Winn Dixie Joins Long List Of Retailers Requiring Face Masks

July 27, 2020

As of Monday, Winn Dixie has joined a growing list of national and regional retailers requiring face coverings in their stores.

Face masks are now required at:

  • Walmart
  • Sam’s Club
  • Publix
  • Lowe’s
  • BJ’s Wholesale
  • Walgreens
  • CVS
  • Kohl’s
  • PetSmart
  • Target
  • Home Depot
  • McDonald’s
  • AT&T
  • Best Buy
  • Verizon
  • Starbucks
  • PetSmart
  • Bed Bath & Beyond
  • Winn Dixie

Southeast Grocers, parent company of Winn Dixie, first said they would not require shoppers to wear face coverings but reversed course.

Face masks are also required at all businesses within the city limits of Pensacola and across the state of Alabama.

Pictured: Winn Dixie on Highway 29 in Cantonment. photo.


16 Responses to “Winn Dixie Joins Long List Of Retailers Requiring Face Masks”

  1. David Huie Green on July 31st, 2020 5:30 pm

    “Remember when you were a kid, in cold weather you could “see” your breath? You didn’t have to cough or sneeze, just open your mouth. That’s happening all the time, but the droplets go much further if you speak”

    ACTUALLY, those aren’t droplets. They form droplets when the water vapor condenses. Water vapor doesn’t carry viruses

  2. Lee on July 30th, 2020 10:30 pm

    @Tabby – Remember when you were a kid, in cold weather you could “see” your breath? You didn’t have to cough or sneeze, just open your mouth. That’s happening all the time, but the droplets go much further if you speak, and even further if you yell, laugh, sing, and further yet if you cough or sneeze. There are actually videos of this online which show just how far these droplets are spread. Each person needs to contain their own droplets while protecting themselves from someone else’s.

  3. Local Microbiologist on July 29th, 2020 9:50 pm

    Just to be clear, the point of wearing a face mask is NOT to protect yourself as much as it is to protect others from you. When we talk, breathe, laugh, sing, cough or sneeze, we emit a cloud of small droplets of spit. These droplets contain any germs (bacteria and virus) that you have at the time. If you are wearing a face mask, much of these droplets are stopped by your mask, preventing those droplets (along with bacteria and virus within) from landing on surfaces that others will touch and keeps others from breathing in these droplets. Refusing to wear a mask in public right now is selfish. As a healthcare worker, I wear a mask 8 hours a day straight. I assure you, it won’t kill you to wear a mask while in public, but it might kill the person next to you if you don’t.

  4. Tabby on July 29th, 2020 12:12 pm

    I just can’t grasp why people are so worried about me not wearing a mask. Want to protect yourself, put a mask on. My not wearing one isn’t gonna affect you. Unless of course, your one of the idiots wearing the single use masks that clearly states on the box it in no way protects from COVID-19. “But it makes me and those around me feel good”. Ha !

  5. Annoyumus on July 28th, 2020 5:54 am

    Maybe some people can’t wear mask for health reasons at whatever age.. I am one of those people who having serve anixety and putting one on makes me pass out due to be having serve anixety attacks.. the one place that I know of for sure that has no exceptions is GROCERY ADVANTAGE in cantonment which they are ignore the rights to the disabilities act..

  6. Jon Jokem Jr. on July 27th, 2020 11:11 pm

    And next it will be, “It’s just a vaccine, it’s just a registration, it’s just a simple tattoo 9n your forehead.” If we don’t stand for freedom now, there will be nothing left later on.
    All this craziness over a disease with a 98% survival rate.

  7. TBrown on July 27th, 2020 8:00 pm

    I went to Lowe’s recently and wore my mask. I noticed that the majority of the other customers were also wearing their masks. However, there were quite a few people who did not have on any type of mask. Why have rules which are intended to protect people, when the store doesn’t follow through with enforcement. Either ask those customers to wear a mask (provided by the store), or ask them to leave the store.

  8. Lee on July 27th, 2020 1:04 pm

    @tom- If you already have breathing issues, it’s probably not a good time to be in stores. You won’t like a ventilator either.

  9. Just me on July 27th, 2020 12:00 pm

    Amen to Tom And Rafael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. ALEX on July 27th, 2020 12:00 pm

    i guess it is take out and drive through for you two. as for me I am proud to wear my mask and help save the live. right on WINNDIXIE.
    If we all work together we can make a difference

    if you have that much trouble tbreathing then for now a family member or friend can do your shopping.

  11. Sheesh on July 27th, 2020 11:50 am

    It’s a scientific fact that masks DO NOT inhibit breathing, it all in your head if you think differently. So wear your mask or stay home!

  12. John Doe on July 27th, 2020 11:33 am

    Rafael, yea, life is so hard now. So much more difficult than the other plague eras in history. They didn’t have to wear a simple cloth mask when they went to Winn Dixie! FREEDOM!!!

  13. Give me a break on July 27th, 2020 11:22 am

    Just wear the mask and quit complaining. Mask protect you and others.

  14. Tom on July 27th, 2020 11:02 am

    This is almost comedic seeing so many people against a simple face covering to keep them from spreading sickness to others whether you have it or not. What astounds me is that the rest of the world is not considering this some sort of civil rights issue. The only western country unwilling to conform to such a minimal task to keep the elderly and immune compromised people safe is the U.S. New Zealand and many other countries are now virus free and back to living there normal lives..All because they took the advice of Doctors and got the virus under control in there respected countries. Only in America can something so ridiculous be made a political issue. To the rest of the world please pray for us, As or hospitals become more overwhelmed.

  15. Rafael on July 27th, 2020 9:16 am

    There goes the neighborhood. I specifically went to Winn Dixie just because I could walk in as a free man and shop without wearing mouth protection. Let us never forget simpler times.

  16. tom on July 27th, 2020 7:20 am

    so the mask police are going to refuse entrance to these places if you don’t have a mask. how about those of us that have breathing issues and can’t breathe well with a mask ?