Marco Upgraded To A Hurricane As It Moves Toward The Northern Gulf Coast

August 23, 2020


Marco and Laura continue on their path toward the northern Gulf Coast.

While the impact from both storms does not appear major for the local area, residents are encouraged to monitor the path of both storms and remain prepared. We will have updates throughout the day, so check back often.

The latest specific information on both storms is the graphics on this page.


7 Responses to “Marco Upgraded To A Hurricane As It Moves Toward The Northern Gulf Coast”

  1. BRING IT ON on August 24th, 2020 12:08 am

    Emily, I hear what you’re saying and yes the environment is important and I’m here to tell you things are way more improved than in the sixties and seventies. Have you ever worked in a third world country, I have? They do not think of the environment they think “where’s my next meal coming from”. So unless their government is on board it’s unfair for us to do all the environmental things if the rest of the world doesn’t. I’m talking about right here on the western hemisphere. You certainly are not going to make a rogue country do anything they don’t want to do. You are right by saying money is what everyone is about, its the most deadly sin and has been since the beginning of time….GREED !!!!

  2. David Huie Green on August 23rd, 2020 11:41 pm

    “humanity is not in control, and we ought to be better caretakers of our planet”

    Since we are not in control, we are not the caretakers. Caretakers ARE in control. (We could be better boarders, though.)

    “instead of pilfering everything possible to get rich.

    Most do very little work toward becoming rich. Few strip the resources around them.

    “Money is useless if we have to try and survive without clean air and water.

    As Shirley Temple said: You can not eat gold, but you can not eat WITHOUT gold. Gold is a metaphor for money. Money can be used to pay people to undo damage done and protect against damage to come — say from hurricane, drought, freeze, whatever.

    Much environmental damage was done by farmers with simple plows. That doesn’t mean farmers are evil money-grubbers or that we should abandon agriculture, just that we need to be careful.

    “But nowadays, people are only interested in making money and ridiculing people who want to save the environment.”

    Mainly ridiculing people who have solutions that are not well thought out and might well do more damage than doing nothing. That has happened.

    “I wouldn’t want to live in a world without trees.”

    Nor would I. On the other hand, trees are constantly trying to take over, constantly — albeit slowly — fighting one another.

    We saw some live oaks and thought they must be hundreds of years old. The owner heard us comment and remarked, “That was an empty field without a single tree when I was growing up. Those came up after I was grown.”

    Seventy years at most. The blink of an eye.

  3. Chris on August 23rd, 2020 11:29 pm

    Emily: if we were better caretakers of the planet, then, by your logic, these hurricanes would not have occurred?

  4. tc on August 23rd, 2020 11:20 pm

    Emily, I doubt many people would want to live in a world without most of the daily necessities either. Its impossible to have these amenities without Oil & Gas, Harvesting Trees, Making Power Etc.

  5. Lifendason on August 23rd, 2020 9:21 pm

    Not hugging any trees, but the creator of them -_-. Praying for all those in the path of these storms.

  6. Emily on August 23rd, 2020 5:19 pm

    It seems like we’re being tested or maybe being taught lessons from the universe that humanity is not in control, and we ought to be better caretakers of our planet, instead of pilfering everything possible to get rich. Money is useless if we have to try and survive without clean air and water. But nowadays, people are only interested in making money and ridiculing people who want to save the environment. Being a tree hugger is a good thing. I wouldn’t want to live in a world without trees.

  7. Well on August 23rd, 2020 8:31 am

    Guess it would only be worse for someone if it were Marco and Polo.