COVID-19 Cases Explode To Nearly 600 In Just Days At Century Prison

August 9, 2020

The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases at Century Correctional Institution has exploded in the past few days.

As of Sunday, there were 595 positive inmates with 371 inmates waiting for their test results and another 563 inmates that tested negative, according to the Florida Department of Corrections. One week ago, there were six positive inmates.

There are six inmates being held in medical isolation and 643 in medical quarantine. There have not been any coronavirus deaths reported at Century Correctional Institution.

There have also been 25 staff members that have tested positive at the Century prison as of Sunday.

Inmates in medical quarantine are monitored by health services staff and receive temperature checks twice a day for signs of fever. If an inmate begins experiencing symptoms indicative of COVID-19, FDC will place the inmate in medical isolation and a COVID-19 test will be administered.

(This story was updated with the latest information at 11 a.m. Sunday.) photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “COVID-19 Cases Explode To Nearly 600 In Just Days At Century Prison”

  1. David Huie Green on August 11th, 2020 4:27 am

    “This plandemic was “predicted” by your beloved Dr Fauci early in President Trumps’ term… Your beloved “Dr” Bill Gates is on record giving speeches about the cost of healthcare for the elder population… Then giving the pros of positive economic impact if we pulled the plug on them…stick with orange man bad ”

    You don’t actually have to use quotation marks around “Dr,” not that he ever uses any titles to make himself look important — HE doesn’t need to. Even though he dropped out of college to build a $1,550,000,000,000 company, a few colleges figured he wasn’t a total failure in life.

    An epidemiologist reported that epidemics and pandemics have happened in the past and will in the future (assuming he actually did and you aren’t making up a fact we already knew), so he caused it by saying it?

    Do you believe in magic? Is that what this is all about?
    Or do you think the mad scientist personally developed the killer virus and then released it on China so our president could misidentify it?
    He still thinks it’s a case of the sniffles or flu.

    A man personally spending his own money saving millions of lives correctly reports that medical care for the elderly is expensive (assuming he actually did and you aren’t making up a fact we already knew), so he must be somehow related to a huge number of illnesses which disproportionately strike the elderly?

    Is this also supposed to be magic or a vast right-wing Plutocratic purge of people around their own ages?

    “In May 2020, the Gates Foundation said it would spend $300 million to fight the coronavirus pandemic, funding treatment, detection and vaccines.”
    I can actually show you where that was reported, not made up.

    And then you go around disrespecting oranges?
    Were Florida citrus growers in on the Purge Without A Purpose?
    Or is this something about the color of a man’s skin??

    “These are obtainable facts”

    Prove it.

    David for sanity

  2. Look both ways on August 10th, 2020 2:55 pm

    Regarding self righteous attitude that allows you not to question the narrative because you accept them at their perceived face value, and you already know it all right ? This plandemic was “predicted” by your beloved Dr Fauci early in President Trumps’ term… Your beloved “Dr” Bill Gates is on record giving speeches about the cost of healthcare for the elder population… Then giving the pros of positive economic impact if we pulled the plug on them… These are obtainable facts… I won’t turn this into a political spectrum as you have attempted… You just stick with orange man bad mmmmkay….

  3. Jennifer Oliver on August 10th, 2020 1:33 pm

    Mr Nobody is right. The same is happening at Santa Rosa — staff are being verbally told to still come to work even if they’re positive, as long as they don’t have symptoms.

  4. Just saying on August 10th, 2020 8:26 am

    For some reason the Dept. of Corrections has started moving prisoners around the state again. Maybe that the cause of the increase in cases.

  5. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2020 11:46 pm

    “Maybe consider doing research on Dr Fauci and “Dr” Bill Gates”

    Excellent idea. Real research into people who have dedicated their lives to helping others should inspire all of us

    It’s certainly better than reading the fables of the people in tin foil hats and those who badmouth them for political reasons and because they refuse to lie to support the lies of some politician who tells us he has it all under control when he doesn’t have a clue.

    I first wondered if you actually did that research. The way you characterized them one might be fooled into thinking you believed the gibberish they espouse, but then you’d have to be nutso too. You shouldn’t mock them, though. Their paranoia just shows they aren’t all there — unlike philanthropist Gates and fellow lifesaver Fauci.

    David for pity for the nutso conspiracy sect

  6. Not needed on August 9th, 2020 10:34 pm

    Why is staff returning to work if they have the virus? It’s going to continue to spread!

  7. Look both ways on August 9th, 2020 9:10 pm

    @David Huie Green…. Maybe consider doing research on Dr Fauci and “Dr” Bill Gates…. You trust a globalist eugenicist if you so desire…

  8. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2020 5:06 pm

    “of course, it will kill some, but so does regular old flu, for which THERE IS NO CURE FOR EITHER!”

    COVID-19 kills a higher percentage of those who get sick and died more permanent damage to survivors.

    There are antivirals which lower the kill rate of those with flu. Some things are starting to help with COVID-19 but testing takes time and so does production. There are currently no vaccines to avoid catching COVID-19 but should be soon, there are for flu already.

    There will probably be actual cures or at least long term effective vaccinations for both soon. For those still alive to get them (as well as over 60% of viruses which cause what we call “the common cold” rather than over 200 viral infections with similar symptoms).

    Somebody has to do the actual research.

  9. mike on August 9th, 2020 4:15 pm

    alright a microcosm of society. now, when they’ve all had it and recover, will things go back to normal, or will they just keep getting it again and again? of course, it will kill some, but so does regular old flu, for which THERE IS NO CURE FOR EITHER!

    now, i’ve been superexposed, either i got it and got better and developed the antibodies or am just immune, i don’t know. never felt sick. but, it seems this stuff is not going away. a cure for the common cold is not there, so neither will a cure for this stuff, ever. my job requires the wearing of a mask, and i will wear rubber gloves to pick up garbage, not cuzza covid, but bcuz garbage is nasty. as for the mask, no, wouldn’t wear if i did not hafta. now, if everyone gets it and, just like the common cold sniffles a coupla weeks and gets better or it turns into pneumonia and kills, will the survivors develop antibodies enough to always live thru it? who knows, but we will see in the long run.

    i’m hearing theories that this is all a thing to ruin Trump’s campaign and get Biden in there, but that just seems to convenient. besides, if we as a society are stupid enough to put Biden in there, we will deserve the results. :)

    we need to keep a close eye on our guinea pigs, um, i mean our prisoners and see how this goes. and face the fact that this stuff is never going away and must be dealt with as best as possible.

  10. Adam Evans on August 9th, 2020 3:35 pm

    Now I am not saying this is the case in the Century Prison, but there are numerous reports nationwide, of prisoners trying to get Covid-19. They are hoping that they may be released early. Thousands across the country have been released that way.

  11. On Site on August 9th, 2020 3:02 pm

    Every precaution has been taken at the prison, everyone cleaning constantly and wearing masks (or protective body gear) as instructed. Everyone is questioned and temp taken before entering any of the facilities. Most that I have seen test positive show no signs of anything. All prisoners were tested as many of the staff as well. Century CI had the least cases for quite awhile and the practices have stayed stringent with immediate quarantines, etc. We will persevere the best that we can.

  12. Mr. Nobody on August 9th, 2020 2:56 pm

    So at the prison is an inmate is showing symptoms or is positive for COVID-19 they are separated from everyone else. However if a staff is positive they are required to return to work if no symptoms are showing and that positive staff member is NOT separated from others. That’s why the cases increased. We have multiple staff who are positive but have had to return to work because of a severe staff shortage. These are things that are trying to be concealed from the public. And if questioned about it the upper administration gets very angry.

  13. bewildered on August 9th, 2020 1:37 pm

    Melissa Pino please tell us what exactly you want to get done ? You act like it is some kind of discrimination – 2000 sailors on one war ship got sick and recovered – was hardly mentioned by the media. Testing? Would make a lot more sense now to simply quarantine the entire prison population and spend the available funds on the ones who get seriously ill.

  14. CW on August 9th, 2020 1:26 pm

    I guess we’ll see if ‘herd immunity’ works.

  15. Tom on August 9th, 2020 1:07 pm

    I do not know the logistics of this but other states have been either transferring out some to lower the population or giving clemency to minor offenders or prisoners near the end of there sentence. Just a thought

  16. Melissa Pino on August 9th, 2020 11:45 am

    Prisoners begging to be tested with Janice Gilley ignoring the BOCC’s call to test anybody who requests one in our prison system. Nurses flying in by the dozens to help shore up our flagging hospitals. Their administrators failing to attend the BOCC meeting and demand that the concerns in their most recent letter be addressed publicly.

    And we are so grieved to hear of the tragic and unnecessary loss of Pastor Johnson’s passing. On the heels of the Rich family losing three people to covid in five days.

    On top of the pain of losing loved ones, families mourning them must suffer the no mask fools crowing about their personal liberty and insisting that covid is just another flu. With so many of that segment deeply rooted in, and motivated by, absurd conspiracy theories–while a lot of them don’t even recognize that they are.

    Self-deception and willful ignorance are always a deadly combination, but particularly so during a pandemic.

    When will it be enough precious souls lost? When will the prisoners be considered as human beings? How many people have to die or suffer lifelong health consequences?

    I’m starting to wonder if there will ever be a point where the alt right cult beliefs will be overturned in a segment of our population. On a federal and state level, the program seems to be to the appalling plan of inuring Americans and Floridians to suffering and death. Will Escambia County fall prey to this mentality also?

    So far, we have two local elected leaders and one appointed administrator willing and trying to help the residents of this County in the face of this pandemic: Commissioner May, Mayor Robinson, and City Administrator Keith Wilkins.

    Will anyone else step up? And when? What sign, number, or loss are they waiting for?

  17. Say what on August 9th, 2020 10:00 am

    @ Sam- please share what your brilliant plan would be. I’m sure they are doing their absolute best with what they have.

  18. sam on August 9th, 2020 7:23 am

    something needs to be done at that facility.

  19. David Huie Green on August 9th, 2020 3:44 am

    …when the dam breaks, all get wet.

    (Interesting, though, that some seem to have remained dry. THAT should be worth looking into.)