Over 11,000 Early Votes Were Cast In Escambia County. Here’s A Breakdown By Location, Party.

August 16, 2020

Early voting concluded Saturday with more than 11,000 ballots cast in Escambia County.

There were 11,158 votes cast during the early voting period in Escambia County, and there have 23,108 mail in ballots returned.

With 34,721 total ballots cast, turnout for the 2020 Primary Election is at 19.6% so far in Escambia County.

The graphic below shows the early voting turnout in Escambia County by party and location.


13 Responses to “Over 11,000 Early Votes Were Cast In Escambia County. Here’s A Breakdown By Location, Party.”

  1. JOHN on August 18th, 2020 10:38 am

    @pencil. Who controls the House of Representatives?

  2. Trump landslide #2020 on August 18th, 2020 5:32 am

    It’s nice to see the majority in the comments have common sense! Others obviously haven’t realized you cannot believe what your TV tells you. Our only hope for REAL & TRUTHFUL news are independent media such as NorthEscambia.com & very small percentage of others out there. Most need our help to stay afloat as they are not getting paid big bucks to lie & push a certain Democrat agenda to the American people.

    Vote RED to save our country. If you disagree PLEASE do your own research. I’m not hear to argue or debate, as I already KNOW the truth.

  3. pencil on August 17th, 2020 3:53 pm

    We already have the opposite of law and order, a bad economy and conservative judges . . . . . . if you’re voting red, you want more of the same.

    What’s happening is a travesty, a disaster but if you reelect me i’ll turn things around from what i’ve been doing to the country. . . . . . ??

    Sir aren’t you already in charge of every major office and institution?

  4. Zsolt on August 17th, 2020 1:38 pm

    This election is probably the easiest to decide. If you want law and order, a good economy and Conservative judges, vote red. If you want riots, vandalism, chaos, defunding the police, criminals released, no borders, and you love abortion, vote blue!

  5. shaking my head on August 17th, 2020 10:47 am

    The fact that the rioting, yes I said rioting because there is no such thing as peaceful protest anymore, is happening in Dumocrat cities should speak volumes to people. Why are they blaming Trump for their failures? The rioters are screaming discrimination. Well, look at your leadership? Who’s been running your city for decades? The mismanagement of funds is all on the Dumocrats. Why don’t these people see this? The media can be blamed for spreading misinformation.

  6. TROY S SCHOONOVER on August 16th, 2020 11:25 pm

    I enjoy early voting. It’s nice to be able to coordinate with my wife and go together, and it’s nice to have a very short line. I also like to see my ballot absolutely go into the machine and be counted. Absentee ballots are fine in our state, but mailing a ballot to everyone on the rolls is a terrible idea! I think it will go smoothly here in Florida because we do not plan to do that, but enough states will that, sadly, I think the election in November will not be decided until loser to Thanksgiving, with protests in the streets that will make the election here in 2000 look tame by comparison. Brace yourselves!

  7. Tc on August 16th, 2020 10:24 pm

    Mikel, please explain in detail just what you expect the “blue” to do for you ??

  8. Mikel on August 16th, 2020 5:29 pm

    there are only 2 chices… Blue, or “I’m ok with a mysogynistic that will keep the rest of us poor”

    I used to think Florida education was better than that, or that at least enough smart northerners moved down here.

  9. Dean on August 16th, 2020 12:54 pm

    Folks once again get off the party bandwagon and act in your own interest. We know absolutely that there are not going to be nearly the number of volunteer poll workers as in the past due to the pandemic. If you are voting in the upcoming election by mail in ballot you can and absolutely need to request your ballot NOW! You can do that online right now for the Nov. 3 election. Then mail it back in (or place in a drop box) as soon as possible. If you are the die hard got to do it in person voter then you better hope a lot of others go the mail route. Otherwise you WILL be standing in line for hours while at the same time risking your health. So, EVERYONE should support mail in voting and reversal of recent changes in the Postal Service that are probably already affecting you. My friends in their own businesses tell me it’s really causing them problems already! And my friends who depend on getting their medications via mail are really worried as well. So let’s get out of these political bubbles folks and insist on the postal service getting back on track and as well making sure our vote counts…regardless of your political preferences. Otherwise you’re just cutting off your nose to spite your face…as we say.

  10. William Reynolds on August 16th, 2020 12:44 pm

    “Will a similar article be published for those that voted absentee?”

    Not yet. Absentee (mail) ballots are accepted through Election Day.

  11. Tom Martin on August 16th, 2020 12:11 pm

    It appears to me from what I am looking at this could be the coming trend of the population deciding they have concerns traveling the highway the dems wish to travel,as do me I wish to continue traveling the highway of the United States pushing to regain the status we once had in the world that many of us put on the uniform and fought for and many died for and color of the skin was not counted for God created us all, some with different different skin colors ,but each with Red Blood, Heart, and Soul. In my opinion what I see now is Good people and Bad people,and it’s the responsibility of each to determine the road we travel.

  12. Micah Zeidman on August 16th, 2020 9:19 am

    Go Red!

  13. Diane on August 16th, 2020 9:12 am

    Good coverage of the turn out for in person voting and I like that it gives the party information. Will a similar article be published for those that voted absentee? Would like to see that information as well.