Gibson Road Bridge In Molino Fails FDOT Inspection, One Lane Closed

August 28, 2020

The eastbound lane of the Gibson Road bridge over Alligator Creek in Molino is closed after the bridge failed a Florida Department of Transportation inspection.

A county official said Thursday that the lane will remain closed as a repair plan is formulated and implemented.

Gibson Road runs between Highway 97 and Crabtree Church Road. The 78-foot long wood-supported bridge was built in 1959. file photo.


5 Responses to “Gibson Road Bridge In Molino Fails FDOT Inspection, One Lane Closed”

  1. CE on August 28th, 2020 11:01 pm

    I hope the same company that’s building the overpass on HWY 29 doesn’t get the bid. If they do It will take years before that bridge reopens

  2. Les on August 28th, 2020 10:04 pm

    Florida received the most money from the government in FY 2019 or about $62.4 not to mention the $15 million from FLDOT are set-aside annually for replacement and rehabilitation projects which majority of the bridges are in rural areas that are considered “Rural areas of opportunity.” Hence, the reason most of your oldest decrepit wooden bridges in District 5 will ultimately just be closed. 15% right off the bat goes to Bridge Inspecting.
    Miami is getting $22.4 million for its Underline Miami-Dade County Multi-Modal Mobility Corridor, which will transform a 10-mile stretch under the city’s Metrorail into an urban trail with a bike path, recreational spaces, and canvases for art installations.
    So, basically 24 bridges in Escambia County qualified for 100% or 75% of Federal Funds. 24 bridges could have been replaced for what Tampa was awarded for one project.
    A couple County Commissioners in Escambia County usually get however much they want for whatever projects they want, because they speak the loudest, and tote a bigger stick. Well that’s great if you reside or cross the bridges in Esc. Dist. south of Dist. 5.
    What are the residents to do when the only structure to cross the once again flooded out creek finally gives up? WE are Escambia County. All districts, not limited to 1-4.
    Let’s not even get started on Quintette Bridge. Disaster just waiting to happen.
    At least they could do is clean the freaking vegetation, weeds, limbs from trees, and vines coming at you from both sides of the bridges and even up through the cracks and drainage holes. Scary stuff.

  3. Evelyn L Owen on August 28th, 2020 1:13 pm

    17 of those 24 on the list of priorities are in District 5!!!! They total $19,968,883.00.
    Would love to know what the total property tax is collected from District 5?
    Stop ALL road widening! Those folks can at lease traverse safely, just a bit slower. But those in District 5 are more than a convenience; these 17 bridges are a safety issue AND when they fail and are no longer able too be crossed, thousand of citizens are STOPPED, not just slowed down. Get the priorities straight! Safety before convenience!

  4. Tom on August 28th, 2020 7:41 am

    I just can’t believe how old most of our bridges are in the north end of the county, I mean from what I’ve noticed of all the new bridges being built they certainly aren’t using wood supports these days.This bridge is almost 62 years old, How long did they expect it to last 75 or 100 years. Infrastructure in general whether bridges and roads cable and dsl/phone lines etc..Most of this stuff is way past its end of life usage date.

  5. Jason on August 28th, 2020 1:35 am

    Well, this bridge was #6 on the priority list for replacement at the end of March 2019.

    The other 23 bridges on the “priority list” can be found in this NorthEscambia article: