Traditional, Remote Learning Or Virtual School? Here Are The Choices Made For Each Escambia School

July 28, 2020

Escambia County parents were asked to choose from three options for their child’s education when students return to class in August.

Across the school district, here’s what parents picked (definitions of each are at the end of the article):

  • Traditional learning: 12,463 (34%)
  • Remote Learning: 11,559 (31%)
  • Virtual School:  3,481 (9%)
  • Unknown: 9,753 (26%)

And here are the choices made by school:

Byrneville and Pensacola Beach elementary schools were not included in this data release because they are charter schools.

The district is attempting to contact the parents that did not make a choice by the July 20 deadline (listed as “Unknown” above). Parents can also call their child’s school to make a change in their selection.

The three options, in more detail, are:

Traditional -

This model represents a return to the school campus and the classroom where students will interact directly with their teacher(s) and classmates.  If an option is not selected in FOCUS for a student, then this will be the default selection. The school day will follow the standard bell times and standard schedule that includes all the core classes and other subject areas.  In short, it represents a return to the traditional school environment – with several significant changes involving enhanced health and safety precautions.

Remote Learning -

The remote learning model is designed for families who would like to maintain their connection to their enrolled school, but don’t yet feel comfortable sending their student(s) back to school in August.  Students will attend school remotely, following the standard school schedule and bell times.  The lessons, assignments and grading will be similar to traditional school.

Virtual School -

The virtual model is ideal for students who wish to have more control over their learning path and pace, and for whom a flexible daily schedule is important.  In this learning model, students often work on assignments in a virtual environment during non-traditional hours and maintain contact with their teacher and classmates using web-based class sessions, email, text messages and telephone calls.


11 Responses to “Traditional, Remote Learning Or Virtual School? Here Are The Choices Made For Each Escambia School”

  1. David Huie Green on July 31st, 2020 5:22 pm

    “@Robert Madden-
    Malcolm Thomas did a call out a few weeks ago and said that you could go on yours child’s FOCUS page and decide which route you wanted to go for your child. Traditional? Remote? Virtual? And he set a date.”

    …and it was reported here several times.

  2. Lee on July 30th, 2020 10:15 pm

    @Curious – I’m sure some parents won’t decide until closer to school opening. I imagine some who made their choice will change their mind, too. The situation in Florida wasn’t as bleak when they initially decided. At the rate we’re going, seems likely opening schools will be delayed again or they will have to resort to distance learning.

  3. Amanda on July 30th, 2020 1:10 pm

    @Robert Madden-
    Malcolm Thomas did a call out a few weeks ago and said that you could go on yours child’s FOCUS page and decide which route you wanted to go for your child. Traditional? Remote? Virtual? And he set a date.
    Good luck this year.

  4. Robert Madden on July 29th, 2020 4:46 pm

    Never recieved anything from anyone regarding this topic. I have two high school students and my home number and address is on file with Pine Forest. Disturbing

  5. Curious on July 29th, 2020 7:34 am

    I don’t understand why there are so many “unknowns”. The deadline was a week ago wasn’t it?

  6. Kathy on July 28th, 2020 8:19 pm

    4 year olds are in VPK.
    VPK is voluntary is it has only the traditional choice-no remote learning.

  7. Lee on July 28th, 2020 6:32 pm

    @KONYATTA – This link from the school district explains what to do to enroll your child:

  8. Kathy on July 28th, 2020 5:10 pm

    Four year olds = VPK
    If I am not mistaken, VPK is optional and will only be traditional.

  9. Michael Dixon on July 28th, 2020 2:44 pm

    Konyatta, as far as I understand you will still enroll your child in school, but if you would prefer him to do remote learning, you can specify that when you enroll him. Hope this helps!

  10. No Excuses on July 28th, 2020 2:22 pm

    @Konyatta Nairn: Call your child’s school and see how they want to handle registering your child – in person or over the phone. You” be asked which option you want for your child. They can answer your questions or give you any guidance you might need. If you don’t know which school your child goes to, you can do a search by zip code and address on the school district website.

  11. KONYATTA NAIRN on July 28th, 2020 11:49 am

    I have a four year old who’s never been to school and he’s supposed to start school what am I supposed to do about that