Staff Wins Third Term As Atmore Mayor, But Challenger Smith Is Claiming ‘Voting Irregularities’

August 26, 2020

Atmore Mayor Jim Staff was reelected for a third term Tuesday, but his challenger, council member Susan Smith, is claiming the race is not over due to several “voting irregularities”.

“I am beyond grateful,” Staff said Tuesday night. “Tomorrow is a new day and it’s time to get back to work making Atmore the best that it can be for everyone in our community. Let’s all come together to make one Atmore.”

“It is not over; there are several, several voting irregularities that we will be looking into,” Smith said in a video posted Tuesday night. “So I am not conceding at this point. I want everybody to understand that. We are have a lot of issues that are being addressed right now as I am talking with you.”

Two incumbents will head back to the Atmore city council for another term – Webb Nall in District 1 and Jerome Wester in District 2. In District 3, incumbent Chris Walker was defeated by wide margin by Eunice Johnson with 72% of the vote. For the District 4 seat that was held by Smith, Shawn Lassiter defeated three other candidates with just over 50% of the total votes cast. And in District 5 incumbent Chris Harrison and challenger Bud Gideons will held to a runoff on October 6.

Here are complete, but unofficial results from Tuesday’s municipal election in Atmore:


  • Jim Staff (I) – 918
  • Susan Smith – 729


  • Webb Nall (I) – 148
  • Bernard Williams – 125


  • Jerome Webster (I) – 168
  • Angelia Norman – 112


  • Eunice Johnson – 154
  • Chris Walker (I) – 59


  • Shawn Lassiter – 271
  • Larry Houck – 170
  • Logan Walston – 59
  • Brandy Giger – 35


  • Bub Gideons – 124*
  • Chris Harrison (I) – 106*
  • Sandra Gray – 98
  • *Gideons and Harrison to Oct. 6 runoff


20 Responses to “Staff Wins Third Term As Atmore Mayor, But Challenger Smith Is Claiming ‘Voting Irregularities’”

  1. Brandy turk on September 2nd, 2020 3:12 pm

    At Jerry, I wish I knew who you were so I could answer that question for you.

  2. jerry on August 29th, 2020 5:20 pm

    Brandy Turk, and so what does that make you better than me.

  3. Outside Looking In on August 28th, 2020 6:50 pm

    I just want to know how anyone who claims they are a true Atmorian and grew up in Atmore and wants to make a change in Atmore can justify not giving land to the hometown hospital so they can move forward with building a new hospital for the citizens of Atmore. How you can look your local Atmore residents in the face knowing it’s your fault that this tug of war has carried on for so long? And then you want them to vote for you?

  4. Brandy Turk on August 27th, 2020 10:01 pm

    Replying to your comment: you’re absolutely correct! You have all the freedom in the world to criticize anyone for anything! You have all the freedom in the world to say ugly things! You have all the freedom in the world to be hateful! A lot of this has nothing to do with politics, if it did ppl wouldn’t being saying ugly things about campaign photos and how ppl look(not political at all). But once again you’re absolutely correct, you(anyone) have/has all the freedom in the world to say anything you want. Just notice I’m the only person on this thread who’s had the guts to put my real and full name, I don’t hide behind a computer and talk smack just to have something to say.

  5. AC on August 27th, 2020 2:51 pm

    When someone (anyone) puts themselves in the public eye by running for office (any office), they open themselves up to public scorn and ridicule. Anyone who can’t handle that ridicule should stay out of politics! Criticizing our public officials, and those who want to be one, is one of the many freedoms we currently still have in this nation. When those politicians invite further public scrutiny by refusing to accept their defeat, thereby embarrassing their constituents, it is even further proof that they were never fit to hold office. There are reasons why I never ran for any political office and this is one of them. If you can’t stand the heat stay out of the kitchen.

  6. Brandy Turk on August 27th, 2020 9:40 am

    These comments are awful, and by adults at that(Some who won’t even state their real name on here). We sit and talk about child bullying, name calling and ugly talk from kids when OUR children are hurt at school, online/in person, whether it’s by the “popular crowd” “or just simply “kids who don’t know any better bc they haven’t been taught any better”. How do we expect our kids to do better if we ourselves aren’t held to the same standard? Just wondering?
    Signed simply, A Concerned(for the next generation) citizen.
    (You’re more than welcome to hide behind your computers and defend yourselves by calling me out and saying I’m trying to be a Karen, Judy or even a “holier than thou” type, so there I went ahead and did it for you)

  7. Lanie on August 26th, 2020 10:35 pm

    Congratulations Mr. Staff!

  8. Neva on August 26th, 2020 9:53 pm

    It seems that the people of Atmore has made a decision that Susan Smith don’t like and she having another childish fit. Be thankful you got as many votes as you did. You tried to divide the town to your advantage but it didn’t work. Act like a lady go home and shut your mouth if we had wanted you as a mayor you would have won. Things just don’t always work out like we want them to but stop being such a cry baby and accept it.

  9. Big Daddy on August 26th, 2020 7:02 pm

    Face it your political career, like the hospital is a dead issue.

  10. Tom on August 26th, 2020 2:06 pm

    I’m not informed on either candidate, but being there wouldn’t be that many ballots to recount anyway might as well do it and be done with it. I don’t care who the candidates are in any election but it’s always best to just do a recount especially since theirs not a whole lot of them to count anyway. There’s no harm in proving yourself right.

  11. DJC on August 26th, 2020 1:59 pm

    I’m an Atmore resident and it seems Mr. Staff has done an ok job. I don’t know much about Susan, but some of these comments are a bit childinsh! I am guessing that you are old enough to vote?

  12. Shaking my head on August 26th, 2020 1:03 pm

    This is when people need to be listening and watching, it’s how an individual reacts after they lose an election… Do you really want somebody like that in office?

  13. J W Smith on August 26th, 2020 11:49 am

    Congratulations Mr. Mayor

    Susan maybe you can get a job with the Joe & Kamala campaign

    I wouldn’t have said anything but being a sore loser doesn’t become you.

  14. Blame The Russians on August 26th, 2020 9:22 am

    As an Atmore resident, I’m thrilled to see Karen…achem…I mean Susan Smith did not win her election, but it’s very disappointing that she even got that close. Atmore came out lucky this time for sure!

    By the way,this is not rockets science…you could literally count up those 1,647 votes by hand. Sit down and behave yourself, Susan Smith.

  15. Jim on August 26th, 2020 9:09 am

    A concession is not a requirement of the election system. It has ways simply been “good sportsmanship”, but that concept has fallen by the wayside.

  16. local business on August 26th, 2020 9:05 am


  17. Enough on August 26th, 2020 9:01 am

    You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit. Just hush Susan.

  18. Kane on August 26th, 2020 8:14 am

    Some more of the good ol’boys in office. Atmore will never change

  19. Haha. on August 26th, 2020 7:30 am

    The Hillary Clinton of Atmore. Its mine I won he cheated, mine, mine.

  20. Master Mechanic on August 26th, 2020 3:05 am

    Give it up Susan…..this the third time us Voters have voted to keep you from advancing . You’re lucky to be just a council person.
    By the way quit being a sorry loser.