Plastic Alternatives Manufacturer Seeks To Buy Century Building, Property For $879K, Employ 30; Cotton Plan On Hold

August 25, 2020

A company described as using an agricultural product to manufacture plastic alternatives has made a preliminary $879,000 offer for a Century industrial building and adjacent property with a promise of employing 30 or more people within a couple of years. Meanwhile, a cotton gin’s lease proposal for the property is on hold.

Through the FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance, Pensacola real estate company Beck Partners presented “Project Fusion” on behalf of their client to the Town of Century late Monday afternoon.

Project Fusion was described by Beck as an “agricultural related manufacturing operation” that seeks to purchase the 40,390 square foot town-owned building commonly known as the Helicopter Technology building for $550,000 plus $329,000 for an adjacent 30.37 acres in the Century Industrial Park for a total of $879,000.

In the Monday proposal, Beck Vice President Debbie Anlin said her client was willing to submit a contract and earnest money as early as Tuesday, August 25.

“The warehouse and any additional buildings added on the lots will be used for processing and manufacturing of new agricultural products that we would look to be grown by local famers (sic) as much as possible.   This will also increase the number of employees hired,” Anglin wrote.

Century’s attorney, Matt Dannheisser, told the Century Town Council Monday night that had already received the proposed contract a little over an hour before the meeting but had not read it due to time constraints. He did offer a little more insight in to the company’s plans.

“The products that are to be manufactured, it was explained to me, that the products are intended to be environmental alternatives to certain types of plastic products using an agricultural product,” Dannheisser said. He noted the name of the company and specifics would be kept confidential for now “because of the sensitive nature of the discussions and the offer”, as is allowed under Florida law.

Dannheisser said the company wanted to meet individually in the coming days with each council member, the mayor and city manager to describe more about who they are and exactly what they propose to manufacture.

Century has a pending lease proposal for the building, but not the adjoining acreage, from West Florida Gin in Walnut Hill. The cotton company proposed a lease of $6,000 per month for five years with an option to renew the contract for an additional five years. They want to occupy the building by October 1 and estimated that six employees would be associated with the warehousing and distribution of cotton bales.

The gin company was the only company to respond after the town advertised for several weeks seeking lease proposals. It was the second time they had made an offer; the first was rejected.

Dannheisser said Monday night that if the town should reject the West Florida Gin lease proposal, they would not be legally obligated to re-advertise and could strike a deal for Project Fusion. He did suggest the town get a current appraisal and make any deal contingent upon the purchase price being at least equal. The last appraisal on the building-only was $550,000 in 2017 or a fair market rent of $80,000 per year.

Council member James Smith made a motion seconded by council member Luis Gomez to immediately deny the West Florida Gin lease proposal. After a suggestion from Dannheisser to table action on the gin lease and wait to learn more about Project Fusion, Smith withdrew his motion.

Smith made a new motion to table action for a week, and the motion was seconded by Sandra McMurray-Jackson. It passed 5-0, including a vote by Gomez by stating “I guess yes”. The council will hold another special meeting next week to discuss the gin lease proposal and Project Fusion.

Citing a phone conversation with cotton gin management, Interim City Manager Vernon Prather noted that West Florida Gin is on a timetable due to the cotton harvest and may need to withdraw their lease offer and seek another property. photos, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Plastic Alternatives Manufacturer Seeks To Buy Century Building, Property For $879K, Employ 30; Cotton Plan On Hold”

  1. DK on August 26th, 2020 7:08 pm

    I Smell A Rat As Fat As A Cat!

  2. Be Informed on August 26th, 2020 12:43 pm

    Before this adventure moves forward the company and its products must be thoroughly vetted. Also, residents must be informed about byproducts of the manufacturing process along with all associated hazards connected with production, storage, and waste disposal. This vetting process should be managed independently. As Niknak50 has already pointed out the reason.

  3. Niknak50 on August 26th, 2020 7:50 am

    I would rather get in bed with the Sicilian mafia than get in bed with the town of Century. Why? You can’t trust Century.

  4. Hmmm on August 26th, 2020 12:31 am

    Maybe they need to talk to all of them about the city loaning them the money… 100 years at 0% would make the payments fairly affordable.

  5. CHARLIE on August 25th, 2020 10:43 pm

    To quote a famous movie line, “Show me the money!”

  6. A Alex on August 25th, 2020 8:05 pm

    What’s to discuss. They want to buy the building? If they have the resources to buy the building there should be NO NEED TO QUESTION THEM

  7. Willis on August 25th, 2020 6:50 pm

    Maybe something good could come from this.
    Just seen too many companies with a lot of bad promises for Century.

  8. bob c on August 25th, 2020 4:59 pm

    Industry in a county/city owned Industrial Park, now that’s a unique idea.
    Whatever the outcome I sincerely hope it benefits the Citizens of the Town of Century rather than the random disfunction going on now and in the past.

  9. Chelleepea on August 25th, 2020 4:37 pm

    Please make sure this is legit and they have been in business before or can prove there’s a market for their product…..better yet ask to see some samples……..

  10. chris on August 25th, 2020 3:46 pm

    Its really simple. A company dealing with a “plastic alternative” is meeting with a “leadership alternative.” Nothing to see here.

  11. fisherman on August 25th, 2020 3:06 pm

    @ William
    Thanks for explanation. I like the public meeting.I’m sure that won’t happen as individuals making the offer don’t want to show their hand just yet.Just don’t understand how this kinda of stuff keeps coming up for Century. You can’t make this stuff up.

  12. Just saying on August 25th, 2020 2:34 pm

    High tech cutting edge technology wants to open in Century?

    Better get property appraised then certified funds and let the check clear.

  13. William Reynolds on August 25th, 2020 1:04 pm

    >Why meet individually? Meet with them all at once.

    If you meet with two or more of them at the same time, it’s a public meeting. The public can attend and hear everything.

  14. Hmmm on August 25th, 2020 11:24 am

    Farm-related plastic alternatives manufacturer? Sounds legit… yeah, let’s wait on that. The last “farm-related” enterprise that was going into Century was a scam and burned a bunch of the catfish farmers in the area.

  15. fisherman on August 25th, 2020 10:24 am

    Dannheisser said the company wanted to meet individually in the coming days with each council member,
    Why meet individually? Meet with them all at once.

  16. retired on August 25th, 2020 9:43 am

    The only problem I see is that “Project Fusion” got their paper work in to late!!!!!!!!!

  17. mat on August 25th, 2020 9:36 am

    What is a plastic alternative?
    Sounds like too many things going on.
    Keep it simple.

  18. Oversight on August 25th, 2020 7:42 am

    The fusion project sounds promising. But as in the past, it sounds more like sunshine being pumped somewhere. Century has been burned previously on proposals that sound too good to be true. West Florida Gin should withdraw its offer and wait for this to play out in its inevitable collapse (because they always do in Century) in a huge heap of cow excrement. And then come back with a lower offer. LOL!