Pensacola Chamber Launching ‘Re-Employ EscaRosa Campaign’

August 12, 2020

The Greater Pensacola Chamber is kicking off a campaign aimed at getting local people back to work.

The chamber is partnering with FloridaWest, CareerSource EscaRosa, The Gulf Coast Minority Chamber, and the Santa Rosa County Chamber of Commerce to host the first “Re-Employ EscaRosa Campaign”. The campaign will take place during the month of September and will include a variety of virtual job fairs, in-person job fairs, and virtual professional development opportunities.

Registration will be available on the Greater Pensacola Chamber’s website for both employers and applicants for the September 3 virtual job fair.

Here is a list of scheduled events:

September 3, – Virtual Job Fair (There will be locations across the region designated for those who may not be able to access the opportunity from the comfort of their own home.)
September 10 – Virtual Job Fair
September 17 – Santa Rosa County Job Fair
September 24 – Virtual Job Fair


5 Responses to “Pensacola Chamber Launching ‘Re-Employ EscaRosa Campaign’”

  1. Bob on August 13th, 2020 10:24 am

    I work my job. I pay my taxes. I thankfully haven’t lost my job, but if I did I would expect the community that I have been funding to support me until I could find a new one.

    How exactly does losing your job due to a global pandemic that was mismanaged by our leadership from day one and struggling to keep a roof over your head in the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression make you lazy?

  2. Jw on August 12th, 2020 11:49 am

    I love reading these comments about the riches of unemployment benefits. I have never collected personally but those that may need it now are entitled to it. I don’t think people are deliberately being lazy. I do think some though are smarter than others. Who would want to go enrich the likes of wmart stockholders at the risk of contracting covid19? I suspect those commenting on unemployment and the lazy folk are really punching downward. It really shows poor taste. Please wear a mask when you spew your opinions of nothingness.

  3. Rufus Lowgun on August 12th, 2020 11:06 am

    “Nobody is stupid enough to get up and go to work if they make more money on unemployment and can loaf around all day doing things they enjoy”

    Unemployment compensation in Florida is capped at $275.00 a week, no matter how much you made at your former job. The Federal supplement to that ran out July 31st. If you are receiving unemployment and do not actively look for another job, or turn down a reasonable offer of employment, or refuse to go back to work if you’ve been laid off and your employer calls you back to work, you lose those benefits. Did you know any of that before you made your comment?

  4. mat on August 12th, 2020 9:32 am

    I agree with you. Everywhere I drive I see help wanted /now hiring signs..
    This includes home depot, walmart and many fast food restaurants.
    But why would they want to wake up and go to work when they can
    sit at home all day, watch tv and make more money from unemployment?

  5. bewildered on August 12th, 2020 9:17 am

    Useless undertaking. People don’t want to work, Nobody is stupid enough to get up and go to work if they make more money on unemployment and can loaf around all day doing things they enjoy,