FBI, Sheriff’s Deputies Arrested Escambia (AL) Jail Corrections Officer

August 12, 2020

The FBI and Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office have a arrested a corrections officer on contraband charges, and the sheriff said more charge are anticipated

Sheriff’s investigators and FBI agents arrested Escambia County (AL) Detention Center corrections officer Lakerdra Shanta Snowden on Tuesday. She is charged with one count of promoting prison contraband first degree and one count of use of official position for personal gain, an ethics violation. She was booked into jail without bond awaiting a bond appearance.

“Today’s arrest stems from a joint operation between ECSO and the FBI into the smuggling of contraband into the detention facility,” Sheriff Heath Jackson said. He immediately terminated Snowden’s employment.

“This is still an ongoing investigation and more charges are anticipated. We will continue to arrest and prosecute anyone who is involved with bringing contraband to the detention facility,” Jackson said.


12 Responses to “FBI, Sheriff’s Deputies Arrested Escambia (AL) Jail Corrections Officer”

  1. jarrett on August 14th, 2020 2:28 am

    She was thinking that she could get away with some of the other things officers get away with and just be put on desk duty for 30 days. It don’t work like that for her, not in this world.

  2. Christine on August 13th, 2020 9:37 pm

    There is probably more than this going on behind closed doors..

  3. Blair Holland on August 13th, 2020 9:00 am

    I just called a friend that was a resident of the state of Florida for several years and asked what co’s got for bringing in contraband. He said it’s different prices for different things. He said cell phones went for 500 dollars and up. He said they weren’t even the high end phones…He borrowed a phone from a lifer that paid $1100.00 for a flip phone. Once you get a co to do it once the inmates own them… Yes our correction officers like all law enforcement are extremely under paid BUT they know that going in…

  4. Jim on August 13th, 2020 8:51 am

    @Skip ~ Illegal behavior is illegal behavior. No excuses.

  5. Skip on August 12th, 2020 11:22 pm

    Honestly can you blame her? They get paid nothing and they have the covid too deal with… People need too eat!

  6. CO Family on August 12th, 2020 9:58 pm

    Bring it on, how long have you been released or fired?
    I know several CO’s that would love for you to say that to their face. But “you keyboard warriors” are all the same.

  7. BRING IT ON on August 12th, 2020 6:48 pm

    Correctional officers and convicts, seems there ain’t much difference these days.

  8. tg on August 12th, 2020 2:28 pm

    Just not satisfied with a regular paycheck wanted more.

  9. Rasheed Jackson on August 12th, 2020 12:49 pm

    She fell for their bait, and paid the price. Reminds me of years ago when I worked at a detention facility. One night while working a power outage I was assigned a young attractive black lady CO to assist with the inmates that were working with me. One of them called her by name then complimented her by saying, ” you sure do smell good”. Wrong!!

    She immediately called him down by telling him that he was never to speak to her in any way other than an inmate to CO type relationship, and never compliment her on anything she is wearing, her hair and definitely not ever personalize their relationship by mentioning the way she smelled, and he was always to referr to her as Ma’am. Then she called for someone to come and remove him.
    When it was over and the inmates returned to their barracks, she looked at me and said, ” I let stuff like that go and next thing they think they can touch me, and I’m their friend.”
    Apparently the young lady in this article did not go through the same training as the CO I worked with.

  10. William Reynolds on August 12th, 2020 9:20 am

    “Why doesn’t her photo have “Inmate” overprinted on it like the others from Escambia County (AL) Detention Center?”

    It was provided directly. Their internal system does not have the giant inmate watermark, while the public system does.

  11. chris on August 12th, 2020 8:44 am

    Stay Classy

  12. Oversight on August 12th, 2020 8:10 am

    Why doesn’t her photo have “Inmate” overprinted on it like the others from Escambia County (AL) Detention Center?