Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Gets Zoning Approval, With A Design Condition

August 26, 2020

The Escambia County Board of Adjustment on Wednesday granted approval to a conditional zoning for a new Dollar General on West Kingsfield Road at Highway 297A.

Teramore Development, LLC, of Thomasville, Georgia went before the board seeking a conditional use to build an 8,960 square foot Dollar General Store. The current low density mixed-use (LDMU) zoning is intended to provide for a mix or residential uses with neighborhood scaled retail sales and services with a retail limit of 6,000 square feet. A conditional use in the zoning category allows for retail sales up to 35,000 square feet.

The board approved the conditional use with the stipulation that the store have a residential area design with wood siding and a shingled roof as in a concept drawing submitted by the developer.

The Escambia County Land Development Code will require screening on the south and east property boundaries because the adjoining properties are residential, and the developer intends to install additional landscaping.

The initial application for the Dollar General went before the Escambia County Development Review Committee (DRC) Wednesday afternoon. It’s the first of several required stops at the DRC before required approval can be granted to apply for a building permit.

The proposed development is on a 1.37 acre parcel on the southeast corner of the West Kingsfield Road and Highway 297A. The freestanding Dollar General will have 32 parking spots in a lot that will connect to West Kingsfield.

The property was previously developed as a single family residence that has since been removed.

The retailer intends to sell beer and wine the location.

Images for, click to enlarge.


23 Responses to “Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Gets Zoning Approval, With A Design Condition”

  1. JD on August 29th, 2020 8:02 pm

    Look at the one on mobile hwy and millview by eight Mile Rd. Built 2 years ago and never mowed or maintained the retention pond and brecently the weeds were high enough you couldn’t see to get out of parking lot exit.

  2. Not surprised on August 29th, 2020 3:13 am

    The District manager to these locations does not care. Its all about money with this company. They have landscaping company that is useless. They do not come regularly, when they do they only cut a small portion of the property. They do not cut any of the retention ponds. No flower beds, no mulch, nothing more than a quick ride along. Yet again the district manager has no care or concerns. Stoes stay junked up , not clean and employees are over worked, due to lack of staff allowed. You cant run a 30,000. Week business on 5 employees. This is why it is an awful company . So with this location kids will be everywhere getting snacks on the way to school, making it more dangerous. Its a bad call ,

  3. Jeb on August 28th, 2020 7:51 pm

    Well there goes property value in this area

  4. Charles Odom on August 28th, 2020 5:04 pm

    Well…If we all just boycott the store, then they will leave!

    We already have 3 stores and didn’t even want the third one! Everyone needs to refuse to patronize this business and force them to close it down and lose all that development money!

    I don’t want it here, and I don’t think anyone else on 297 or Kingsfield does either!

  5. Riiiiiight on August 28th, 2020 4:24 pm

    That entrance is going to bottle up west bound Kingsfield traffic.

    I guess the whole “17 residential lots” developer Chad Brown was proposing was just a smokescreen….

  6. David Huie Green on August 28th, 2020 1:46 pm

    I always referred to the Dollar General in Century as the Century Walmart..until Family Dollar moved in.

    Now I don’t know which to praise most.

  7. tax payer on August 28th, 2020 10:32 am

    Speaking of county commissioners, the dumbist idea was to put sidewalks in wedgewood, they still walk in the street!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. ADB on August 27th, 2020 11:21 pm

    And you just keep on reelecting the same old county commissioners and they just laugh in your face and stick it to you. And this is the result. And you deserve it.

  9. sick and tired on August 27th, 2020 1:03 pm

    Our county is run by idiots…

  10. Riiiiiight on August 27th, 2020 1:02 pm

    Terramore Development also built the DG on Muscogee Rd to “nicer, high-end design standards and landscaping.” Hahahahahaha!

    They didn’t mow the grass for almost 2 months after the store was built, they still haven’t mowed the fenced retention pond at all, and the irrigation was on 24-7 for almost a month after they moved in.

    Junk stores.

  11. Cantonment Mom on August 27th, 2020 11:51 am

    Mia…I agree with you. Put one up by Steven’s house. Even if you try to call or email him you never get a response. Trust me I have tried many a time on different issues. More money in the County’s pockets….I guess they don’t care about the citizens.

  12. retired on August 27th, 2020 9:04 am

    best thing to do is not use the store! When it has zero in come it will close!!!!!!!!!

  13. Tunny on August 26th, 2020 11:59 pm

    So how many voted for jeff Bergosh …big mistake

  14. BuildersRule... on August 26th, 2020 11:29 pm

    Approved. What a shocker. The camel now has his head in the tent…

    I wonder what the definition of “screening” is?
    Sone cheep privacy fence which will rapidly fall into disrepair?

  15. Mia on August 26th, 2020 8:07 pm

    I hope they put a DG by Stephen Barry’s house or neighborhood and he cannot oppose it.

    All of those that voted for Barry, welcome to the next years of his reign! If you want to make a change, stop voting the same people back in office. Barry has one agenda-his own!!

  16. JW on August 26th, 2020 8:03 pm

    Dollar General is terrible for our neighborhood but they don’t care. They are just a greedy invasive corporation. Our county commissioners need to change those conditional allowances in the zoning use code. We need stricter requirements for zoning and have better long term plans for our community. That is the only way to control development. They are strict with homeowners trying to build a home but hey, it’s okay for 10 Dollar Generals to go into a 5 mile radius. Call and email the county commissioners. Go to a meeting. Force positive change. And for the person that sold them the property, you know who you are, you sold out your neighbors!!!! If you are selling property in this area, please care about your neighborhood and make a better choice than he did. This is a close community. Let’s stick together!

  17. JD on August 26th, 2020 7:53 pm

    Once they build these stores they do no lawn or landscape maintenance. Weeds tall as bicycles and these places become eyesores compared to the people’s land who lives around them. They are not good neighbors.

  18. Cliff Rooker on August 26th, 2020 7:12 pm

    They built a DG about 800 feet from my house. I first thought it would be a problem but it’s actually worked out pretty well. Convenient and handy plus I seem to run in to friends and neighbors there often.
    Nice store, great staff……I now like it being in the neighborhood.

  19. SUG on August 26th, 2020 7:07 pm

    Let’s all boycott it and put it out of business before it barely opens! Also, who the heck will buy those residential parcels? Right next to the store? There will probably be a strip mall instead. Property owners live south on 297a and don’t give a damn – will probably move out of the area when they get their hands on the money. Developer will run off and ruin some other neighborhoods. The meeting was a done deal and complete waste of time for the homeowners attending, This land could have been a great park or recreational area but owners wouldn’t have made as much – karma for their greed.

  20. Jeff on August 26th, 2020 6:05 pm

    Goes to show you the county doesnt give a damn abt the residents in surrounding area….just the almighty dollar…..the zoning board sucks

  21. Thomas Paine on August 26th, 2020 5:31 pm

    How many Dollar General stores do we need in one town?

  22. Jimmy on August 26th, 2020 5:01 pm

    This store is not needed nor wanted. It appears the concerns of current residents were ignored. There are currently 5 operating stores within 6 miles of this proposed location. Since the Variance has been approved. I would like to know how if there is any way to appeal this decision. The current zoning is in fact Low Density Mixed use, so DG could put a store not to exceed 6,000 sq ft with out any meeting. However, now that the door has been opened what if the next business to come in and want to put in a 12,000 sq ft retail store. We need to rezone to a residential only to save our neighborhoods

  23. Barbara Agerton on August 26th, 2020 4:24 pm

    A Dollar General here,and a Dollar General there,here a Dollar General,there a Dollar General,every where a Dollar general. :)