Slight Downward Trend In Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations

August 6, 2020

The latest daily COVID-19 local hospitalization numbers show a decrease over the last few days.

The data in the chart above, compiled by the City of Pensacola, reflects the current combined number of patients hospitalized on the listed date at Ascension Sacred Heart, Baptist Hospital and West Florida Hospital.

“We have seen hospitalizations decrease for the past four days, but this does not mean we are out of the woods,” Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said. “Please keep taking preventative actions, including wearing a mask, social distancing and washing your hands often.”


3 Responses to “Slight Downward Trend In Local COVID-19 Hospitalizations”

  1. k on August 6th, 2020 9:24 pm

    @SP, @Alan has a point on this one.

    the article is about hospitalizations in Escambia County. when it comes to hospitalizations, any trend in hospitalizations is more telling than any trends in any other metric – such as testing, positive rates, etc.

    a hospitalization means a positive test by definition, and that the person is sick enough to be admitted; given that the trend of patients in the hospital with the disease is a downward trend, and that this downward trend is happening *in spite of new admissions* which are occurring, we have a bit of reason to hope.

    and if you look at the numbers in the photo… max was 246, and now its 202.

    that means the hospitals are now dealing with almost 20 % fewer virus patients than they were two weeks ago. and again, that’s 20 % fewer even though new patients are being admitted. so people are getting better faster than people are getting sick.

    math: 246 – 202 = 44.
    44 / 246 = .17886
    .17886 x 100 = 18 % drop in the number of people in the hospital with the virus.

  2. Alan on August 6th, 2020 1:13 pm

    @SP, the article is about hospitalizations in Escambia County not cases, and has nothing to do with testing being shut down in South Florida.

  3. SP on August 6th, 2020 8:16 am

    This trend will continue for a couple of weeks since we shut down many testing sites for hurricane Isaias.

    Cases aren’t decreasing. Testing is…