Census Takers Will Be Knocking On Doors Beginning Tuesday. 39% Of Escambia Residents Have Not Responded.

August 10, 2020

Have your filled out your 2020 census? If not you may get a knock at the door soon. Census workers across the country will begin follow-up work on Tuesday, August 11.

In Florida 60.1% of people have complete their census response online, by phone or by mail. In Escambia County, 61% have responded.

In the two cities in Escambia County, 64.7% of Pensacola residents have completed the census, while 46.8% of Century residents have responded.

Households can still respond now by completing and mailing back the paper questionnaire they received, by responding online at 2020census.gov, or by phone at 844-330-2020. Households can also respond online or by phone in one of 13 languages and find assistance in many more. Those that respond will not need to be visited to obtain their census response.

The Census Bureau will provide face masks to census takers and requires that census takers wear a mask while conducting their work. They will follow CDC and local public health guidelines when they visit. Census takers must complete a virtual COVID-19 training on social distancing protocols and other health and safety guidance before beginning their work in neighborhoods.

Census takers are hired from local communities. All census takers speak English, and many are bilingual. If a census taker does not speak the householder’s language, the household may request a return visit from a census taker who does. Census takers will also have materials on hand to help identify the household’s language.

If no one is home when the census taker visits, they will leave a notice of their visit with information about how to respond online, by phone or by mail. People are encouraged to cooperate with census takers and ensure that everyone who was living in their household as of April 1, 2020, is counted.

Census takers can be easily identified by a valid government ID badge with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date on the badge. To confirm a census taker’s identity, the public may contact their regional census center to speak with a Census Bureau representative.


16 Responses to “Census Takers Will Be Knocking On Doors Beginning Tuesday. 39% Of Escambia Residents Have Not Responded.”

  1. fisherman on August 12th, 2020 8:04 am

    If you have already tooken the cenus online just post a sign on your gate letting them know

  2. NA on August 11th, 2020 8:33 am

    I don’t answer the door for strangers so good luck with that

  3. Scott Trotter on August 11th, 2020 7:51 am

    I’m a Census taker and we actually started working on Sunday, not today. From my first 2 days on the job I can say part of the reason for the high non-response is there are a lot of of vacant, abandoned or demolished homes that have to be visited to determine their status. To “nope” who thinks the government already knows everything they need to know, the Census is an independent count of the American people. You’re right that between the IRS, credit agencies, Google, Facebook, ect… everything the Cesus is asking is already known information. But the Census doesn’t get information from anyone else and doesn’t share information with anyone else. All the information provided to the Census remains strickly confidential for 72 years and can’t be used for any other purpose.

  4. J. Talle on August 10th, 2020 11:29 pm

    Everyone in my husband’s office was very confused to receive a paper census form. Obviously, they did not fill it out. Today, a census taker showed up and had no idea how to correct their information that the office was not a residence.

    Perhaps this is part of the reason why some of the 39% of addresses have not responded? They are workplaces, not homes.

    I completed the online census for my household months ago. My husband and his co-workers do not need to be counted twice.

  5. Mike on August 10th, 2020 9:45 pm

    This is to respond to Charlotte Rebecca Bates and her like.
    They pride themselves of being independent. They have dogs that ” will be disappointed, cause they didn’t get a visitor to slobber and jump up on, but I’m sure the person will appreciate it.”. This is swaggering and nothing else. They are proud of thinking they are being independent, but are they? They will call 911 anything happens, heart attack, criminal invasion, power failure, phone service off etc. Power gets cut off, will they lose their dogs on the repairing crews? Your doctor quits. Where do you get your medicines, self sufficient lady? What are you going to do once your electricity gets cut off, and why it shouldn’t? Nobody lives there according to the latest census.

  6. Matchbox on August 10th, 2020 6:48 pm

    People please educate yourself on what a census actually is…it can only benefit your area when you do…so go online and fill it out ..

  7. nod on August 10th, 2020 6:24 pm


  8. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on August 10th, 2020 5:36 pm

    Thank you Steve. I didn’t think about that. My dogs will be disappointed, cause they didn’t get a visitor to slobber and jump up on, but I’m sure the person will appreciate it. Thanks again for letting me know that.

  9. CW on August 10th, 2020 5:18 pm

    All of those people trying to be so secretive don’t even understand that they’re hurting themselves. The Census count is what determines how many representatives you get in Congress, and how many electoral votes your state gets in Presidential elections. Why anyone would deliberately cut themselves short is beyond me.

  10. Resident on August 10th, 2020 5:09 pm

    The U.S. Constitution goes over many of our rights and responsibilities. The census is a very simple responsibly listed in the constitution. It isn’t like we have not been given opportunity to respond before now. If you can spend 10 minutes a day on northescambia.com, surely you can submit your five minute response to the census.

  11. Tom on August 10th, 2020 12:27 pm

    I did mine online, It took less than 5 minutes. This is a simple task that helps our intuitions do a better job serving us. Why anyone would be against such a simple thing is baffling.

  12. steve on August 10th, 2020 12:26 pm

    Charlotte, How about just going online and filling out your census there?
    Took me a whole few minutes and no one is coming to my house now.
    They only going to peoples house that did not do it online like that asked you to do back a few months ago.

  13. Jason Fields on August 10th, 2020 11:27 am

    Please do your part! It took me like 5 minutes online and funding for local services depends on it! If we can at least beat the state average of people replying, we can secure better funding for our local area for a DECADE!

  14. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on August 10th, 2020 11:02 am

    They need to call me first. My house sits about an acre back from the road, and my entire five acres is fenced and I have dogs. The dogs aren’t vicious, but if they want to venture into my yard and risk coming up to my door with lots of dogs wanting to be petted, slobbering all over you, jumping all over you, ruining your clothes with their dirty feet, then come on, I’ll welcome you with open arms.

  15. Jay on August 10th, 2020 8:07 am

    Just remember if you don’t answer the Census, Liberals in south Florida get your tax dollars and more representatives in congress.

  16. nope on August 10th, 2020 7:40 am

    They won’t get a response from me. The gubment knows everything they need already.