Michelle Salzman Beats Mike Hill In GOP Race For House District 1 Seat

August 19, 2020

Michelle Salzman won the Republican nomination for Florida House District 1 over incumbent Rep. Mike Hill.

Salzman will go on to face Democratic nominee Francine Mathis in the November general election.

“I feel humbled and grateful, and I’m hopeful for the future of Northwest Florida,” Salzman told NorthEscambia.com. “This is not my victory; this is a victory of the people.”

Salzman won the GOP nod with 52.48% of the vote to Hill’s 47.52% according to complete, but unofficial results. She had a 1,048 vote advantage.

In her campaign, Salzman highlighted the fact that Hill failed to get any bill that he sponsored passed. And she picked up key endorsements from the National Rifle Association, Florida Medical Association, Florida Professional Firefighters and the Florida Police Benevolent Association. Salzman, an Army veteran, has spent much of the past several years volunteering locally and is the former president of the Escambia County Council of PTAs.

Hill, a local insurance agent, was first elected during a 2013 special election in House District 2. He ran unsuccessfully for state Senate in 2016. In 2018, he ran for House District 1, defeating Rebecca Bydlak after releasing a video recorded at the Confederate monument in downtown Pensacola claiming that he would bring the Donald Trump Hollywood star to Pensacola. That never happened.

Salzman said during the next phase of her campaign, she will be reaching out to voters to see what they want from their representative.

“I look forward to reaching out to all of the voters and finding out what are the priorities I can work on in Tallahassee,” she said.

In the Democratic primary, Mathis won with 68.20% of the vote to Barbara Schott-Shouse’s 31.80%.


12 Responses to “Michelle Salzman Beats Mike Hill In GOP Race For House District 1 Seat”

  1. K on August 20th, 2020 10:38 pm

    I don’t live in Escambia County anymore but I know this Woman! She will get the job done. If I had lived in her district you can put money I would have voted for her. Yes I have campaigned for her. I have to do what I can for the person I believe will bring good things to any part of Florida.

  2. dishearted on August 20th, 2020 9:16 am


  3. Rita Jenne-Ryan on August 19th, 2020 8:23 pm

    Being fairly new to area, I researched candidates. I saw that Mr Hill had not gotten one bill passed . He sponsored/co sponsored some bills but never pushed to get them passed. I read all about Ms Salzman & how hard she works in the Community. We need someone like her representing us.

  4. JTV on August 19th, 2020 11:56 am

    Michelle outworked him plain and simple. Her supporters set up at the polls outworked his, in fact, his were almost nonexistent.

  5. bob c on August 19th, 2020 11:45 am

    OKAY, Y’all we Gotta Get Out and VOTE for Michelle Salzman in the General Election to insure her getting into office so WE the People can have True Representation.

    Vote and pass along the word for Ms Salzman

  6. ALEX on August 19th, 2020 11:44 am

    it is good to se new blood from time to time. too bad our county commissioners did not get replaced, especially Bergosh.

  7. Ant on August 19th, 2020 11:16 am

    Thank goodness Mike Hill will no longer represent NWFL. He’s a homophobic failure. I hope if Michelle Salzman wins in November that she will choose to support everyone in her district and not just the tribal, Christo-fascist gun-nuts.

  8. Thomas Paine on August 19th, 2020 8:49 am

    Not that I’m super thrilled about Salzman, but at least we don’t have to keep hearing from Mike Hill.

    I hope he sells insurance better than he sells any of his ridiculous political ideas.

  9. Michele Drake on August 19th, 2020 8:34 am

    Congratulations to Michelle Salzman on her win !

  10. Best Choice on August 19th, 2020 6:39 am

    Good for her. This is why we vote, to get the best person running.

  11. Jan on August 19th, 2020 6:34 am


  12. Anne on August 19th, 2020 6:27 am

    AWESOME…Ms. Salzman we are SO Proud of YOU for having the fortitude to enter this Very Important race to Represent our District 1.

    This is truly an answer to many hopes and prayers that Change would take place.
    Best wishes in the upcoming General Election and we are pulling for you All the Way.
    Feeling very Confident our voices will finally be heard through you.
    God Bless….