Thursday Report: Escambia COVID-19 Cases Up By 194; One Additional Death Reported

July 2, 2020


Escambia County COVID-19 cases were up by 194 in the Thursday report from the the Florida Department of Health.

A 45th death was also reported; the fatality was a long-term care facility resident.

Escambia County cases increased to 2,240. Santa Rosa cases were up by 59 to 676.

Of the 721 test results returned on Wednesday, 19.4% were positive in Escambia County and 15.2% were positive from 335 tests in Santa Rosa County.

Of the 45 deaths in Escambia County, 35 have been long-term care facility residents or staff. There have been nine deaths in Santa Rosa County, seven of those at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility and none in long-term care facilities.

Statewide, there were 169,106 cases including 166,303 Florida residents. There have been 15,150 hospitalizations* and 3,617 deaths. The Florida Department of Health does not have a clear standard or definition of “recovered” and does not report a number of recovered individuals.

Escambia County cases:

Total cases — 2,240  (+194 since Wednesday)
Non-Florida residents — 370
Pensacola — 1,642 (+156)
Cantonment — 135 (+14)
Molino— 22
Century — 12 (+1)
Bellview — 7 (+1)
McDavid — 6 (+1)
Walnut Hill — 3 (+2)
Perdido Key — 3 (+1)
Hospitalizations: 98* (+4)
Deaths — 45 (+1)
Male — 815
Female — 1,054
Youngest — 0
Oldest — 105

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases — 676 (+59 since Wednesday)
Non-Florida residents — 8
Milton — 297 (+27)
Navarre — 102 (+8)
Gulf Breeze — 133 (+11)
Pace — 72 (+6)
Jay — 17 (+4)
Residents: 129
Nonresidents — 1
Hospitalizations — 38* (+5)
Deaths — 9
Male — 363
Female — 304
Youngest — 2 months
Oldest — 98

Florida cases:

Total cases — 169,106
Florida residents — 166,303
Deaths — 3,617
Hospitalizations — 15,150

*“Hospitalizations” is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. These people may no longer be hospitalized. This number does not represent the number of COVID-19 positive persons currently hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized.


16 Responses to “Thursday Report: Escambia COVID-19 Cases Up By 194; One Additional Death Reported”

  1. David Huie Green on July 3rd, 2020 10:09 pm

    “They should find all the people not wearing masks, and claiming COVID is fake. Those going to parties and beach parties, etc And deny them all medical treatment for covid”

    For shame. The mentally ill or scammed are as worthy of medical care as anyone. (And when you’re sick nobody has time to sort their politics, especially since so many remain anonymous.

    David for all

  2. Lee on July 3rd, 2020 7:55 pm

    @Independent Thinker – Your “reasoning” has nothing to do with independence. Your decision is to be defiant. Big difference, especially in the maturity involved.

  3. William Reynolds on July 3rd, 2020 3:41 pm

    >>Pensacola city 1,642 cases. Escambia county 188 cases. Stay out of the city.

    You have misinterpreted the data. The city of Pensacola is physically smaller, but more people than live in the city have a Pensacola address. Pensacola is their address, but they are not all in the city.

  4. terry on July 3rd, 2020 1:01 pm

    It is good hygiene and distancing that will protect you. NOT masks.. Wash your hands. Don’t protest, Don’t touch people don’t get in there face. Don’t kiss strangers or have sex. Don’t share a joint. That stuff spreads it faster than anything. That is why it is spreading among younger people.

    Hide if you want to but stop making everyone wear a mask. It’s stupid. California had some of the strictest mask and lock down policies yet they are racking up record number of new cases. Remember this virus has about a 99.6 recovery rate.

    “The UK government’s scientific advisers believe that the chances of dying from a coronavirus infection are between 0.5% and 1%”. OR ..about the same as dying in a car crash. Maybe we should all quit driving. Stop the panic.

  5. Response to "independent thinker" on July 3rd, 2020 11:46 am

    So you are choosing to NOT wear a mask because of the 2 or 3 comments you read from people who are trying to encourage everyone to wear masks so they won’t be the reason that a loved one dies?! Be careful hun, your ego is falling out. That’s quite literally the most ridiculous and childish thing I’ve ever read. Your “I’m not doing it because you’re not the boss of me” mentality is not something you should be flaunting when it is a matter involving the spread of a global pandemic. Get over yourself and get back to your frat house. Just make sure to wear a mask!!!

  6. Chuck Lavoie on July 3rd, 2020 10:40 am

    Pensacola city 1,642 cases. Escambia county 188 cases. Stay out of the city.

  7. Victoria Carroll on July 3rd, 2020 2:28 am

    Let’s hope and pray that everyone will be safe and wear a mask it’s up to us to keep our loved ones safe

  8. David Huie Green on July 2nd, 2020 11:15 pm

    “I probably would wear one, until I read these demands from people who know it all. Now I will continue without.”

    Nose, say goodbye to face.

    (And possibly, Wallet, say goodbye to cash

    ….or even, “Lord, Here I come….whatcha mean I’m not allowed inside without a mask?? When I said I didn’t want to be a sheep, I didn’t mean I didn’t want to be one of Your sheep….Oh, it’s because of what it did to some of Your sheep?”

    David for better outcomes

  9. Jerry on July 2nd, 2020 10:54 pm

    They should find all the people not wearing masks, and claiming COVID is fake. Those going to parties and beach parties, etc And deny them all medical treatment for covid

    Save the hospital beds for the rest of the good hard working people that follow the rules and have commonsense

  10. Tom Martin on July 2nd, 2020 10:51 pm

    I find it hard to breath with a mask and it’s very easy to loose a hearing aid when you take it off,,,but I wear one, and the reason I do is if I was to get it and unknowingly pass it to family or friends or to a total stranger that would be an unforgivable act on my part, and if the deceased was someone I know and know they contacted it from me,I would live with it until my dieing day. Unless the law requires it,your choice,your conscious.

  11. Independent thinker on July 2nd, 2020 8:13 pm

    not a nat? Maybe a gnat?

  12. Independent thinker on July 2nd, 2020 8:12 pm

    I probably would wear one, until I read these demands from people who know it all. Now I will continue without. I prefer not following demands of people who get on here and insist upon pushing their views upon us all.

  13. Rufus Lowgun on July 2nd, 2020 2:47 pm

    There are people who are alive and healthy today, mother and fathers, sisters and brothers, meemaws and papaws, who will be dead by Christmas because some of you refused to wear a mask. This isn’t hyperbole or doom and gloom, it is simply a fact based on what we KNOW about this virus. For God’s sake, wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.

  14. MR REALITY on July 2nd, 2020 1:57 pm

    You people better put a mask on and do it ASAP! The wont have room for you or your family now. WE ARE ON OUR OWN TO USE OUR HEADS FOLKS!! This virus doesnt fly around on its on. It doesnt have wings people. Its not like a nat….YOU PEOPLE WHO KNOW IT ALL DONT KNOW A THING REALLY. Get your mask on and do it before you infect your entire family….

  15. William Reynolds on July 2nd, 2020 12:17 pm

    “+” means additional, added.

  16. CONCERNED on July 2nd, 2020 12:09 pm

    What does the plus (+) mean? Very curious!