Half The Inmates At Century Prison Are Positive For COVID-19; FDC Says Death Report Was A Mistake

August 12, 2020

Half of the inmates at Century Correctional Institution have tested positive for COVID-19, but an earlier Florida Department of Corrections report of an inmate death was erroneous.

A Wednesday report from the Florida Department of Health indicated one inmate death at the Century prison. FDC Deputy Communications Director Rob Klepper tells NorthEscambia.com that was a mistake, and there have been no inmate deaths at the facility.

“A data entry error on today’s DOH correctional system update mis-attributed an inmate death to Century CI. That was a mistake and is being corrected. We apologize for the error,” Klepper said.

The latest testing data shows 753 of the inmates are positive for COVID-19, 744 have tested negative and 35 are awaiting test results. There are 554 inmates currently in medical isolation.

In a statement released Wednesday morning, FDC said there are approximately 1,500 inmates currently held at the Century prison; the FDC website lists the capacity of the prison at 1,345.

“The great majority of inmates at Century CI who have tested positive showed mild or no symptoms of the virus when they were tested. All inmates continue to be provided with on-going medical care and monitoring by facility health care professionals who follow CDC guidelines for the prevention, evaluation, treatment and management of COVID-19. Working in tandem with security staff, they are ensuring that inmates receive the care they need while still fulfilling FDC’s important public safety mission,” the Department of Corrections said in a statement.

In addition to measures already in place to protect inmates, FDC says they have initiated the following actions at Century Correctional Institution:

  • Century CI transitioned to providing all services including medical services and meals to inmates within their housing units.
  • All inmates are being monitored by health services staff and temperature checks are being conducted daily.
  • Institutional response teams have been activated to address emerging needs.
  • FDC has initiated broad-based testing at the correctional institution. All inmates and staff at FWRC have been offered tests.
  • All staff and inmates have been issued and are required to wear cloth face coverings. Staff have the option of wearing an FDC-provided cloth face covering, their own approved personal cloth face covering/medical-grade mask or obtaining a surgical-grade mask from the institution.
  • Rigorous cleaning throughout the institution was already in place and has been heightened as a result of the test results.
  • Additional surgical-grade masks, N95 masks and Tyvek suits are available for proper PPE utilization by staff treating inmates. Additional PPE’s to include eye protection, shoe covers, and caps are also available and additional supplies are on standby for distribution if needed.
  • All inmates with a positive test result have been placed in medical isolation.
  • Inmates within the facility are receiving the appropriate medical care and treatment of symptoms.
  • Inmate transfers to and from the facility have been temporarily suspended.
  • Inmates continue to have access to communication with family and loved ones through phone and JPay kiosks.
  • Comments

    14 Responses to “Half The Inmates At Century Prison Are Positive For COVID-19; FDC Says Death Report Was A Mistake”

    1. Marquetia Prude on August 16th, 2020 4:31 pm

      I have a husband that’s incarcerated at Century Prison and has tested positive for COVID-19 I am very concerned about my husband’s Well-being and when I call and speak to medical they just tell me his stabled and ok. Long as my husband has been locked up he will always calls or have someone reach out to me and let me know he’s okay I haven’t heard from my husband in 2 1/2 almost 3 weeks so you can only imagine how many sleepless nights I’ve been having all I want is to hear from him that he is okay. I lost my first cousin in the prison system do to him being ill and they wasn’t taking him serious, he died the day after Christmas of 2018 please all I want is my husband to let me know he’s okay that’s it just let him come home so he can get the proper treatment he needs!! I just want to be at ease.

    2. Phyllis Tessier on August 16th, 2020 11:49 am

      I help build that prison, at that time it was state of the art prison. But as it wasent made to last forever. That was like 20 years ago. It was made to be a hospital.I will keep the Officers & prisoners in my prayers.

    3. John on August 16th, 2020 9:42 am

      “Tough they are exposed in a closed environment but it goes back to the old trueism, “Don’t do the Crime if you Can’t do the Time”.”

      This is a very strange way of saying “any crime warrants any punishment”. The founding fathers put the 8th amendment in place for this very reason – to protect people who committed minor crimes from having to face ridiculous or inhumane consequences. Refusing medical treatment to inmates is not “serving them right”, it’s a reflection on how poorly run our justice system currently is.

    4. David Huie Green on August 16th, 2020 12:12 am

      “Please send the ill inmates out for medical treatment, they are human.”

      Unreasonable — for most, anyway.

      Most of the people are not sick enough to need hospitalization. If you tied up healthcare workers with those not really needing them, you would rob the ones who DO need them of the care THEY actually need. The ones who DO need it desperately need it.

    5. The Wilson’s on August 15th, 2020 1:42 pm

      Concerned Parents
      Just wanting to know if our SON is alive and stable. We can’t get anyone to answer the phone or return any calls. We know everyone is overworked, we just want our minds at ease. Please send the ill inmates out for medical treatment, they are human.

    6. Lori Hunt on August 15th, 2020 11:23 am

      I hate to say it, but with a wrongfully accused inmates whose profession was cleaning prior to conviction. CCI is a filthy broken down hole of a facility. It’s an inhumane situation for both prisoner and guard alike. This is the greatest country in the world and our entire prison system is broken and desperately wanting. What is the best solution to solve this dilemma? I wish we knew. The problem is it’s so overwhelming no one knows where to begin. Prayers for officer and inmate alike. We needs solutions not argument.

    7. bob c on August 13th, 2020 6:18 pm

      Inmates at some point in their lives Willingly made Very Unfortunate Decisions.
      Had they not made those Errors in Judgment they wouldn’t be in confinement.
      Tough they are exposed in a closed environment but it goes back to the old trueism, “Don’t do the Crime if you Can’t do the Time”.

      Corrections Officers and others working at the jails and prisons, my sympathies and prayers are with You and Your Families. Hard Jobs and Tough Times, Prayers for you to Be Healthy and Strong. BLUE LIVES MATTER…

    8. B B on August 13th, 2020 1:04 pm

      I would like to say unless you walk the beat with these Officers and Inmates please don’t judge us. Please be part of the solution. Pray for a covering over All employees and Inmates alike in these facilities. It would be greatly appreciated.

    9. MRSPBNL on August 13th, 2020 12:38 pm

      Yes I know the current numbers sound disturbing but you have to keep in mind that we have had only 6 inmates that were positive for Covid 19 since March so I think we have done really good. Just keep the correctional officers and non security staff in your prayers because we are putting our family at risk to possibly bring this horrible disease home to them.

    10. Caraway on August 13th, 2020 10:45 am

      @Hazard You arent forced to go anywhere. Your free to stop going at any point you choose.

    11. Just Sayin on August 13th, 2020 10:41 am

      @HAZARD…..if you get HAZARD pay for having to deal with THEM, I’m sure you are referring to inmates as the THEM, then they should get extra commissary money added to their account since it’s the officers and employees that are bringing the virus into the facilities. Some officers are using the excuse that its “too hot” to wear the mask or “they are only convicts who cates”. This I know because of personal affiliations. No person, inmate or free world person deserve to be subjected to this virus and to have officers and employees blatantly disobey or not follow safe practices set forth by DOC is shameful. Sad that it takes an officer(s) testing positive to jump start testing on inmates. Even the inmates who are sick cant get tested unless they are extremely sick or an officer test positive. SMH

    12. Hazard on August 12th, 2020 9:52 pm

      We need HAZARD PAY. Half the compound infected and we have to without choice go on the wings with them to count, deliver food, do security checks, and supervise cleaning within the dorms. Oh yea and handle any issue that may require authority presence. We have PPE but it’s a joke. Our leaders are trying there best but it’s just not enough. We would be better off possibly in a war zone. If your going to be in danger you should be paid, if your forced to go into danger you should be paid accordingly. Same for any job, I’m not saying we are special just saying it’s easy to overlook.

    13. CCI Staff on August 12th, 2020 6:57 pm

      Yes, the main unit, the work camp, and our Pensacola work release center have almost a combined total of almost 1,500 inmates. There are a little bit over 1,200 at the main unit. We are not operating over capacity. Just wanted to clear that part up.

    14. Ashley Marie on August 12th, 2020 3:28 pm

      Praying for all the officers, staff, and inmates at Century.