Young Marines Honor Memory Of Fallen Marine LCpl. Travis Nelson

August 24, 2020

The Young Marines of Pensacola honored a hero over the weekend in Bratt.

LCpl. Travis Nelson was killed in action on August 18, 2011, while conducting combat operations in in Helmand province, Afghanistan. Nelson, a former member of the Young Marines, had turned 19 just 13 days before his death and had been in Afghanistan for about a month.

The Young Marines of Pensacola is dedicated to ensuring that he is is never forgotten.

Nelson attended Bratt Elementary School from the first through fifth grades and Ernest Ward Middle School through the seventh grade. His family then moved to Pace, where he attended Pace High School.

The ceremony was held at the Travis Nelson Park in Bratt, which features a memorial and is dedicated to Nelson.

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Young Marines Honor Memory Of Fallen Marine LCpl. Travis Nelson”

  1. Paul on August 25th, 2020 8:12 am

    I’ll never forget riding that escort. It was a gulley washer at NAS when we departed. By the time we arrived I was already dry. The people who lined the streets was impressive also.

  2. Kimberly Neill on August 24th, 2020 12:45 pm

    I love these kids and was honored to be there as they honored LCpl Nelson.