Four Sentenced To Federal Prison For Their Roles In Local Dog Fighting Conspiracy

August 26, 2020

The last of four defendants to be convicted for their roles in an Escambia County dog fighting conspiracy was sentence Tuesday in federal court in Pensacola.

David Lee Moser, 37, was sentenced to 12 months plus one day in prison.  Moser pleaded guilty to conspiring with the co-defendants to violate the dog fighting prohibitions of the federal Animal Welfare Act.

The other three defendants were sentenced earlier this month:

  • James “Tommy” Peek, 68, was sentenced to serve 15 months in prison.  Peek had pleaded guilty to unlawfully conspiring to violate the dog fighting prohibitions of the federal Animal Welfare Act, delivering a dog to co-defendant Shane Sprague for purposes of having the dog participate in an animal fighting venture, and possessing a dog for purposes of having the dog participate in an animal fighting venture.
  • Haley Cook Murph, 25, was sentenced to eight months in prison.  Murph had pleaded guilty to unlawfully conspiring to violate the dog fighting prohibitions of the federal Animal Welfare Act, traveling to Alabama to purchase a fighting dog from a known dog fighter, and possessing that dog for purposes of using the dog in an animal fighting venture.
  • Shane Patrick Sprague, 36, was sentenced  to serve 18 months in federal prison.  A jury had convicted Sprague of felony conspiracy to violate the animal fighting prohibitions of the federal Animal Welfare Act.

Senior U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson in the Northern District of Florida imposed the sentences.

“Federal prison sentences are absolutely appropriate for these criminals,” said U.S. Attorney Lawrence Keefe for the Northern District of Florida.  “Each one of them knowingly contributed to the immeasurable fear, suffering and pain these helpless dogs experienced. The U.S. Attorney’s Office will continue to pursue and prosecute those who violate the Animal Welfare Act to the fullest extent of the law.”

Evidence at trial, along with admissions made by the pleading defendants in conjunction with their plea agreements, established that Sprague arranged dog fights and trafficked in fighting dogs with Moser and others.  Moser admitted that he and Sprague agreed to fight their dogs against one another and to prepare a dog for a dog fight, and had discussed concealing evidence that one of Moser’s dogs had killed another dog.

Peek was one of the suppliers of fighting dogs to the conspiracy.  He used his reputation as a prominent dog fighter to sell fighting dogs to others around the country.  A dog fighting book commonly seized as evidence in dog fighting investigations has a chapter devoted to Peek, which Peek would autograph and sell to customers.  He admitted to having delivered a dog to Sprague, believing that the dog would be used for fighting purposes.  He also admitted to selling a dog to an undercover agent after making representations about the fighting “bloodlines” and prior and upcoming dog fights scheduled for some of the dogs on his yard.

Murph’s role was that of a makeshift “veterinarian.”  Although Murph at no time possessed a veterinary license, she admitted to offering and performing veterinary and surgical procedures on dogs belonging to members of the conspiracy, treating dogs injured in a dog fight, and surgically removing dogs’ ears, including for the purpose of dog fighting.  Two dogs she treated died from their fighting injuries.  Murph also admitted to supplying a “bait” animal to test the fighting abilities of one of the dogs of a co-defendant. Finally, Murph admitted to traveling to Alabama to receive a dog from a known dog fighter, and to keeping that dog for the purposes of having the dog participate in an animal fighting venture.

“The cruel and inhumane practice of dog fighting has no place in a civilized society and is against federal law,” said Special Agent in Charge Jason Williams of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Inspector General (USDA-OIG).  “The outstanding work of the USDA-OIG agents who investigated this case made it possible to bring these operators of a major animal fighting venture and breeders who participate in such activities to justice.  We will continue to vigorously investigate individuals who attend, facilitate, or profit from the misery inflicted upon animals during these barbaric fights.”

Pictured: Law enforcement and the ASPCA conducted an operation in the 7000 block of Beulah Road in July 2018. Photos courtesy WEAR 3 for, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Four Sentenced To Federal Prison For Their Roles In Local Dog Fighting Conspiracy”

  1. Debbie P. on August 29th, 2020 4:33 pm

    What happens to the dogs? A friend of mines dog came up missing this time last year and I wonder if her dog could of been taken and used as a bait dog. And if she is still alive how would we know if she is part of that dog fighting ring?

  2. Deborah Aeppli on August 28th, 2020 11:12 pm

    A very lite sentence for such despicable acts. But what concerns me more is that nothing in the sentence regarding their ability to own animals upon their release. Every other time I’ve seen sentences like this these sub humans loose their right to ever ever own another anaimal. These are sick sick individuals. Scum bags don’t deserve to live.

  3. Claude Louis Cosey on August 28th, 2020 2:40 pm

    If you are involved in dog fighting, you are low life scum! Maybe a more appropriate sentence would be to dig a pit, drop these low lifes into it and say the last one left alive gets to spend a few years in prison. Tell them if they don’t fight really good they’ll be shot or drowned or whatever way these losers dispose of dogs they have no further use for. I’d never watch a dog fight, but I’d gladly eat pop corn and watch these imbeciles fight to the death so they can know how those dogs suffered.

  4. Jennifer l Rabren on August 28th, 2020 1:54 am

    And this is the reason you dont give animals away for free online. Also this is the reason for alot of missing dogs in our area id be willing to be.

  5. DDD on August 27th, 2020 10:02 am

    those who engage in dog fighting do not deserve a plea agreement.

  6. Roy James on August 26th, 2020 8:41 pm

    I hope their worst fears happen in prison. Let them fight to the death

  7. Don on August 26th, 2020 3:53 pm

    Got off kinda lite back signal for these kind of human animal just a shame they will be back at it as soon as they get out

  8. Harmony on August 26th, 2020 1:17 pm

    I think the same punishment that would be afforded a human being for doing this to another human being is appropriate for these animals who do this to dogs. If they do this to animals what keeps them from doing it to children? They say that everyone who hurts people started out by hurting animals. These sentences are a joke they may as well slapped on the hand.

  9. Linda on August 26th, 2020 12:58 pm

    8 months for supplying a “bait” animal??? This person should rot in jail. Her actions were horrific and she doesn’t deserve to walk free after what she has done. It makes me sick just to think what this animal (and the others) had to go through at the hands of these horrible people. There isn’t a penalty strong enough that would result in justice for these animals. I’m so thankful for the people that investigate and prosecute these crimes.

  10. Melinda Hastings on August 26th, 2020 12:50 pm

    They should be tide up and let the dogs loose on them people some people and she should most definitely rott in jail

  11. Sammie on August 26th, 2020 10:33 am

    “Murph also admitted to supplying a “bait” animal to test the fighting abilities of one of the dogs of a co-defendant”.

    To offer a dog, frequently taped or by other means prevented from fighting, to be torn apart by other dogs training for fights is dispicable and disgusting. I hope she doesn’t have kids.

    She needs to fry… along with all of her other big, brave, co-defendants.

  12. JTV on August 26th, 2020 10:14 am

    Would love for these pieces of trash spend some time with a couple of patrol trained Belgian Malinois at least once a week as part of their sentence.

  13. EMD on August 26th, 2020 9:56 am

    So thankful for everyone involved in apprehending and prosecuting these unfeeling people. Dogs are one of God’s greatest gifts in my opinion. They give unconditional love of which most people are incapable. I hate to think what these evil “celebrities” would do to people. They need a new heart that only God can give.

  14. Fredtp on August 26th, 2020 8:56 am

    Not enough time is an understatement! These deserve to be treated just like they treated the poor dogs! The people they do this to the poor loving creatures are the animals!

  15. Disgusted on August 26th, 2020 6:02 am

    They need to throw these monsters UNDER the prison. Dogs deserve all the love and care in the world.

  16. Kim Cable on August 26th, 2020 4:33 am

    People need to stop this evil. Dogs are not made to fight but to love. It’s time for change. Stop abusing animals.

  17. Dog lover on August 26th, 2020 3:04 am

    To me not long enough for these people.just think what those poor dogs went through