BREAKING – SpaceX Crew Dragon Splashes Down South Of Pensacola

August 2, 2020

NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley home to Earth aboard the SpaceX Crew Dragon splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico South of Pensacola Sunday afternoon.

It was the first American astronaut splashdown in 45 years.

We’ll have continuing coverage and more photos to come on (The currently posted photo is from a long-range camera…better images to come.)


7 Responses to “BREAKING – SpaceX Crew Dragon Splashes Down South Of Pensacola”

  1. Charlene P on August 3rd, 2020 11:20 am

    I thought coverage was remarkable. It was embarrassing to see all the local boats ‘hone in’. They should have known better. And No I don’t beieve they used to take the astronauts off on stretchers but there is the havoc going into space wrecks on the human body. So good recovery all said. You boaters out there are a total embarrassment to the Pensacola people. we have enough of that in our local government.

  2. Native on August 2nd, 2020 9:38 pm

    I predict this is the only time NASA will choose to land near Pensacola. All of the rednecks in their boats circling like they had a right to be there, “By Gawd” were an embarrassment.

  3. Henry W Coe on August 2nd, 2020 9:16 pm

    re:J.Larry, Someone on a fishing forum said it was about 70 miles south of the pass.

  4. Just saying on August 2nd, 2020 8:14 pm

    Glad none of the redneck flotilla caused any major problems.

  5. Dean on August 2nd, 2020 5:34 pm

    Wow great splashdown. But big disappointment with the video coverage. As another person commented in an earlier article the video looked no better than it was in the early space fligjts. Even the video camera used on the recovery ship once the capsule was on board was terrible! I could have transmitted better HD video from my phone camera. And the lighting in that area is terrible! Didn’t anyone think that through knowing there was going to be a national audience. And I don’t recall when astronauts returned from the space station on the shuttle that they were ever rolled out onto stretchers. Seems odd to me. And as I recall from early space missions they would land on a ship from their helicopter flight and walk out of the helicopter across the deck of the ship to the quarantine area. So that was odd how they exited today.

  6. J.Larry Seale on August 2nd, 2020 4:42 pm

    does anybody know how far past the
    open to Pensacola bay did they land ??????

  7. KSP on August 2nd, 2020 3:13 pm

    And the recovery team had to run off people in private boats who were interfering with them. These ignoramuses should be completely embarrassed, making Pensacola look like a bunch of hillbillies.