Escambia County Does Not Pass Mask Mandate, Instead Approves Resolution Encouraging Face Coverings

August 7, 2020

Thursday night the Escambia County Commission passed a resolution strongly encouraging the use of masks, but stopped short of passing a mandate with enforcement penalties.

The motion by Commissioner Robert Bender also included that residents are urged to follow CDC guidelines such as social distancing and hand washing. The motion passed on a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Lumon May voting against.

Earlier in the meeting, May made a motion for a mandatory mask ordinance mirroring that of the City of Pensacola failed due to the lack of a second.

Bender seconded May’s motion for discussion purposes, but withdrew his motion over the issue of enforcement, a concern echoed by other commissioners.

“We are not going to send somebody to jail,” Bender said.

“Tonight, I have to be concerned as a personal choice and a personal decision that if history records Lumon May, history records that I did every single thing,” May said. “And it may not work. It may not mitigate it, but it will not be written that I didn’t do every single thing that I could do.”

Pictured: The Escambia County Commission meeting Thursday night. image, click to enlarge.


74 Responses to “Escambia County Does Not Pass Mask Mandate, Instead Approves Resolution Encouraging Face Coverings”

  1. David Huie Green on August 12th, 2020 3:51 am

    “Changing the rules and spin on the effectiveness of masks every Friday has not and appears will not work. Knowing the political climate in this nation just maybe some honesty and common sense would have helped from the beginning, ”

    It isn’t really doing either when they adjust to new situations and information.

    At first, there were not enough masks even for the healthcare providers. They still really need more. The president told us there were plenty and that it was all under control. He was still making that false claim last week.
    At first, it was not so widespread as to endanger everyone and the president claimed there were even fewer cases and that it would go away as if by magic.
    At first, they thought anything other than perfect containment of the virus was useless. They didn’t know that just reducing the spread would lead to fewer infections and milder cases
    At first, they didn’t realize how many could be infected and infectious without being detected — no symptoms.
    At first, they expected to be able to trace contacts because they expected to have quick and effective tests. The President claimed we had plenty of test kits but would have fewer getting sick and dying if we didn’t test.

    The doctors didn’t lie. Fauci, for example, pointed out at the time that the situation might change and that masks might provide some protection, but that protection was most needed by those caring for the infected.

    And, most of the wild statements were made by President Trump who was more interested in having good economic indicators than having an accurately informed public. We will never be able to depend on him for the truth. He’s dumb and dishonest, and you can’t fix that. He’s gotten away with crooking people all his life. Many believe his changing lies more than the multiple repeated truths from people who actually know what they are talking about.

    Just remember, you don’t go for truth to charlatans who don’t pay their bills and pay people to keep silent from truth. You go to them for words of comfort — unless you find more comfort in truth.

    David for better people

  2. Northof10 on August 11th, 2020 12:25 pm

    It may have been much easier to get compliance or cooperation with the mask situation had political and health officials been honest and straightforward with the people. Changing the rules and spin on the effectiveness of masks every Friday has not and appears will not work. Knowing the political climate in this nation just maybe some honesty and common sense would have helped from the beginning, The rules should be the rules for everyone—yes even those that make the laws/rules.

  3. Kathi Iannone on August 11th, 2020 10:43 am

    CHOICE PEOPLE! Start reading and doing your own research! Think for yourself and stop being led by your nose and scare tactics!

    When they take away our rights, starting with our Right to Choose, They will then dictate everything we do! So much for Land of the Free!

  4. jerry on August 10th, 2020 9:51 pm

    I think we should get rid of speeding laws because they are hard to enforce. oh yeah, get rid of seatbelt laws and drinking underage laws because they are hard to enforce too. hard to enforce mask laws is not an excuse to not require masks.

  5. JOHN on August 10th, 2020 6:28 pm

    Who would enforce the mask mandate if it was passed? The ECSO is stretched way too thin as it is. If it’s not likely to get enforced then nothing else matters. People need to use common sense.

  6. Jerry on August 10th, 2020 7:41 am

    Wearing masks should be mandatory , ” strongly encouraging the use of masks, but stopped short of passing a mandate with enforcement penalties.”

    Encourage is not the same as enforced strictly. So when you get COVID, who will be to blame ? No one is going to pay thousands of dollars in hospital bills for you. The local government should have enforced the rules but failed vote them out!

  7. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2020 7:27 pm

    “That’s why we can “see” our breath in cold weather.”

    Warm air can hold more water vapor, gas, than cold air.
    Air in the lungs is warm.
    Cold air will cool exhaled air and cause water vapor to become liquid droplets. This doesn’t actually prove the presence of droplets with coronavirus in them. (I’m told they are there but this doesn’t prove it.)

  8. Lee on August 8th, 2020 4:16 pm

    Florida has one of the highest numbers as far as positive cases per capita. Wear a mask. If we don’t get this turned around soon we will be shutting schools back down within a week of reopening.

  9. Lee on August 8th, 2020 4:09 pm

    @Pd – People spread droplets from their mouth and nose just by breathing. That’s why we can “see” our breath in cold weather. Talking, singing, laughing, or yelling spreads droplets even further. You can see video demonstrations of this online. Masks serve two purposes. They keep the wearer from spreading droplets AND from breathing in droplets from other people. People who aren’t wearing masks in stores might as well be coughing and sneezing on everyone and everything.

  10. steve on August 8th, 2020 12:55 pm

    782 new cases today in Escambia, 9 more deaths. No need to act. We have more cases than 9 states, more deaths than 5 states, we are doing great.

  11. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2020 11:59 am

    “If you catch covid sue them”

    You can do that, but you need to be able to identify the actual culprit. If more than one person could have infected you, the water is muddy.

    “Was I infected by Albert, Brian, Charlie, Donnel, Egbert, Farley, or Grady?”

    If any of them might have done it, any one might NOT have done it. And if the one who DID do it is poor, no lawyer will want to bother, under the “can’t get blood from a turnip” philosophy.

  12. steve on August 8th, 2020 11:32 am

    Jerry……. You make NO sense with the sue them if you catch it statement.,
    Why not sue the makers of the virus?
    Or sue the rain when it makes you wet or lighting when it strikes ..

    Personal responsibility is what is in short supply here. Its a common factor of todays people. Everything is someone elses fault..

  13. Jerry on August 8th, 2020 7:33 am

    If you catch covid sue them , they are not protecting the people and don’t care

  14. Read The Constitution on August 8th, 2020 7:27 am

    Let’s say this is an infringement on the Constitution, and the fundamental right to LIBERTY, and thus subject to the strictest constitutional test. Under the strict scrutiny test, a challenged action is found constitutional if it;

    1: Fulfills a compelling state interest,
    2: Is narrowly tailored to meet that interest,
    3: Uses the least restrictive means to meet that interest.

    The compelling state interest is the goal the government is trying to achieve. The goal here is “prevent spread of COVID-19 and attendant mass death.” Preventing mass death is the most compelling of the compelling government interests.

    Requiring masks are narrowly tailored to meet that goal.

    Least restrictive means an inquiry into whether some other rule could achieve the goal just as well, and is where you’d get into studies about efficacy. And keep in mind that if the point of the masks is to prevent infection of people OTHER than the mask wearer. That is fine though, since “prevent people from ignorantly spreading a deadly disease” is within the compelling interest.

  15. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2020 2:00 am

    “Under the 10th Amendment, U.S. state governments have the primary authority to control the spread of dangerous diseases within their jurisdictions.

    “The 10th Amendment gives states all powers not specifically given to the federal government, giving them the authority to take public health emergency actions.”

    This is, or at least WAS true before the 14th Amendment reduced those powers of the individual states by extending Constitutional protections down to the individual.
    (By passing the 14th, the states ceded their powers under the 10th.)

    “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

    Therefore, any state law is forbidden which would take away those rights.
    If Governor DeSantis tried to enforce any law in such a way as to kill citizens not convicted of a crime, he would have exceeded his powers.

    Don’t worry. It’s fuzzy enough as to what helps and what hurts that he probably won’t still be Governor by the time it is decided. I’m not saying what he SHOULD or SHOULDN’T do, just pointing out that the 10th lost a lot of its power when the 14th was adopted.

    In fact, come to think of it, since pandemics affect interstate and international trade, Congress already had power under Article I, Section 8, paragraph 3 “The Congress shall have power to…provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States…To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;”
    (This could also almost explain the President’s peculiar tendency to call it THE CHINA VIRUS or KUNG FLU even though it has nothing to do with Confucianism and is not the flu, may not have originated in China even that seems most likely — although from the landmass, not from the government.)

    Just some thoughts good for putting small children to sleep.

  16. David Huie Green on August 8th, 2020 1:13 am

    All rights are based on the concept that their exercise does not require others have to pay for them or give them to you AND that they do not harm others by their lawful use.

    A few examples: Say a religion requires sacrifices. Those not of that religion do not have to provide those sacrifices. If you sacrifice a cow or a chicken, I don’t have to pay for the animals.

    Now take it further and say it requires the killing of a human sacrifice. That violates the right to life guaranteed to a citizen and is not protected — is in fact forbidden.

    Or speech. You can say anything which does not harm others You can say the president is our savior; you have that right. I can say he is evil because Jesus said liars are of the devil; I have that right. I don’t have to believe you; you don’t have to believe me, but we are free to say them. Someone might harm both of us for offending them, but rights aren’t guaranteed, just that government won’t violate them (and it sometimes does anyway).

    Now take it further and say we need to kill all who don’t worship him or I say we need to lynch him. We have gone too far because we are actively plotting to harm others. We are violating their rights. We don’t have that right and can be punished.

    Now let’s address wearing of masks to avoid spewing out a virus that WILL kill some of those it infects and will damage organs of others. That’s not an absolute right since it hurts others. We can be fined and jailed for assault, battery, attempted murder.

    Now let’s say we know for an ABSOLUTE FACT we are not infected or infectious. Since that doesn’t harm others, requiring wearing of masks isn’t justified.

    And then there’s the real world — WE DO NOT KNOW.. And that’s why we argue.

    However, what we DO KNOW is that a mask of any kind provides SOME protection both ways. They reduce viral transmission either way, mostly from the infected but also to those surrounded by airborne viruses from the ignorant or depraved.

    If you know you are infected, please stay away from others.
    If you refuse to do that, please wear a mask, declare “UNCLEAN!” while near others.
    If you care about others and/or yourself, please wear a mask for the protection it provides all since some don’t know or care.
    Or ignore these suggestions if they seem unreasonable.

  17. Read The Constitution on August 7th, 2020 10:20 pm

    Have you read the U.S. Constitution???

    Under the 10th Amendment, U.S. state governments have the primary authority to control the spread of dangerous diseases within their jurisdictions.

    The 10th Amendment gives states all powers not specifically given to the federal government, giving them the authority to take public health emergency actions.

    Examples being setting quarantine, business restrictions, and guess what else? MASKS!

  18. SJ on August 7th, 2020 9:48 pm

    I read a lot of hostility in some of these and understand the frustration people are having during this time of fear and uncertainty. But we must all do what is right and this in no way is a personal freedom grab. Doctors wear mask and do not get to refuse on grounds of personal freedom as do many other lines of work require the use of mask. So if wearing a mask prevents one death then I must say the Escambia county board has shown negligence in their duty to protect the citizens of this county. Now for the other side of the issue no a piece of cloth is not a silver bullet for ending the pandemic…it is more like fighting a bear with a toothpick but you must use what you have. I am currently working in CA and mask are mandatory and the funny thing is in a place we always say would argue with a fence post they are wearing the mask..I hear no one complaining and very few incidents of people not wearing a mask. End of story let’s use every weapon avaliable to protect our families, friends, and just everyday people.

  19. Jennifer on August 7th, 2020 9:47 pm

    @1000 Deaths A Day
    Truth spoken! Mic drop!

  20. Dman on August 7th, 2020 8:11 pm

    @1000 deaths a day

    Constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government do not absolve a citizen from the real world consequences of their individual choices, or otherwise allow them to wholly shirk their social obligation to their fellow Americans or to society as a whole.”

    You’re free to interpret the constitution how you think. I’ll take it at face value. We’re up to here in regulations (except for the first amendment which magically seems to cover everything and the second amendment which, conversely, is being attempted to be regulated out of existence). Odd how the first covers everything except being physically muzzled; riddle me that one.

    @Ryan- you preach the virtues of mask wearing, which is supposedly about saving lives, then say you hate people and want them to get sick. Contradict much?

  21. Pd on August 7th, 2020 8:04 pm

    Why do you demand I wear a mask does your mask not work

  22. 1000 Deaths A Day on August 7th, 2020 7:21 pm

    @Dman @Any other that still think it’s your “RIGHT” to not wear a mask.

    The right to be “free from governmental intrusion” does not automatically or completely shield an individual’s conduct from regulation.

    Constitutional rights and the ideals of limited government do not absolve a citizen from the real world consequences of their individual choices, or otherwise allow them to wholly shirk their social obligation to their fellow Americans or to society as a whole.

    Try again?

  23. Ryan on August 7th, 2020 7:14 pm

    I literally hope everyone who is so vehemently against wearing a mask either gets sick with covid themselves or has a loved one that does. I’ve lost 2 people from this virus and the amount of anti-maskers makes my blood boil. I hate all of you.

    My body, my choice right? Well I feel like walking naked everywhere. I feel like going out for drinks and then drag racing down Davis Hwy. I feel like having an abortion. Anti maskers are idiots. When your choice becomes a danger to the general well being of the public..its a problem. People who argue otherwise are stupid. False equivalencies and bad faith arguments everywhere.

    I wear a mask for 13+ hrs when I work plus another 2 hours when i train. I breathe just fine in them.

  24. DK on August 7th, 2020 7:01 pm

    Demands will not get you far and telling a grown adult rudely what to do is not going to get you too far either so keep up the thug rhetoric Blah blah blah.

  25. JAy by the BAy on August 7th, 2020 6:49 pm

    Thanks for not smoking in my face when I shop.

  26. Just saying on August 7th, 2020 6:37 pm

    @Colleen and others

    The problem is people are not stopping the spread of the virus. PERIOD.

    If others are getting vocal and letting you know what we really think of you when we see you in public without a mask– so be it. Tracy have you noticed people aren’t in facebook sites yet don’t oppose the ramble ramble?, it’s because the outright denial is mind boggling and stressful to watch and be a part of.

    The mask mandate wasn’t passed because they feel it can’t be they put too much mental gymnastics into it to a public who reads a headline and allows them to confirm their outright denial and quite frankly, incorrigible behavior.

    We are told to use psychology and ask nicely so people won’t get defensive but it’s time you know. are. in .public .spreading .this. virus. possibly.asymptomatic. you.are. a. public.nuisance. and. should. stay. home.

    The time for being polite has passed.

  27. DK on August 7th, 2020 6:27 pm

    If someone has a immune deficiency problem like I see here and are demanding someone wear a mask so they can be safe I say you stay at home and let your husband or wife shop for you see if you live in fear a want government dictatorship that’s you not me.Whats fair is fair let’s not be one sided ,what’s fair for one should be fair for the other.Personally I don’t know what rock you’ve been under but every store in Pensacola requires a mask.Duh?

  28. Alexj on August 7th, 2020 6:15 pm

    @klondike kid, I remember the 60’s and even those dirty east Germans did not make people wear masks. How horrible our goverment Is. The big problem is you can’t fix stupid no matter what
    Some guy even said he was going to abort his fetus this conversion has made the rounds.
    Wear a mask and protect someone, it is that simple.

  29. Local Microbiologist on August 7th, 2020 6:06 pm

    For those of you that won’t wear a mask: Everytime you exhale, everytime you talk, everytime you cough or sneeze, you release a cloud of tiny droplets of spit. If you are infected with the virus that causes COVID (SARS-CoV-2), viral particles are in these droplets. Wearing a mask catches your “spit cloud” or at least part of it, preventing it from landing on surfaces or being breathed in by others. As a Microbiologist in this City I assure you that many people that get this virus have no symptoms and have no idea they could be spreading it. Wearing a mask reduces the spread of this virus and if everyone participates, we can get control of this; however, for those of you who are either too selfish or too ignorant to comply with CDC, ASM, IDSA, AMA, WHO, and numerous other expert organizations, I guess Escambia County won’t make you so you can consider yourself part of the problem since you are choosing not to be part of the solution.

  30. Cathy on August 7th, 2020 5:35 pm

    As time goes on, the “anti mask” group will become less and less. The anti mask people will contract the virus, and some will die. Those that survive may be less likely to put themselves at risk after they have suffered from this terrible virus.

  31. JTV on August 7th, 2020 5:13 pm

    Bravo Escambia County.

  32. No mask on August 7th, 2020 5:10 pm

    Stay away from me without your mask or you are in for a loud show

  33. Dman on August 7th, 2020 4:48 pm

    “What i see is people care more about their so called “RIGHTS” and “FREEDOM” than they do their own health, family, neighbors and country. We can’t even do the right thing and MAKE people wear a mask.
    You won’t care until you or one of YOUR family members get sick or die. “It is what it is”

    What I see is a bunch of chicken littles running around screaming “the sky’s falling!!!” And as many others have pointed out, will all those who demand others cover their faces for the good of somebody else stop driving on the highway because accidents happen? How about giving up spoons and forks because heart disease is still the number one killer in America? I won’t hold my breath. In the meantime, get over your fear and get a grip with the fact you won’t be controlling what other people do. Don’t like it? Tough.

  34. Colleen on August 7th, 2020 4:16 pm

    I applaud the decision made by the County Commissioners to treat adults as adults and allow them to make the decision in regard to the wearing of a mask. Adults should not be made to wear a mask to assuage others’ fears. I also find it appalling that some would use name calling and inappropriate language in regard to those with whom they disagree. Everyone should make the decisions that are best for their families and respect others to do the same. This should be done with respect even though there may be a disagreement on the best approach to the situation.

  35. Jimbob on August 7th, 2020 3:38 pm

    So many people in Pensacola are suddenly pro choice. My body my choice. If I want to abort a fetus I have every right to.

  36. steve on August 7th, 2020 1:29 pm

    Im just holding out for the vaccine for covid-19,,, I take my flu shot like a champ.

    I have zero fear of needles..

  37. cheryl on August 7th, 2020 12:54 pm

    It is sad that the BoCC as usual does not act behalf of the welfare of the citizens it is supposed to serve. As cases skyrocket as predicted today, the unnecessary illness and death speaks volumes about their inability to show leadership and where their priorities lie, it is not with the average citizen. By the way, to those of you saying it is your right not wear a mask is incorrect, In fact the Constitution states when country in destress i you as a citizen are to act for the greater good.

  38. Rodney Cammauf on August 7th, 2020 12:46 pm

    Wear your damn mask !!!!!!!!

  39. L BROWN on August 7th, 2020 12:37 pm

    If you don’t want to wear a mask, because you feel “smothered”…stay home. Let your spouse go in the store or a friend. Or have your groceries delivered. I believe the MAJORITY are wearing our masks, to protect YOU. If you don’t have the courtesy to do the same, don’t go to the stores that require them. If I have to go, I try to go on Senior days and hours, which are very early morning to avoid those who refuse to wear masks. So at least stay home in the morning and let those of us who are HIGH RISK, be safe.

  40. Klondike Kid on August 7th, 2020 12:01 pm

    I appreciate the commissioners not jumping on the ” force the people to do our will ‘ bandwagon. I also recognize the fact that some people are fearful because of the media portrayal of the Covid 19 virus. I read all the comments on here , many of them sensible but some not so much. In my opinion , a virus with a 98% survivability rate is no reason to propel your country into a 1960’s era East Germany ( ” Let me see your papers ” ).

  41. 1000 Deaths A Day on August 7th, 2020 11:49 am

    What i see is people care more about their so called “RIGHTS” and “FREEDOM” than they do their own health, family, neighbors and country. We can’t even do the right thing and MAKE people wear a mask.
    You won’t care until you or one of YOUR family members get sick or die. “It is what it is”

  42. Alexj on August 7th, 2020 11:33 am

    @trish, Sounds like you are in favor of the 1% and against the 99%.

  43. Amazed on August 7th, 2020 10:54 am

    It always amazes me at the number of Doctors, Lawyers, and Scientists that comment on this site! LOL!

  44. fuqwitt on August 7th, 2020 10:50 am

    Masks are not 100 percent effective. We know that. Its all about viral load in the droplets. People cough an sneeze. Ive seen people do it alot since this years sinus and allergy season is so bad. Do your civic duty and wear a damn mask you spoiled ass children.

  45. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on August 7th, 2020 10:50 am

    People wearing mask calling people that don’t wear mask, stupid, idiots, not caring and so forth, are the people that are the problem. I personally have a hard time breathing in a mask, due to some medical reasons, but out of respect, I will wear a mask while shopping in a store that requires it, HOWEVER, if it gets to a point where I can’t breath, that mask comes off. As far as I know, we are still a free country. And if I choose to not wear a mask, you better think twice about anything you may say to me that may be rude, or try to spray me with anything, cause I am the old timer quick draw McDraw that can out ripped out a can of whip cream out of my fat jean pocket and spray you faster then a speeding bullet. LOL. Just some humor here folks, cause we all could certainly use it.

  46. Frank on August 7th, 2020 9:27 am


  47. Joe on August 7th, 2020 9:02 am

    Not wearing a mask does not .make you a lion among sheep, it makes you an idiot

  48. Mel on August 7th, 2020 8:46 am

    I have a medical condition and shouldn’t wear a mask and I do try and I always get very ill if I wear a mask to long trying to shop. Thank You for voting against mandatory mask it makes for a better environment for people like me in public. Mask bullying has been a problem and I don’t want to run into anybody that could harass me in public. I’m watching how our elected government is voting cause that’s what helping me decide who gets my vote.

  49. Energy Voter on August 7th, 2020 8:38 am

    Masks are not 100%. So why force YOUR beliefs on someone who DOESN’T BELIEVE THE MASKS MAKING A DIFFERENCE?!?!?
    Here’s an idea, those folks who want to FORCE OTHERS IN TO WEARING A MASK, get yourself a bubble, like the bubble boy so folks like myself laugh at you.

    Everyone assumes the risk and goes on with their lives. If you are sick, STAY HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, SO THAT YOU CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE!

    If we were to treat car accidents like COVID-19, the speed limit would be 10mph because on an average 6 million accidents happen per year. But the speed limit remains the same AND EVERYONE ASSUMES THE RISK OF DRIVING!!!!

    Stay safe everyone and Be BLESSED because YOU ARE!!!!

  50. Rasheed Jackson on August 7th, 2020 8:27 am

    if there is one thing that this “pandemic” has shown me it is how easily we can be divided. I have heard ” If wearing a mask can save just one life it is worth it” Well then let’s stop driving, because driving kills. I hear people state that not wearing a mask makes you uncaring, or unconcerned for others, and wearing a mask makes you “sheep”. There have been cases where people actually get violent over this issue. I guess fear brings out the unfavorable side of our personalities. As Franklin D Roosevelt so elegantly stated, “So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.”
    In this speech the president outlined the four freedoms in order or importance.
    1. Freedom of speech
    2. Freedom of religion
    3. Freedom of want
    4. Freedom of fear
    What I have seen this “Pandemic” do is strip of all these freedoms. We have allowed our government to shut down our churches, freedom of religion. If you write or post something on social media that they deem untrue they will take it down or block it, freedom of speech. economies all around the world have been brought to near collapse, freedom of want. I need not even explain freedom of fear.
    I may have seen one thing from this “pandemic” but we all have lost our four freedoms that FDR spoke of.

  51. Ricky Ray on August 7th, 2020 8:23 am

    Hello,Risk Of Mortality. The IFR in escambia is 0.0130.
    That’s 111 dead out of 8.515 cases The total population of escambia county is 315,000 .The CFR is 0.02703.
    The IFR in State of Florida is 0.03271.
    Doesn’t it stand to reason that the odds of dying is like trying to find 1 person in Eldrige, Iowa, population 6400 people or any other same town. Last year 55.7 percent of people on United States, did not get the Flu shot. Do you think if get a vaccine for covid will be any different. There is not going to be a vaccine for the small businesses, which is 45% of business in United States. For weeks I have had maybe 1 to 2 customers a day on my street. Which has a traffic count of 9000 cars pet day.The only way to fight any diseases is to have God and Money. If you choke down the economy which is the wheel of the United States. We will be vulnerable to Third World countries. It’s your choice to wear a mask. But it’s other’s choice to not. Even God gives us a choice of Heaven or Hell. To our leaders, open back up the economy. It’s our foundation. Thank you

  52. Trish on August 7th, 2020 8:15 am

    I want to thank our County Commissioners for allowing mask Wearing to be our choice. Contrary to what some people believe, some people have legit reasons for not wearing a mask. Just because we are not masked doesn’t mean we are selfish or just don’t give a damn. People with Autism and people with breathing issues are not being selfish. If you have a breathing problem and it is already hard for you to take in air imagine trying to breath with something covering your mouth. What about people who have anxiety? People who have been through a traumatic event and had their mouth covered during that event Please refrain from passing judgement on people you don’t know.

  53. James on August 7th, 2020 8:08 am

    Good for the BoCC for not following Pensacola’s infringement on citizens’ rights. No surprise May would blindly follow other liberal leaders.

  54. Billie H Null on August 7th, 2020 7:44 am

    Since your Collective census is not to vote on the mask and not mandated mask for the Common Core health of the citizens of the county maybe that will change it election time

  55. Oversight on August 7th, 2020 7:30 am

    Good to see that “snake oil peddler” politicians can be changed.

  56. Bob on August 7th, 2020 7:27 am

    Bill – if that’s what it takes to stop 150,000+ innocent Americans from dying of a preventable disease every six months, than yes, I’ll gladly wear a mask for the next 10 years.

  57. SW on August 7th, 2020 7:14 am

    Good decision.
    Wonder what’ll happen AFTER the election?

  58. Bama89 on August 7th, 2020 7:14 am

    @Tracy McAdams
    By commenting on this story, you’ve shown you have plenty of time to stick your nose in others’ business!

  59. Kim Garman on August 7th, 2020 7:10 am

    Wearing a mask does help to protect others and the CDC does recommend wearing them. Reading these comments I am shocked how many people are willfully ignorant and/or just do not care about their fellow human beings.

  60. Lone chief on August 7th, 2020 5:41 am

    This whole thing is sorta out of hand. Mask or not…stay the hell away from me…period. I CHOOSE to wear one because I’m in that “target zone”. There’s a game going on in this illustrious county of folks walking up to you looking you straight in the eyes and purposefully breathing hard on you…close. 12 to maybe 18 inches. They smirk and walk away. So funny!! Thanks SOB’s, seems I had it. But I’m getting over it. Next FOOL that plays that game and puts my life in jeopardy…read: “I’m in fear for my life”. Well the next thing you’ll hear is “cleanup, aisle 3”. Don’t try me!!!

  61. Infidel Numero Uno on August 7th, 2020 4:58 am

    NotSurprised you are so gullible it’s depressingly funny. Dr Fauci mentioned we should wear goggles last week. Do you have yours yet? You do know he is going to make millions in royalties from the vaccine Bill Gates is pushing don’t you? If Fauci was completely honest he’d miss out on millions of dollars and he ain’t going out like that. When he thinks the cameras aren’t on him he’s not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. What’s good for the goose…………….

  62. shaking my head on August 7th, 2020 4:00 am

    If masks worked, why did they let people out of jail because of it? You can riot all you want but you can’t go to church. A sporting even. A concert. The list goes on.

    You your own judgement people. Why do you have to have the freaking government tell you that you have to wear a mask? Do you really want them that intrusive” over a mask? Really? If the stores require it, wear one. You can take it off once your back outside. It’s really not hard people.

  63. Lisa Watson on August 7th, 2020 2:32 am

    My mask protects others more than me. I still have a 70 percent chance of catching the virus if I am wearing a mask and the sick person is not. Why do I wear it? Because


    Do you?

  64. Dwr on August 7th, 2020 2:23 am

    Wanting someone who is not wearing a mask to be fined and thrown in jail it’s very selfish on the part of the person who is hiding behind a statement of saying I am just trying to protect others.

  65. Brian Young on August 7th, 2020 2:22 am

    Natural Selction anyone ? Survival of the Fittest ? When we get down to the Fury Road lifestyle can j be the dude with the flamethrower guitar on the front of the Monstet Truck thing . I would even pay like an extra yearly tax until that day AND provide my own vehicles and Marauding Apacolyptic Doom Squad . Do I get a Second ? chirp …. chirp.

  66. Not surprised either on August 7th, 2020 1:36 am

    People who don’t wear masks are insane idiots. One good thing about it is I can go to a store and not have to smile at anyone anymore, especially if is you who are not following CDC guidelines, may you rot in hell. Typhoid Mark or Mary.

    I can understand that it can’t be enforced .

    But wear a mask!! It keeps you own breath to yourself that may have viral particles being dispersed as an aerosol or droplets.

    Keep America America, do your part

  67. NotSurprised on August 7th, 2020 1:08 am

    Tracy McAdams says “Think people…be concerned with yourselves and not others.” is SO typical of the selfish mentality that is pervasive in this area, and much of the country. Being “concerned with yourself and not others” translates to literally not giving a damn whether others in the community live or die as long as you don’t have to be mildly inconvenienced. It isn’t about being concerned WITH others; it is about having enough human decency to be concerned FOR others. Wearing a mask may not be 100% fail safe, but if there is a chance that it could prevent the spread of a dangerous illness to yet another person, I cannot think of anything other than stubborn, willful selfishness that would make someone think “I could do this, but I don’t have to so I’m not gonna and y’all should just mind your own business.”
    Most people who have ended up passing along the virus to others, often their own family members, have not known they were infected themselves. “I’m not sick” is exactly what every infected person thinks until they find out otherwise, either through the onset of symptoms or a positive test result. So, unless you’ve been tested and been completely quarantined/isolated since testing and receiving a negative result…you don’t know for sure whether you are carrying the virus.
    And for the “why’re y’all afraid of catching a cold” crowd, do a little research from reputable sources about exactly how much doctors still don’t know about the disease caused by this virus, and about some of the things they’re just beginning to learn about the long term and possibly permanent damage it does to the bodies of victims (blood clots in every major organ, etc). You can survive the initial infection…but end up basically a walking time bomb full of clots that could cause a heart attack or stroke at any moment. Sounds overly dramatic? Sure. But it is happening. Doctors are just beginning to learn of the many ways this virus damages the human body. If that doesn’t make you want to do whatever you can that might (even if there’s no guarantee) help prevent another human being from going through that…you may want to spend some time in deep reflection of what that says about who you’ve chosen to become as a person.

  68. Bill on August 7th, 2020 12:31 am

    Bob, are going to wear a mask for the rest of your life in public? This virus will never go away. Let me guess, you are one who says they are waiting for a vaccine. Well we have flu vaccines and a lot of those who get the vaccine still get the flu. Hope to see you in 10 years still wearing a mask in public. Good day

  69. jerry on August 7th, 2020 12:27 am

    Common sense does play a huge roll in all this and some people just don’t have any.
    by not wearing a mask a person is trying to make their business my business. if i can keep just one person from getting sick i will and do wear a mask. it is time to vote out the county commissioners. they are endangering the public. Tracy, i hope you and yours stay safe.

  70. Teresa ONeal on August 7th, 2020 12:22 am

    The masks do not work. They do not block the virus so forcing people who don’t wear them properly anyway is just silly. Use common sense and maintain safe distanced. And this is not the deadliest pandemic in 100 years
    Get your facts straight! NO MANDATE ON WEARING A MASK! Healthy people should not be wearing them as stated by the CDC.

  71. No sheep on August 7th, 2020 12:20 am

    I’m curious if the same people that scream ”my body, my choice!” are the same ones complaining about others that are not wearing a mask? FYI you can’t have it both ways, if you can make your own decisions then I can make my decision not to wear a mask. Even though I don’t agree with the ”my body, my choice” I respect others decision too bad everyone can’t say the same about the masks. #nothankyou #nomasksnosheep

  72. B on August 6th, 2020 11:46 pm

    Wear it if it makes you feel good but for those that don’t just leave us be. SHEEP NO MORE !!!

  73. Bob on August 6th, 2020 11:32 pm

    I would genuinely love to hear the mental gymnastics our county commissioners had to go through to vote against requiring people to wear masks in the middle of the deadliest global pandemic in the last hundred years. I wonder how many of our neighbors are going to have to die before our community starts taking this seriously.

  74. Tracy McAdams on August 6th, 2020 10:57 pm

    Common sense plays a huge roll in all this. Wear your mask if it’s best for you and your family. My mask does not protect you it protects me and that’s it. It keeps our germs to ourselves. If I have no viruses to share I’m not infecting anyone. The mask doesn’t even keep allergens out how is it going to keep anything else out? It’s best for me and my family to maintain a safe distance so that’s what we do. We have always kept good personal hygiene so that’s nothing new. Think people…be concerned with yourselves and not others. I sure wish I had time to stick my nose in other peoples business