Q&A With The Semifinalists For Escambia School Superintendent (With Video Responses)

August 4, 2020

There are six semifinalists under consideration to be the next Escambia County school superintendent, and now the school board and the public are getting a chance to hear from them.

In November 2018, Escambia County citizens voted to move from an elected to an appointed superintendent. Malcolm Thomas, the current elected superintendent, will retire in November. A selection committee was formed and narrowed a list of 27 applicants to the six semifinalists.

Each of the six has provided a combination of written and video responses to questions from the school board about their leadership skills, education and other topics. The board will consider the responses and then move forward with some or all of the six for in-person interviews.

To read and watch the responses from each candidate, use the links below. Also, their resumes are available by clicking their names.

Marques L. Stewart

9th grade principal Fredrick Douglas High School, Atlanta, 929 students, July 2019 to present. Previous: Principal Harper Archer Middle School, 486 students, January 2015-June 2019. He is a 1996 Woodham High School graduate.

Stewart’s written responses are here.

Dr. Earl Johnson

Executive director Leadership/Operations Flagler County Schools (FL), 13,000 students, 2017 to present. Previous: High school and elementary principal Flagler County, 2004-2017.

Johnson’s written responses are here .

Keith C. Rittel

Superintendent, Provo, UT, 18,000 students, 2012-present. Previous: Deputy superintendent, Clover Park (Lakewood, WA), 12,000 students, 2008-2012.

Rittel’s written responses are here.

Rittel submitted his video responses in two parts:


Dr. Timothy A. Smith

Executive area director of high schools, Orange County (FL), 212,000 students, June 2018 to present. Previous: Principal of Winter Park High School (FL), 3,400 students, July 2010-June 2018.

Smith’s written responses are here.

Smith submitted his video responses in two parts:

Keith Leonard

Assistant superintendent of Human Resource Services Escambia County, 40,500 students, June 2020-present. Previous: Director of Human Resources, Escambia County, 2007-2020.

Leonard’s written responses are here.

Dr. Vincent F. Cotter

Co-founder Exemplary Schools Organization, 2014-present. Previous: Consultant 2011-2013: Superintendent Colonial School District (PA), 4,966 students, 2000-2011.

Cotter’s written responses are here.


39 Responses to “Q&A With The Semifinalists For Escambia School Superintendent (With Video Responses)”

  1. Linda on August 8th, 2020 1:27 pm

    I have worked with Keith with many issues over the span of approximately
    25 years in many different arenas. Yes he was raised in Pensacola, but he is not the “Good ol boy”. I have never seen this character in him in bargaining, his dealings in HR, etc. I have never known him to be anything but fair and honest. Every decision he makes he puts a lot of thought into it and always has a good solid reason why he made that decision. He knows both Teacher and ESP contracts very well and strives to go strictly by them. None of the other candidates have that important qualification. Keith did not get where he is handed to him. He worked hard every step of the way and he deserves to be our Superintendent. None of the other candidates (out of state or county) has the experience or qualifications that Keith has and will not be as affective (in a good way) as Keith. I have the upmost respect for Keith and he is and always has been an asset to this school system.

  2. Becky on August 7th, 2020 11:17 pm

    I want Malcolm Thomas. :(

  3. Robert on August 7th, 2020 11:23 am

    Congrats to ECSD for opening up and wanting an appointed superintendent ! Good job! If you choose the right candidate for the job, you will reap the rewards in a short amount of time.
    A few responses from what I have seen and read about the candidates.
    1. All have some great attributes that they would bring to the game.
    2. There are a few that have worked in the central office setting, some have not. Working at the central office level is different than working at the building level, totally different game. Have any of the candidates been in a classroom in the past? Or career administrators? (Got out of the classroom setting as quickly as they could, but liked education)
    3. Working in schools or districts that are from different parts of the country or regions will sometimes bring new fresh ideas, but then again, they also will bring an idea that might work in their last area and not in Escambia County.
    4. Question – are some of the candidates looking to move up the ladder quickly to high level administrative job or are they looking for a place to finish their career( retire)?
    5. Stability will bring positive change, longevity will bring positive change! Someone that is always looking for a greener pasture to advance or retire to will not bring the change that will be needed.
    6. Good coaching staffs make the HC better, when the choice has been made to be the next superintendent and they do not have the right people surrounding him, you will be going through this process again real soon.

  4. Tabby on August 7th, 2020 6:29 am

    @J Wm C— If Mr. Stewart loves Pensacola so much, why did he leave ? I love it here and chose to stay my entire life. I make more than double the area average so let me cut that avenue off. His love of self is much greater than that of Pensacola, that’s the answer. It’s ok, I’ll say it for you.

  5. J Wm C on August 6th, 2020 10:36 pm

    Many readers, those making comments, and the obvious supporters of Mr Stewart would be inclined to say or think that Bob is a hater. I think he should be given the benefit of the doubt as his curiosity about Mr Stewart is warranted and deserving of further attention. …Mr Stewart is a product of Escambia County Schools, he grew up in Pensacola, his roots are there, his family rest in cemeteries located there, and he brags on his homet-town every chance he gets. IF I have to hear one more freaking story about that place, I swear I’m going to throw up. Truth of the matter is he loves Pensacola. So the answer as to why he is so interested in coming to Pensacola is as simple as the words made famous with the three clicks of Dorothy’s heels ………

  6. bob c on August 6th, 2020 7:39 pm

    If Mr. Stewart is so great as many, a LOT, of supporters have stated, why doesn’t he Stay where he IS NOW and help Salvage the school in which he has most recently worked?
    He sure has plenty of opportunity to raise that small school UP and make Courageous Changes right there.
    Is he leaving a sinking ship?
    Just wondering, the data says his influence there has not had the desired results.
    Wondering what is really behind so many impassioned replies from supporters…

  7. CC on August 6th, 2020 4:57 pm

    What Does Escambia County School District (ECSD) need in its next Superintendent/CEO?

    Well, what do we know about Escambia County 14.6% poverty rate, meaning 43,000 people are living below the poverty line, this % is higher than the national average?

    As the next Superintendent/CEO, what is the strategy to impact the community? Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Naysayer, you are correct, that is not the sole responsibility of next Superintend/CEO.

    What did the current Superintend/CEO do to impact this population as they are associated with the lowest-performing schools? Was there a significant change in that community as a result of his strategies?

    How will the next Superintendent impact this population? Some would agree that households living above the poverty line are more likely than not to have access to resources to impact their family and child’s education.

    What is obvious concerning the candidates? All candidates qualify on the surface, and with all things being somewhat equal, which candidate brings the lived experience that can and will translate into commitment. After eliminating the surface qualifications: (experience and education), what is the remaining criteria? What do we know for certain, only one candidate is offering the true lived experience (vested interest) and strongest possible commitment in the targeted community: Mr. Stewart

    Leadership is about listening, communicating, solving problems, and executing, the person with the true lived experience in the targeted community (vested interest) is more likely to listen to the community and leaders under his command, and trust their actions will be based on the seeing and hearing: these combined efforts can breed success and change in our communities. Who is more likely to commit to change? Mr. Stewart

    Yes, Mr. Stewart has a lot of support, why, he is a qualified home-grown, educational leader offering the best-lived experience in the targeted community, which can result into systemic change in the community impacting growth in the school district. The best predictor of change in a school district is change in the community.

    This is not rocket science, all children in the school district live in the community, who is committed to change in the community? The choice is clear.

  8. Dr. E. M. Judon, EdD on August 5th, 2020 11:06 pm

    I’m excited to see that Escambia County School District has chosen Mr. Marques L. Stewart as one of the top candidates for your current superintendent position. I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to share just a small portion of (there’s so much more) what I know about Mr. Stewart. Having worked closely with him in two different states (Missouri and Michigan), I’ve seen firsthand his tremendous passion, vision and solution-based thinking as an educational leader. As principal at Brenda Scott Academy in Detroit, Michigan, he put together a team of instructional leaders who were instrumental in removing our school off the persistently low performing list. If you are looking for someone who has an incredible drive and genuinely passionate about students in your district receiving the very best educational experience possible, then Mr. Stewart is that person. His ability to formulate and carry out a plan of action centered on developing instructional leaders that produce measurable student growth has been the best I’ve seen. Mr. Stewart has a natural ability to build lasting and effective relationships with the community partners, parents, teachers, and students. More than ever, as seen in our current uncertain times, school districts need to have a visionary leader who can bring about a change in the educational experience of students that will prepare and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful for life. Marques Stewart is that visionary leader. If you ask anyone who has met or work with him in any capacity, whether adult or student, they will tell you the same thing. He is an extraordinary educational leader, well able to move any school district to the next level of exceptional growth. Thank you.

  9. Carrie Tenkel on August 5th, 2020 12:51 pm

    I had the distinct honor of working with Marques in the capacity of a district instructional coach for the EAA. I would travel throughout the district working with teachers as well as administrators in order to better service the students. Taking into consideration the amount of administrators I had worked with not only within the EAA but also as being an educator for 24 years, Mr. Stewart stood out for a variety of reasons. Mr. Stewart had an amazing rapport with not only his staff and students but also with the community. This involved the neighbors living around the school as well as business owners in the community. He fostered a working relationship and considered everyone stakeholders in the interests of the students. Taking it further, Mr. Stewart managed to take a school that was on the failing list in Michigan and performed a turn around unlike one I had ever seen. He created an environment where the staff and students felt positive and empowered. They believed in themselves and their abilities. This was clearly reflected in their performance. He also reinforces the concept of “it takes a village to raise a child” in that he made parents and community members part of the process at ever step. Everyone felt invested in the evolution of Brenda Scott and most importantly, the students started to invest in themselves. This type of leadership is unique to me in that he not only served his building and community but also reached out and mentored other leaders both within and outside of the district. Mr. Stewart creates leaders within his staff and students and I consider myself blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him and witness the amazing things he did for Brenda Scott. He is without doubt one of the most dynamic and influential administrators I have ever worked with. I cannot speak enough accolades to even begin to describe his work ethic and ability to transform a school so quickly as well as have such an impact on an entire district. Without hesitation I would recommend Mr. Stewart for the position of Superintendent.

  10. Former Educator on August 5th, 2020 12:48 pm

    I’d rather we had not given up our voting rights for superintendent but made sure to include at least 50% or more qualified applicants from out of state. At least we’d have the opportunity to have educators from the north, where they’ve been excelling in education for years. I was educated up north and came down to Florida and found that my classmates were at least a year behind and state testing (fcat) was a breeze/joke.
    Hopefully, they don’t choose someone that’s from this area or part of their good ole boy system. Obviously, with the leadership this school district has had it hasn’t been working for the students, teachers, education system. We need something new and yes the e system will get messy and be shaken up. Stagnant people will resist, fight and feel like their comfortable zone is challenged but we all need to get with the NEW program and make it work. Teachers can’t help students alone. Unbiased honest school admins, parents and community members need to step forward as well. I’ve seen so many new teachers quit and leave the district to teach elsewhere due to the cesspool of school administration and school politics this district plays. They are more concerned about the money in their pockets and keeping their friends in positions than helping our kids learn and progress.

  11. Lydia Kovach on August 5th, 2020 11:34 am

    I worked as a district literacy coach for The Education Achievement Authority with Marquise Stewart during the 2014-2015 school year. Marquise’s reputation for excellence in education preceded my work with him. He was highly respected by all stakeholders which included students, teachers, parents, community members, and central office administrators.

    Marquise Stewart acted as the principal of Brenda Scott Academy. He was a dynamic and insightful leader. His staff trusted his innovative vision for all learners. Teachers and students thrived within the school environment.

    Marquise was an active leader in the community. In addition, Marquise provided a true open door policy for students and parents. He encouraged communication and input from community members and families of Brenda Scott Academy.

  12. Dwayne Richardson, Ed. D. on August 5th, 2020 10:21 am

    I am writing this correspondence on behalf of Marques Stewart. In the time that I have worked with Marques Stewart he has impressed me as a lifelong learner, willing to listen and do whatever is necessary for the success of the district and its stakeholders. Marques Stewart has proven time and time again his commitment to the district in the development of its programs and by creating, leading and participating in committees beyond the normal workday. He is easy to work with and takes on all assignments with enthusiasm and dedication. His superior organizational skills, leadership, and, communication skills make him the consummate multi-tasker. I have worked closely with Marques and have witnessed his commitment to the district and the community it serves, embracing and putting into practice equity education for ALL students.
    Marques Stewart is an independent, self-directed individual who is able to communicate effectively and meet even the most demanding challenges. He has proven to be a strong and competent leader of our administrative teams providing the necessary support and guidance for administrators in the district to be successful. In the past years he has been working to craft policies and procedures within the district, including policies for Curriculum and Assessment that have become the foundation for the high performing goals of the district.
    I have the deepest professional respect for Marques Stewart, and sincerely believe he will bring his energy, optimism, enthusiasm, and tireless creativity to your district. He has my highest endorsement. If you have any questions about this recommendation or my endorsement of Marques Stewart, please contact me.

  13. RLW on August 5th, 2020 10:02 am

    First mistake..how did we ever give up voting/electing for the Superintendent position? Second, how can you say we need someone who knows “the system” that just might be the problem. How can you say we need someone who “knows” our culture, staff and students? Seriously? Does Mr. Thomas “know” EVERY staff member? Mr. Thomas does not ” know” my student, nor my students needs. Our “system” will only be as good as the teachers that are allowed to teach!

  14. Lydia Kovach on August 5th, 2020 9:56 am

    I worked as a district literacy coach for The Education Achievement Authority with Marquise Stewart during the 2014-2015 school year. Marquise’s reputation for excellence in education preceded my work with him. He was highly respected by all stakeholders which included students, teachers, parents, community members, and central office administrators.

    Marquise Stewart acted as the principal of Brenda Scott Academy. He was a dynamic and insightful leader. His staff trusted his innovative vision for all learners. Teachers and students thrived within the school environment.

    Marquise was an active leader in the community. In addition, Marquise provided a true open door policy for students and parents. He encouraged communication and input from community members and families of Brenda Scott Academy.
    Marquise Stewart truly cares about the academic success of all students.
    I believe he would truly serve all students academic and social needs.

  15. Dwayne Richardson, Ed. D. on August 5th, 2020 9:15 am

    To be a successful leader, you must not only focus on the business side of education, in which he excels but the people side of education and know-how to get results through people. Marques Stewart is an exceptional leader. Leaders need to appropriately delegate tasks so they can focus on the most critical priorities of creating clarity, caring for the culture, and delivering consistent results. Leadership is a privilege and a huge responsibility. Authentic leadership is in service to others and requires mastering relationship competencies for success. These qualities only begin to describe Mr. Stewart’s skills.

    I had the pleasure of working as a colleague in my first assignment as a Principal. The first thing I noticed about Marques Stewart is his most foundational characteristic of leadership, his unquestionable integrity. Words, actions, and decisions matter.  Mr. Stewart always noted to me that “people want to work for someone ethical,” and it all plays a part in creating an organization’s valid values and culture.  Regardless of title and job description, there are leaders at every level of every organization.  We are all responsible for modeling integrity.  What you do when no one is looking is what sets you apart from the rest. If you can’t be trusted, you can’t lead.

    In today’s complex, global, and competitive educational environment, you can’t settle for leaders who are just “acceptable.” Let it be known that you couldn’t choose a better leader than Marques Stewart.

  16. Dr. J Campbell on August 5th, 2020 7:48 am

    Our conversation in the field of education always have a tendency to focus on what matters the least, hence why we continue to see the inequities in our schools, systemic racism and hidden biases, which directly impact the success of our students. Let’s focus on what’s most important, Mr. Stewart’s work speaks for itself. Mr. Stewart’s heart is in this community, he’s from the community. Mr. Stewart’s work is focused on ALL kids. Mr. Stewart knows what it means to roll up his sleeves and get in the trenches. Again, his commitment, dedication and drive speak for themselves. It’s time that we stop judging books by the cover and judging ones story by the chapter we walk in on.
    Change is good and required when what continues to be done is not effective. See, we as educators are big on stating we want change and we want what’s best for our community and kids, but not really because with change comes accountability.
    I can’t advocate for a better candidate that truly has the heart, skill, talent, and experience to do this work. He’s ready to align himself to the needs of this community. That’s what matters. You can have all the connections, experience, titles, etc. but if doing what’s best for kids is not in your heart and there is no proven record, these students and community will 100% continue to get the same results in a Superintedent. Now is the time to do what’s best!

  17. Tabby on August 4th, 2020 11:46 pm

    I really have no dog in the fight, my children are grown. However, those of you that keep talking about the “good ol boy” system must be Yankee fools, Liberals, urban yuppies, or all three. Must have been the same folks who elected the outsider, Sheriff Delbert “Primadonna” Morgan. Look where that has gotten us. I for one love the good ol boy clique. Home team. One thing about it, there’s GONNA be a clique, you fools just want the perception there isn’t one by bringing another transplant here. Progress huh? Tell the good, lifelong folks of Beulah about progress. More than likely get spit on. I can’t wait for November when neither side will accept the outcome of the Presidential election. Your comments here will be meaningless and you’ll be in search of a “good ol boy” to help you survive.

  18. Observation on August 4th, 2020 10:33 pm

    It’s painfully clear from these comments that Mr. Stewart’s supporters around the country are stacking the comments in his favor. How/why else would all these out of state people be commenting in our local paper?

  19. Dr. Raphael B. Johnson on August 4th, 2020 10:19 pm

    @ bob c

    Thank you for your due diligence in researching the data you mentioned. However, allow me to clarify one important factual point: Mr. Stewart had only been at Douglass for one year and the scheduled testing for said school was averted due to Coronavirus pandemic. So that data you meticulously articulated is not associated with him but rather the previous building level leader. Just facts. Friendship or camaraderie has nothing to do with it. Just plain facts.

  20. L. Taylor on August 4th, 2020 9:52 pm

    I witnessed firsthand, Mr. Stewart’s ability to transform the culture, climate and academic achievement of his schools in Kansas City (Longfellow Elementary) and Detroit (Brenda Scott Academy). He is an innovative, collaborative and committed instructional leader, as well as reliable colleague. He knows what it means to hold those accountable in terms of meeting or exceeding outcomes, coupled with compassion for those he serves. I am beyond confident that Mr. Stewart will bring the same level of integrity and transformation to Escambia County Schools.

  21. terr on August 4th, 2020 6:24 pm

    Whoever leads our Escambia county schools ,we neeed to get away from standardized testing,let the teachers teach,

  22. Walter Engram on August 4th, 2020 5:51 pm

    Stewart is a progressive 21st Century education leader who is staunchly oppose to 18th century mindset where teaching children is concerned. So I would encourage you to look closely at the data that can be directly attributed to him and teams of educators under his charge. He made little mention of his success in Kansas City and Lowndes County. . He is NOT a data driven decision maker. He is a data informed decision maker. Huge difference. Huge. His data will do fo you what it did for the U.S. Secretary of Edu……Blow Your Mind

  23. terrytrawick on August 4th, 2020 5:36 pm

    I think whoever gets to lead our school system ,they need to get rid of standardized testing, that is all teachers teach on ,get back to the basics. let the teachers teach.

  24. Walter Engram on August 4th, 2020 5:27 pm

    It’s amazing what people will do to attempt to discredit an applicant because of fear that he may be a major contender for the job that you infatically do NOT want him to have even when its readily apparent that he is the clear choice for the job. Thou try as you may, the data for Douglas High School can in no way be attributed to Mr. Mrques Stewart. I am neither pro or anti Stewart. I am anti “telling malicious lies” to achieve the desired outcome of the person quilty of spreading the lie. I’m all for looking at the data as long as it will be attributed to the person who generated it.

  25. Listen and Learn on August 4th, 2020 3:37 pm

    It was very interesting to listen to each of the candidates speak on “how they will bring diversity and inclusion within all aspects of the district.” Everyone should take time to listen and pay close attention to their answers and the way they express themselves in front of the camera. I do hope that the school board has done their research and background checks as to where each of these men have worked, prior to making a choice. Know what kind of school system they actually come from, talk to their peers or people who have worked under them in the districts that they serve. How long have they been at each job? You want someone in for the long haul, and what is best for our children. After listening and doing my own research, I have to say that Keith Leonard would have my vote (oh yeah we can’t vote we gave up that right).
    Good Luck Mr. Leonard.

  26. bob c on August 4th, 2020 3:01 pm

    @ Dr. Raphael B. Johnson

    Did some checking on a public school website and find that:

    Mr. Marques Stewart’s school, Douglas High in Atanta, GA:…..

    In 2019, Douglass High School ranked WORSE than 92.6% of high schools in Georgia. It also ranked 10th among 12 ranked high schools in the Atlanta Public Schools District.

    End of Course Exams: Douglas High FELL FAR BELOW the Average Test Scores for Atlanta Public Schools and Georgia Schools,
    In 2019 the calculated Average Standard Score was 7.81.

    I’m sure he’s a good friend and nice person, however we Must Have MORE in Escambia County District Schools.

  27. Bill Robinson on August 4th, 2020 1:07 pm

    I have known Keith Leonard for over 20 years, and Keith always strives for perfection.
    The best is never quite enough. I have known Keith to be fair, honest, while treating his students with the utmost respect. Yeah, Keith is a local, but not a good ol boy. It’s hard to imagine, as long as Keith has been involved in education, anyone else, not knowing or having experience in our county, could be considered. Keith talks about relationships with local business leaders, and who could know these leaders better than Keith. Does anyone believe someone from Utah or Pennsylvania could understand our culture? Please don’t let the school board allow an outsider and more so, a person so far removed from our area to become our superintendent. I would rather have someone that knows our kids.

  28. Dr. Raphael B. Johnson on August 4th, 2020 12:05 pm

    Marques Stewart is THE ONLY candidate whose grandmother and mother also worked for and retired from the Escambia school district. In addition, he also graduated from the Escambia school district himself. There is no other candidate that can consider Escambia “home” as Marques Stewart does. He has a stake in this school district!!

  29. LF on August 4th, 2020 11:28 am

    Mr. Leonard is a central part of the good ole boy network in Pensacola. He has sat on an employment panel and has elected not to hire qualified applicants. In order for progress to be made, he should not be considered.

  30. Dr. Raphael B. Johnson on August 4th, 2020 11:24 am

    I take nothing away from the other candidates whom I’m sure are good educators. However, I have worked with Marques Stewart In urban school districts here in Michigan and also in Georgia. In the spirit of transparency, I learned the most valuable lesson in life when I met him – NEVER judge a book by its cover. I witnessed him turn around one of Detroit’s lowest performing schools (Brenda Scott Academy) in less than one year. As a matter of fact, his school was the only one (out of 15 identified lowest performing schools taken over by the state – EAA) to be turned around (please check the record). He had similar results in Atlanta. He is a turn-around specialist like I never seen before. His methodology is in congruency with the Comer Model whereas he binds together low-performing students, parents and instructors to create a high academic achieving and safe culture and climate. If he can turn around a school on the eastside of Detroit (7 Mile/Hoover), while being “an outsider”, he is a phenomenal educator and have the capacity to be the most profound asset to Escambia School District. I humbly and respectfully urge the committee to strongly consider his record and WHERE he served less a willful error in judgement is made and you will be repeating this process in a couple years.
    Thank you for the opportunity to add my two cents (smile).

  31. Shanika on August 4th, 2020 10:48 am

    Mr. Stewart’s comments were very impressive. He sounds like he really left a positive mark in Detroit and I’m sure he will do the same in Escambia County. Very well said Mr. Stewart!

  32. JTV on August 4th, 2020 10:11 am

    Escambia County will opt for the outsider, they want to be the “Liberal Redneck Rviera”. Hard to indoctrinate kids with someone coached by Carl Madison.

  33. Bob on August 4th, 2020 9:58 am

    I am an employee of ECSD.

    Everyone here knows that Keith Leonard will get the position.

    The Good Ole Boy network runs everything at ECSD.

  34. Jlb on August 4th, 2020 9:33 am

    Keith Leonard has worked hard to get to where he’s at. He deserves this position. I by no means would call him a good old boy. He’s worked hard period.

  35. Sandy on August 4th, 2020 9:32 am

    I think only Escambia County educators should have been on this list.Why bring in an outsider who does not know anything about our students and staff? We should never have given up the right to vote for superintendent. When everyone realizes that it will be to late.

  36. David on August 4th, 2020 8:50 am

    I like people who speak from the heart, not a scripted rehearsed verbiage
    Where is he or she at?

  37. Klondike Kid on August 4th, 2020 8:10 am

    I voted against the appointed superintendent because I didn’t like the idea of an outlander with no ties to the area having the job. I’ve witnessed time and again when one of them is hired , they come in , make a mess of things , then when damage is done & they’re about to be ran off , they move on somewhere else. The powers that be here can never get enough outlanders for some reason.

  38. JW on August 4th, 2020 7:09 am

    He is part of the good ole boy network here in Pensacola. Time for a change…

  39. Anne on August 4th, 2020 6:49 am

    Most have had experience with Very Few numbers of Students, Teachers, Staff and Other School System Employees.

    KEITH LEONARD…..School Board Members, He is the Only Person here Qualified and Proven.