Half Of Escambia County’s CARES Act Millions Will Go To Families, Businesses; Here’s The Full Breakdown.

August 7, 2020

The Escambia County Commission approved a roadmap to distribute $57 million in federal CARES Act funding, with half of the funds going to assist families and smaller businesses.

So far, the county has received about $14 million of an anticipated $57 million total that it must use by December 31.

One-fourth of money will go to help families and households with expenses, if they were employed on March 1 and had a loss or reduction in work hours due to COVID-19. Families with annual incomes less than $75,000 will receive $1,000 to $2,000.

One-fourth of the money will go to assist businesses with 0 to 50 employees with a loss of business income due to COVID-19, if they did not already receive over $10,000 in Paycheck Protection Program funds. The grants will be up to $10,000.

The other half of the funds will be split between a rapid COVID-19 testing program, food assistance and relief, childcare, homelessness, public health and safety and general government. The City of Pensacola and the Town of Century will be able to request part of the government allocation, subject to commission approval. (The full breakdown is below.)

The programs will be implemented between August 10 and August 30 — that’s when application information will be released for the personal and business programs.

The commission also voted to hire consulting company Blue Sky Emergency Management for $24,560 to help them navigate the complicated CARES Act requirements to ensure the county receives the full amount available.

25% – Escambia County Resident, Family CARES Grant (Initial allocation: $3,580,331)

  • Family expense needs
  • Applicant must be Escambia County Resident
  • Applicant must be employed on March 1, 2020
  • Applicant must have had a loss of employment or reduction in work hours due to COVID-19 after March 1, 2020.
  • Applicant Annual Income less than $75,000
  • $1,000 to $2,000 per family/household

25% – Escambia County Business Assistance Grant (Initial allocation: $3,580,331)

  • Business Relief Grants – 0 to 50 employees
  • Business loss Income due to COVID-19 after 3/1/20
  • Business did not receive more than $10K in PPP
  • Grants up to $10,000

15% – Escambia County Rapid Testing Program (Initial allocation: $2,148,199)

  • Ascension Sacred Heart Hospital
  • Testing for non-symptomatic residents
  • Testing for residents with no insurance
  • 30,000 tests thru 12/30/2020
  • Community Health – ID Now Rapid Test Kits

Escambia Serves – Food Assistance & Relief Program, Childcare, Workforce Development Grants and Homelessness (Initial: $1,432,132)

  • Food Delivery through non-profit partners and churches
  • First Responder Childcare to help offset childcare expenses until December 2020
  • Support COVID Impacted Training Students through Escarosa March to December 2020
  • Community and Rural Broadband Connectivity
  • Homelessness

10%- Escambia County Public Health and Safety (Initial Allocation: $1,432,132)

  • EMS Transport
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and medical supplies for public health and safety workers
  • Disinfecting of public areas and facilities
  • First Responder Personnel expenses
  • Enhanced jail sanitizing, disinfecting and safety protocols
  • Future COVID-19 mitigation: Incident Action Plan, reserve PPE, temporary medical facilities and hospital surge capacity

General Government – County, Municipalities & Constitutionals (Initial Allocation: $1,432,132)

  • Public Messaging: Design, translation and promotion of COVID-19 messaging for diverse communities
  • Facility Safety – preparing public buildings to serve customers, enhanced sanitizing, disinfecting and safety protocols
  • Establishment of permanent telework programs Electronic/Digital Technology for Public Business including equipment
  • Permanent safety improvements, reconfigurations, barriers, temperature scanners, hand sanitizing machines, modification to air handling system and environmental health
  • Mandatory Risk Assessment of reimbursement

Replenishment Account (Initial Allocation: $716,066)

  • To be utilized for future expenses


37 Responses to “Half Of Escambia County’s CARES Act Millions Will Go To Families, Businesses; Here’s The Full Breakdown.”

  1. Rose Caldwell on September 23rd, 2020 9:48 am

    My name is RoseCaldwell and I needs some assistance bad me and my daughter had the covi-19 in April and I also had it in May I’m on disability and she work but when she got sick she could no longer work so we got behind on everything I didn’t know about program out here cause I got the virus again in June and my thinking ability is gone so the only way I found out that there was help out here is yesterday by looking at the news can you please help me i didn’t get a Stemalas check because my daughter claimed me on her 2018 texes when she got over the virus she got mad at me and move out leaving me with all the behind bills and I don’t know what to do please help me I’m sinking and still not well.

  2. William Reynolds on August 10th, 2020 4:08 pm

    >>>I’ve seen the question asked several times, but no answer. How do you apply?

    That is addressed in the story

  3. Lorri Ledet on August 10th, 2020 4:03 pm

    I’ve seen the question asked several times, but no answer. How do you apply?

  4. Vincent Traweek on August 10th, 2020 2:40 pm

    Got a question? I would like to try to receive some funds. I have a merchant service company where only I am the employee. I basically get paid on the businesses processing credit cards. Well I have taken a hit because businesses arent processing and I can’t or at least dont feel comfortable going out and selling so I am in a pickle. I couldnt get any money because I feel it is basically a lottery. I dont understand it either. I am a business effected by this lovely virus and I cant get any funds. Not asking for a handout, but I am asking for assistance. This is for for business and not a freaking Lamborghini like the guy in Miami. I just feel I am NO different then any other business. I am incorporated & not a Sole Prop, whether that matters or not I have absolutely NO idea. I understand everyone is in a pickle right now, but I need some assistance. Dont just give big corporations money, because I dont think its fair. But whatever, sorry for all the “Donts” in this message. SO HOW DO I APPLY??????

  5. Theresa Blackwell on August 8th, 2020 11:27 pm

    I’m retired, but I’m concerned that the help appears to be just for people who lost their jobs due to Covid 19. What about all the others who may have lost their jobs prior to the virus and have had little hope of finding another job in this economic downturn? Their unemployment benefits may have expired at this point.

  6. Charlie on August 8th, 2020 7:06 pm

    @Tom—Read the comment from Cindy Lou again. I see nowhere where she mentions bailing out what you say. She is mentioning experimental programs in a few countries that are are sort of like an enhanced Welfare program of guaranteed income. These are smaller countries whose government ability to do this is much different than ours. Most have income tax rates on workers like you, of 40% or more. Would you like that? I think not. I believe ours is in the 18% range. We can’t afford to do it like they might be able to pull it off, & their success rate is still pending from what I have read. Yes, taxpayers like you deserve help, & Trump today signed today for doing just that help, unless held up in courts by Democrats. Are you aware that Nancy P. wants to give money to illegals & have open borders, with money that should go to people like you? She wants to spend 3.4 Trillion dollars. On big Republican spending bills in the past, the Democrat mantra has always been, How are you going to pay for it.Well Nancy, how are you going to pay for it? Republicans do want to help, but not break the bank in doing so. By the way, I am not Democrat or Republican, but a Conservative, who agrees that you do deserve what you are asking for.

  7. Tracy on August 8th, 2020 11:31 am

    What about the homeowners renting their property that have forgiven rent and will not add any late fees because we know the tenants cannot pay?? I’m retired so no I wasn’t working March 1st but I still have to pay mortgage on the home

  8. Tom on August 8th, 2020 10:22 am

    Look I pay state local and federal taxes, please do not tell me my government should not be helping me during a pandemic and the near depression we currently find ourselves in. Cindy Lou pointed out a clear fact instead of bailing out all these mega multi national corporations they (all of our Allies) are using monies to stimulate there economies via checks to the unemployed and underemployed which is spent quickly and helps big business that way. Save when times are good spend spend when the economy starts to tumble. This is basic economics

  9. Joiner on August 8th, 2020 5:44 am

    What about landlords? We pay mortgage, house insurance and not receiving rent payments puts us in a bind also. How is it fair for the governor to decide for US and continually put us into debt on top of destroyed property? Can landlords be sent rental checks and difference sent to tenants? Some ppl will do what’s right but many look at it as free money to do whatever because executive order from governor to freeze evictions.

  10. Quita on August 8th, 2020 3:54 am

    Love when people are quick to tell others what they should be doing in their own household but yet don’t want the government in theirs. Some people may not he able to get childcare at this point. Or maybe they don’t believe like others. Yet bring on the judges. Such wonderful Christian folks and yet by the comments bible reading Christians you’re not otherwise you would not be judging.

  11. Charlie on August 8th, 2020 12:57 am

    @ Linda Price—If you have not received your stimulus money, then something is wrong, as I think all have been sent out by now.. Does the government know you exist, meaning have you filed taxes the past 2 years, & do they have a bank account number for you? Some with no bank account receive Debit cards, & accidentally throw them out. Have you gone online or called their phone number, to see & verify you are even in their system? Could be you slipped through the cracks. They will not call you. You have to call them or check online for your status. There are places & organization that can be of help, if you don’t know how to do it yourself. I received mine within a week.

  12. Charlie on August 8th, 2020 12:46 am

    @Cindy Lou—Biden has promised to raise taxes & open our borders to illegals, so by all means vote Democrat. Just where does all of that “free” money come from you speak of, & who pays for it, so some don’t have to work, & freeloaders sit on their butt, while others do, to pay for it.

  13. Mark on August 7th, 2020 10:46 pm

    I am so glad to see this. It will stimulate the economy and give people a little boost.

  14. Rachel Newbill on August 7th, 2020 10:15 pm

    Some of us weren’t as lucky to quickly find a job after losing the one we had for years. Some of us had no choice but to “ sit on our ass “ and worry about how we were going to pay our power bill, our rent, car payment and make sure our children had running water and food on the table. So screw your negative comments.

  15. Tc on August 7th, 2020 8:30 pm

    Would be nice if the relief $ went into the hands of those who actually need it . I know many people that received weekly stimulus $ who are too sorry to work . Why do people feel they are entitled to government support ? Nothing is owed to any of us. IF you work & lose your job , you are eligible for unemployment benefits . Be thankful we live in a Country that is willing to help during the pandemic . So many people are not as fortunate.

  16. Well on August 7th, 2020 7:47 pm

    @why not
    The County is trying to hire in all Departments.

    But they pay less than unemployment benefits and no handouts.

    So we’ll continue going to work to pay our fair share.

  17. Jerry Fifer on August 7th, 2020 7:21 pm

    Nothing is Free folks!!!! Take what you need but only that. Start looking for work.

  18. Why not on August 7th, 2020 5:20 pm

    They county is hiring in the corrections department. Get a job

  19. Cindy Lou on August 7th, 2020 5:18 pm

    Remember to stop voting republican this upcoming election. we would have benefits like other Rick countries Canada Australia New Zealand the U.K. all got cash every month the next 2 years regardless of employment .
    The democrats fought hard to get the enhanced $600 UI and the $1200 stimulus check ( as it was originally meant for pain that earned above $75,000/year

    Rick Scott and DeSantis are happy to see people pushed into poverty,
    Maybe quit voting for them

  20. Keelan Brooks on August 7th, 2020 4:45 pm

    I have been out of work since march due to covid 19 how do I get the assistance you speak about. In Escambia resident and family csres act grant??

  21. That noise you hear is the truth on August 7th, 2020 3:29 pm

    Tax payers who have been floating this county for decades should get the biggest relief regardless of income

  22. Essie on August 7th, 2020 3:07 pm

    How do I apply?

  23. A thoughtful guy on August 7th, 2020 2:52 pm

    These are wonderful resources. Why does it take a Covid to get Broadband improvements?

  24. Nancy jones on August 7th, 2020 2:32 pm

    My husband and I are both on disability he is now on palative care. It is very hard to keep up with the bills and food. If we could get some help it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

  25. M Ingrid Jarman on August 7th, 2020 2:05 pm

    How do I apply? 2 people in the household can really use the help. One on disability.

  26. Tom on August 7th, 2020 1:47 pm

    I’m in the same boat, been unemployed since March 16th. My job field is not opening back up till at least 2021. I fear I may lose my house and car and become homeless when the bare minimum Florida DEO provides runs out. Every day I read the news hoping that congress and senate will finally come together on the next Covid-19 relief package. I really do wish these politicians could live a day in my or any one else’s shoes who’s in danger of losing everything, New jobs numbers today say up to 51 Million people are unemployed right now, this is very disturbing news.

  27. Danny Douglas on August 7th, 2020 11:45 am

    I could really use some help paying my bills and getting caught back up I’ve been unemployed since March 17th but back to work for two weeks in July. Then the state shuts down again. And have been unemployed since then. Please help.

  28. Linda Price on August 7th, 2020 11:10 am

    I have been unemployed since May 2020 and have filed for unemployment of which I was under Identity Theft but they since cleared that up and I a single lady age 61 and still waiting on about 9 weeks of my benefits to start coming in but nothing as yet and I haven’t even received my 1st stimulus check as yet either. I need assistance I’m behind 2 months on Rent. My rent is only $560 @ month but I don’t want to lose my apt and become homeless. I’m currently going to be interviewing for a position next week but still need rental assistance. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
    Linda Price

  29. Sable Stewart on August 7th, 2020 10:59 am

    Does this include people that do stuff on the side as in baby sitting and flea market and yard sale and ect….???

  30. Tammy Witherspoon on August 7th, 2020 10:24 am

    How do you apply for assistance?

  31. Shannon Mack on August 7th, 2020 10:24 am

    I think this is a really good thing I’m in bad need of help with bills I have 7 children

  32. Tammy Witherspoon on August 7th, 2020 10:21 am

    Do you have to apply for assistance,and if so where ?Thank you

  33. Lori on August 7th, 2020 10:08 am
  34. Grandma on August 7th, 2020 9:44 am

    Commissioners, please provide temperature scan equipment at every school; the walk through kind that is fast, non touch and kids can be herded through BEFORE entering the school. This would tell teachers, students and parents that you truly care about their safety.

  35. Coquanda Sullivan on August 7th, 2020 8:56 am

    My family and I really use some help

  36. Lisa Fuller on August 7th, 2020 7:46 am

    Community and Rural Broadband Connectivity…Could you please start with zip codes 32535 and 32568?

  37. A Alex on August 7th, 2020 6:07 am

    Shouldn’t some of the money gone to covid-19 victims and families for medical and to bury the dead???