Video Explains COVID-19 School Bus Precautions In Escambia County

August 23, 2020

When students return to traditional school on Monday, numerous protections will be place to protect them on those big yellow buses.

The Escambia County School District Transportation Department has created a video explaining  COVID-19 precautions.

The video and other information are available at

“Our buses transport precious cargo, your children, and transporting them safely is our top priority,” said Darlene Hart, ECSD’s Director of Transportation. “Parents can help us by watching the video with their children and talking about their expectations for behavior on the bus. This year is different in so many ways, hearing a consistent message at home, in school and on the bus will help all of us work together. Please stress the importance of wearing their masks, using hand sanitizer, and wearing their seatbelts in their assigned seats.”

Buses will be stocked with sanitation spray and wipes and drivers will thoroughly disinfected at least twice a day while students are not on the bus. The mist they will use is safe to be used in environments where students will be present.

Hand sanitizer will be provided as students enter and exit the bus.

All drivers will be masked and parents are asked to be sure students arrive at the bus stop with a mask and to help reinforce with their children the importance of wearing it properly and staying in their assigned seats with their seat belts on. If a student forgets their mask, drivers will have child and adult sized masks to give students.

“Assigned seats are more important this year on the buses and in classrooms,” added Hart. “Again, consistent messages are important and we are asking parents to help.”


One Response to “Video Explains COVID-19 School Bus Precautions In Escambia County”

  1. Alex on August 23rd, 2020 1:38 pm

    I’m glad our county is atleast stepping up in the right direction.