Developer’s Plans For New Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Going Before Two Escambia Boards

August 25, 2020

UPDATE: Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Gets Zoning Approval, With A Design Condition

Plans for a new Dollar General on West Kingsfield Road at Highway 297A will go before two Escambia County boards on Wednesday.

Teramore Development, LLC, of Thomasville, Georgia, will go before the Escambia County Board of Adjustment at 8:30 a.m. seeking a conditional use to build an 8,960 square foot Dollar General Store.

The current low density mixed-use (LDMU) zoning is intended to provide for a mix or residential uses with neighborhood scaled retail sales and services with a retail limit of 6,000 square feet. A conditional use in the zoning category allows for retail sales up to 35,000 square feet.

County staff is recommending the approval of the conditional use, finding that the proposed use can be compatible with the surrounding area because it is located at the intersection of two collector roads.

The Escambia County Land Development Code will require screening on the south and east property boundaries because the adjoining properties are residential, and the developer intends to install additional landscaping.

An initial application for the Dollar General, which will be east of Ransom Middle School and Kingsfield Elementary, will go before the Escambia County Development Review Committee (DRC) at 1 p.m. Wednesday. It’s the first of several required stops at the DRC before required approval can be granted to apply for a building permit.

The proposed development is on a 1.37 acre parcel on the southeast corner of the West Kingsfield Road and Highway 297A. The freestanding Dollar General will have 32 parking spots in a lot that will connect to West Kingsfield.

The property was previously developed as a single family residence that has since been removed.

The retailer intends to sell beer and wine the location.

Images for, click to enlarge.


41 Responses to “Developer’s Plans For New Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Going Before Two Escambia Boards”

  1. Amanda on December 11th, 2020 4:36 pm

    A Dollar General is a terrible idea for this property. Someone is being paid under the table to approve this. The intersection is on a rise from three sides. This land should be developed retaining the pond (animals need water sources) and for residential lots as originally planned. I think the lots could all be accessed from one entrance road into the development, with rear access to all lots. This is a residential area – NOT commercial. DG is not a good store and does not employ many people. Within weeks the landscaping will be a weed patch – they do not maintain their properties. NO TO DOLLAR GENERAL STORES ON EVER CORNER! Drive two miles in any direction and there is already a discount store or Dollar General – come on County leadership – wake up! Bad idea.

  2. Liv on November 20th, 2020 1:16 pm

    I absolutely love this! I work at dollar general and it’s a great place to work! Maybe I can work at this one to

  3. Tabby on August 27th, 2020 5:56 am

    To those talking about moving to Molino, I have some property for sale. But I must tell you, in ten to twenty years, Molino will look like Beulah. In other words, like crap. Can you imagine how lifelong Beulah residents feel right now ?

  4. William Reynolds on August 26th, 2020 4:47 pm

    UPDATE: Dollar General At West Kingsfield, Hwy. 297A Gets Zoning Approval, With A Design Condition

  5. AR on August 26th, 2020 12:41 pm

    Start boycotting any business as well as anyone using items from the Creek businesses, such as dumpsters and earth moving equipment. also send emails and written complaints to his home and offices. This would be annoying.

  6. Resident on August 26th, 2020 7:17 am

    The Brown’s at Creek sure are destroying their business reputation right now. Creek name is on everything. Their own community where they live does not want this dollar general built. They may also want to rethink the huge campaign signs for Steven Barry, when you do controversial things like this people start wondering.

  7. Anonymous on August 25th, 2020 11:56 pm

    So glad we don’t live off Kingsfield anymore. Bought out in Molino instead.

  8. Bette Denniston on August 25th, 2020 11:36 pm

    As a result of Outer Pensacola residential expansion and education needs, our community has recently added an elementary school next to our middle school, Ransom Middle School. With the expansion of the Navy Federal Credit Union Campus, there has also been an expansion in residential development in the same area. We welcome the residential development but do not feel that commercial development is in our community interest. We have children walking to, and from, school who will be crossing these intersections that are not meant, at this time, to be commercial intersections, and will be hazardous to their safety as, again, this is, and has been, a residential community.

  9. Country Girl on August 25th, 2020 11:26 pm

    This is how , this company works. They are smothering the market. There will be jobs, for about 5 people. This company does not care about any of the communitys they destroy. They pay for cheep shotty landscaping, and refuse to run stores with proper staffing. This is why all the stores anywhere , meaning throughout Fl , Al,ga,Sc,Ten. Just to name a few, are nasty ,never stocked , Falling apart. They keep building , and yet never fix their locations that are inneed of upkeep. Pensacola is one of the worst matkets in this company. They cant hire nor keep good managers. No one in their right mind should work for them. Yes i know we need jobs. But the employees are not taken care of. The managers are under so much pressure and stress. 6 day work week and yet the stores still look like crap. This location is not a good idea. We need to go to these meetings , its time all people in America make there states great again. Get involved in your community, help grow the eight way. Not like this. Thanks

  10. Mwhit on August 25th, 2020 10:59 pm

    This counties ambiguous zoning laws are routinely not adhered to, and zoning variances are routinely rubber stamped by county staff. Good luck getting Commissioner Barry to respond to a phone call or email, but I suggest if you oppose this Dollar General store that you contact Barry and county administrator Janice Guiley ASAP. There have been no business on CR297A for years just homes and churches and it should stay that way.

  11. John on August 25th, 2020 9:57 pm

    Who thought this was a good idea? Traffic is bad enough, there’s plenty of stores up here, and there’s a strong public opposition to saving that land for commercial use.

  12. A Alex on August 25th, 2020 8:20 pm

    Resident August 25
    Take pics of the DG that’s overgrown and take to the meeting. Our commy will vote for approval

  13. Niknak50 on August 25th, 2020 8:00 pm

    Family on Chumuckla highway spent years making their home and grounds pleasing to look at. Guess what’s 30ft from their front yard now? If it makes me sick, imagine how they feel.

  14. Well on August 25th, 2020 6:45 pm

    Say what you will, but there will be people shopping in it all the time

  15. Mike Smith on August 25th, 2020 6:43 pm

    @ Scot Dixon

    The developer lives about a mile South of the property being sold, with all the giant political signs in his front yard. His property value won’t be effected by this, nor will the foot traffic in front of his house, the pollution, the noise, the accidents, and not to mention the eye sore.

    From what I’ve heard, the lots next to it won’t be sold. They’ll later be rezoned for strip malls for him to rent our. So it’ll likely be more empty buildings that won’t stay rented, constant turnover, and nothing that will contribute to the local community.

  16. mat on August 25th, 2020 5:03 pm

    Maybe someone who is going to the meeting can print up all these comments and present it to them .

  17. Chelleepea on August 25th, 2020 4:31 pm

    A lot of states have passed laws where they can’t build too many dollar stores close together because it kills small businesses…….we should adopt such a law too…….its really not a job creator 5 to 10 people at the most

  18. Scot Dixon on August 25th, 2020 1:17 pm

    One more thing: The only logical conclusion that anyone can come to with respect to why this project is being pushed is that the county commissioners are being paid off or somehow otherwise benefiting from this proposal. Why else would anyone in government be supporting a development that seems to be opposed by nearly 100% of the people in this community? The developer is from Georgia. They are not citizens of this county. Why are they being listened to but not the citizens. #corruption

    I would just tell people to boycott the new store, but by then, the damage is done. The only thing worse than a run-down DG is an abandoned DG that’s been turned in to a crack or meth house.

    Also, when did the public notice signs become a subdued dark blue color? Didn’t they used to be red or orange so that it was more prominent? That tiny, little sign isn’t noticeable if you are paying attention to the already-heavy traffic in that area. For shame.

  19. Scot Dixon on August 25th, 2020 1:08 pm

    No! I would attend the meetings to protest, but I have to work for a living. There is absolutely NO NEED for such a store at that location. The cookie-cutter, squatty little “neighborhoods” they are building in this area are bad enough. We don’t need a Dollar General right there. Traffic-wise, it’s a horrible place to add more congestion. Convenience-wise, there is already a Walmart Market and a Publix just 3 miles away from the proposed location. Also, there are THREE DOLLAR GENERAL stores within 3 miles of the proposed location!!!!! Do we really need another one? I pledge to boycott all 4 DG stores in this area if they build this new one. I can’t believe the owners of the current stores support the new one.

    Everyone knows what this place will look like in 10 years: The parking lot will be crumbling, the landscaping will be overgrown and unkempt, and the interior of the store will be filthy. Just look at the existing stores to witness the eventual decay. This will, no doubt, drive our property values down and will not benefit the community. I have shopped in these stores before, and I’m no snob. But, we have enough of them already. If I’m going to get in my car to run there for something quick, it won’t hurt to drive 90 seconds longer to get to one of the existing locations.

    No. No. A thousand times, no!

  20. molino resident on August 25th, 2020 1:04 pm

    I agree with the above comments. I live in Molino so it would not affect me. But, there is one at Muscogee Rd so it would be ridiculous to put another one up just right up the road. Absolutely ridiculous. That would totally destroy the look of this area.
    This should not be approved. Common sense should prevail.

  21. MAR on August 25th, 2020 12:04 pm

    The drawing is the location on the SE corner of the intersection, not the SW corner next to a house, with the planned entrance in about the same location on Kingsfield as the driveway was to the house and garage apartment. This store is not needed in this area. Now I’m wondering about the For Sale signs next to the pond.

  22. Annoyed on August 25th, 2020 11:50 am

    What y’all complaining about? We were the first house on the street other than the farm. With Ransom and now Kingsfield Elementary cars won’t let us enter or leave our driveways, They curse us and give us the finger. You think we want more traffic to block us? You think we enjoy all the houses up and no wild animals or woods? Pssst.

  23. Resident on August 25th, 2020 10:48 am

    There are already 2 dollar generals just minutes away from location one on hwy 29 and tate rd and the other where pine forrest and 297a meet. Those 2 are about 5 miles apart so why the need of a 3rd one in between those 2? I really hope this gets shut down

  24. Rose Gunter on August 25th, 2020 10:34 am

    We bought our property because it was on a quiet road, now we are going to have to look at a Dollar General? Not only that, their ultimate plan is to buy the property at the end of our road, which deadends, to connect it with Kingfield. Kid’s play and ride bikes on our road. People will use our road to bypass the intersection, our sanctuary will no longer be. I’m going to the meeting on Wednesday to try and fight this, I hope everyone does the same.

  25. Fannie Mae on August 25th, 2020 9:42 am

    Will create more jobs for our community.

  26. Morgan on August 25th, 2020 9:41 am

    We have enough dollar generals right now… chill out

  27. Resident on August 25th, 2020 9:39 am

    They can’t even take care of the 97 & Muscogee location. The grass stays knee high and the retention pond hasn’t been cut since they built it.

  28. another one? on August 25th, 2020 9:19 am

    Why in the world do we need ANOTHER dollar general? This is ridiculous. At this point we have to be the DG capital of the world. Maybe take bids on something that will class up the area and bring up property value. Stop driving the town into the dirt.

  29. dropping knowledge on August 25th, 2020 9:02 am

    If you have a problem with this store, GO TO THE MEETING!! voice your opposition to the DG. If you do or say nothing they will steam roll you.

  30. What is the owner thinking? on August 25th, 2020 8:52 am

    Who would pay a premium for one of those 50′ foot wide lakefront residential parcels next door to a Dollar General? Besides having a bright yellow DG sign out your window, the muffler noise from trucks and dump trucks starting and stopping at that traffic light does not sound very appealing. I can hear it a mile away. I hope potential buyers make note of this.

  31. Audrey Barnicle on August 25th, 2020 8:42 am

    We live right at that intersection and the wrecks are outrageous!! People fly up and down 297 as it is and to put a Dollar General at this location will only contribute to the horrible wrecks with the hill just before the intersection of 297 and Kingsfield. They put a red light trying to help with the accidents but it had only increased the speeding and when accidents occur they seem much worse due to speed. We are a residential community and do not want a commercial store. We have 3 Dollar Generals very close to this location. The county only sees tax dollars and could care less about the community. SO WRONG!!!

  32. Chelsea on August 25th, 2020 8:42 am

    Does no one care that there is a dollar general down the street by the Publix? What a waste.

  33. Resident on August 25th, 2020 8:09 am

    It will be approved. Creek already has everyone in their pocket, all the 10 foot campaign signs that were in their yard make that very clear.

  34. Rob Williams on August 25th, 2020 7:44 am

    I think it’s long past time to get some street names for 297 & 297-A.
    There have to be a couple of people deserving a street… obviously no local politicians, but someone smarter than me can figure it out.
    You know that both Scenic and Davis Highways, Olive Road, Pine Forest all have numbers… someone step up with an idea.
    Procedure: The post office approves the name. Petition only the property owners on that street.

  35. mitch326 on August 25th, 2020 7:30 am

    All these negative comments from people who will be the first ones in the store when or if they open. The same ones that hate WM but are in there every week.

  36. Vicki on August 25th, 2020 7:07 am

    We moved to this area in 1991 for the country. We have been losing this country feel to homes. Now to lose it even more to a Dollar General saddens me even more. Molino is becoming more and more appealing to us.

  37. Tabby on August 25th, 2020 6:03 am

    @Charlotte Rebecca Bates
    Same thing I was thinking. Heck, when I seen they were cleaning the property up, I was upset someone bought that beautiful property to build some cookie cutter neighborhood there. A Dollar General, even worse.
    God we have got to move. I know the yuppies and greedy country folk argue for progress. Ask the lifelong Beulah residents and those who sunk their livelihoods there what they think of the progress there. All for what ? So you can live less than ten ft away from someone you won’t even wave at or talk to. Ha !

  38. Mr. Metoo on August 25th, 2020 4:10 am

    No to any commercial store use at that location. The entrances will be on a hill or in the curb near a traffic light at a dangerous intersection. Also wasn’t there an article showing plans for residential use.

  39. Shaking My Head on August 25th, 2020 3:23 am

    @Charlotte Bates That property is across the street. The one in the story here is right next to a home.

    Absolutely atrocious. Why in the world do we need a DG store out here? They are awful stores.

  40. Garrett on August 25th, 2020 2:05 am

    Because the one on muscogee or the one on pine forrest are too far away. Give me a break

  41. Charlotte Rebecca Bates on August 25th, 2020 1:37 am

    I was wondering why they hadn’t started building single family homes on this property, and was hoping if they did they wouldn’t fill in that pond. I am wondering if that is the reason why that was removed. I’m for building, but I certainly didn’t like the idea of filling in that pond. That pond was a good water source for some of the wild animals in that area.