, 2020 9:17 am

    Safebear, Some of you? You mean 99.9 % of you. You treat people who hate wearing a mask as if they were Flat-Earth deniers. “It’s flat. you just don’t don’t understand. Just wait until you walk to far in one direction.” Pathetic.

  9. Jeff on October 1st, 2020 8:41 am

    Absolutely ridiculous and unAmerican.

  10. I agree on October 1st, 2020 8:39 am

    I agree with the Governor. I am glad some people place lives before politics.

  11. I agree on October 1st, 2020 8:37 am

    I agree with you Governor. You place lives before politics.

  12. Amazed on October 1st, 2020 8:30 am

    I’m always amazed by all the folks that believe the mask works and believe it’s the best way to stop the virus. They say the “science” supports it but fail to leave out the key fact that the Covid particle size is 100 nanometers while the N95 mask permeability is 2500 nanometers, and the cloth masks are much more permeable than that..yes it may stop the coughing and sneezing from spreading so far but if you have that issue you shouldn’t be in public anyway. It really is like trying to use a chain link fence for mosquitoes! People need to realize scientists are bought just as easy as politicians.

  13. Safebear on October 1st, 2020 7:21 am

    I’m happy that some of you have not suffered the death or illness of a loved one because of this COVID-19. I’m seriously sorry though that some of you posting here are so selfish that you won’t wear a mask while it has been proven that the mask is the best defense. Your mask protects me, my mask protects you. I’ll bet though that some of you are afraid to go to the grocery store without your gun when you have less chance of getting shot than catching this. #maskitorcasket

  14. Dean on October 1st, 2020 6:34 am

    Thank you to the AL governor for doing the smart and safe thing! To bad a significant amount of your constituents are brain dead! Well, it is Alabama after all!

  15. Dean on October 1st, 2020 6:29 am

    It’s laughable yet so serious what Steve and other mask deniers commented here. You’d have to think they are totally unaware that doctors and nurses wear masks in the operating room…and for a good reason! It prevents the spread of germs. Do you people even dress your own selves?! Less face it. There are a bunch of people who have such low IQs that they are in any situation a danger to themselves and others. Repeat something to them 2 or 3 times and they’re repeating the mantra as if someone programmed them. Some minds are just weak and the rest of us just have to live with that reality and deal with it. To find most of them just look for the trump sign!

  16. CW on October 1st, 2020 6:05 am

    Every time I go to a polling place, it’s mostly older people there, and these are ‘high risk’ people. I can certainly see the need for mandatory masks while voting, otherwise people may be scared away.

  17. Stumpknocker on September 30th, 2020 11:06 pm

    How can she put a date on such a thing, does she know something that no one else does? This whole thing is a political game. They have not even counted the deaths correctly.

  18. take it serious on September 30th, 2020 9:25 pm

    THANK YOU!!!!

  19. Nod on September 30th, 2020 8:53 pm

    Dear Steve, I am a simple minded mass and a sheep. Hope you and yours remain safe. WHY DO YOU FEEL THE NEED TO CALL US NAMES? How do you know the vaccine will not kill you?

  20. Chelleepea on September 30th, 2020 6:09 pm

    Kay Ivey is a strong woman……doing what is best for her people despite opposition… bad some people think a mask doesn’t help!!

  21. Bull on September 30th, 2020 5:58 pm

    This woman should never be allowed to make a decision that affects this many people. Fools elected her and her bed pan pal Doug Jones. I hope this is the last year we hear from these buffoons.

  22. Steve on September 30th, 2020 5:22 pm

    SHe not thinking correctly. Mask do nothing but placate the simple minded masses .
    If it worked there would far few cases of people getting it and the ones using the mask would be less likely also.
    Its a way to make sheep feel like they are doing something. You know at times in our history we would do certain things to keep from getting stuff based on nothing more than :it cannt hurt to try:… Vaccine is the only way things will go back to normal.
    AND YEs I will take it. So i can put to rest face covering forever.,

  23. JOHN on September 30th, 2020 5:19 pm

    This has been purely political from day 1 all because the CORPORATE MEDIA Scared politicians into putting and keeping mask mandates in place.

  24. Dave Graham on September 30th, 2020 3:42 pm

    I kind of understand your desire for “everyone to vote safely.” But, this mask mandate is about five months overdue of being done away with. We want to get our lives back to the way it was. If you must extend this mandate, we will continue to put these diapers on our faces, needlessly of course! We do ask one thing in return. Do away with the mail in voting option as a reason for not voting in person. With the exception of those who need to send in an absentee ballot in accordance with the rules that have been in place. This mail in voting is a HUGE recipe for disaster. If we must wear a mask in order to make everyone feel safe, “EVERYONE” who wishes to exercise their right to vote, they should go to a polling place to do it.

    Thank you!

  25. Josh Jones on September 30th, 2020 3:41 pm

    Theresa Trillo

    It’s no joke if you, a loved on, or a friend is affected by COVID. People with COVID have died, or experienced permanent health damage.

    Too many people believe that if this pandemic hasn’t affected them personally, then it’s not a REAL issue.

  26. Concerned Citizen on September 30th, 2020 3:20 pm

    What a joke, or course let’s extend it until after the soon to be rigged election.

  27. The man on September 30th, 2020 3:01 pm

    Mandate all you want, but I’m not wearing one.

  28. Theresa Trillo on September 30th, 2020 2:39 pm

    This woman is a joke.