Three More Deaths, 223 New COVID-19 Cases Reported In Escambia County

July 24, 2020


Three additional COVID-19 deaths and 223 new cases were reported Friday in Escambia County.

The Escambia County deaths were males ages 46 and 64, and a 78-year old female. One was a long-term care facility resident.

Escambia County cases increased to 6,684. An additional 141 cases brought the Santa Rosa County total to 2,288.

Of the 1,461 tests results returned on Thursday in Escambia County, 12.7% were positive, and 22.3% were positive from 490 tests in Santa Rosa County. Over the past week, the overall average positivity rate for Escambia County is 12.6%.

There were 231 COVID-19 patients currently hospitalized in Escambia County as of Friday, according to data from the three local hospitals.

Of the 76 deaths in Escambia County, 49 have been long-term care facility residents or staff. There have been 19 deaths in Santa Rosa County, seven of those at the Blackwater River Correctional Facility and two in a long-term care facilities.

Statewide, there were 402,312 cases including 397,470 Florida residents. There have been 23,225 hospitalizations* and 5,653 deaths. The Florida Department of Health does not have a clear standard or definition of “recovered” and does not report a number of recovered individuals.

Escambia County cases:

Total cases — 6,684 (+223 since Thursday)
Non-Florida residents — 749
Pensacola — 5,209 (+189)
Cantonment — 476 (+20)
Molino— 75 (+2)
Century — 49 (+2)
McDavid — 31
Bellview — 9
Walnut Hill — 8
Perdido Key — 4
Gonzalez — 5
Current hospitalizations: 230
Deaths — 76 (+3)
Male — 2,578
Female — 3,190
Youngest — 0
Oldest — 105
Median Age — 37

Santa Rosa County cases:

Total cases — 2,288 (+141 since Thursday)
Non-Florida residents — 16
Milton — 1,019 (+103)
Gulf Breeze — 423 (+9)
Navarre — 346 (+6)
Pace — 208 (+12)
Jay — 77 (+1)
Bagdad — 3
Cumulative Hospitalizations — 121*
Deaths — 19
Male — 1,126
Female — 1,109
Youngest — 2 months
Oldest — 101
Median Age — 37

Florida cases:

Total cases — 402,312
Florida residents — 397,470
Deaths — 5,653
Hospitalizations — 23,225*

*“Hospitalizations” in the statewide and Santa Rosa County totals is a count of all laboratory confirmed cases in which an inpatient hospitalization occurred at any time during the course of illness. These people may no longer be hospitalized. This number does not represent the number of COVID-19 positive persons currently hospitalized. The FDOH does not provide a count of patients currently hospitalized. The Escambia County number is current data compiled each day from the local hospitals.


18 Responses to “Three More Deaths, 223 New COVID-19 Cases Reported In Escambia County”

  1. Melissa Pino on July 26th, 2020 12:27 am

    Independent Thinker,

    Please independent think this.

    When republican Scott Brown was fighting for what the power brokers and press had positioned as “Ted Kennedy’s seat” in Massachusetts, he ran specifically on blocking universal health care.

    I drove elderly shut-ins through an ice and rain storm in Boston all day to get them to the polls. And celebrated in a ballroom at the victory party with Doug Flutie that night, local and state power brokers were blown away that the grass roots had actually managed blocking a dem supporting Obamacare out of that seat.

    Didn’t matter. Pelosi and others rammed it through. Had to vote on the bill to know what’s in it.

    Flash forward. When people ask me, “How could you possibly vote for Biden?” my answer is the following:

    Right now it’s the threat of socialism (Biden) versus the guarantee of fascism (Trump).

    And that I will help vote Biden in and then immediately start fighting whatever socialism springs up. Because at this rate, Trump’s fascism–along with the Republican leadership that is abetting him–is killing us much faster.

    In Portland, right now, there are non trained bands of absolute goon squads terrorizing protest lines of the following: moms, dads, and vets.

    These are mercenary bands that Trump has thrown together who have nothing to do with our military.

    **Our US military is not involved.

    The people he has thrown together are the worst cast offs from every agency that has deemed them unfit. Border patrol, INS, child services–hell, there are TSA agents they recruited.

    Anybody in the military who is trained in special services takes one glance at what’s happening there and those fools have no idea what they are doing. Except operating under a blanket order to kidnap people on no charges in unmarked cars.

    So what hope do we have left?

    A wall of moms. With a wall of orange shirt dads who showed up to blow the tear gas back with leafblowers. And, now, a wall of vets on the outer echelon who are hell bent not to let this illegal takeover of American cities happened.

    What was the result? Some of these mercenaries that were given money to purchase their Halloween costumes fled one night, and then showed up the next with leaf blowers in their hands.

    I’m trying to figure out a way to close this post. Really, there are no words.

  2. David Huie Green on July 25th, 2020 3:19 pm

    “Crazy to see people actually blaming Trump for the COVID19.”

    Not the existence of the disease but his response to it. People warned him repeatedly we needed supplies and isolation and instructions regarding how to avoid the spread.

    He ignored those warnings and instructed others to ignore them. He told the American people it was a HOAX and not to bother with taking measures against it. When he supposedly banned travel from China, he only banned Chinese citizens, not those who had been to China. When he banned travel from Europe, he excepted the United Kingdom, so people just flew in from London.

    Not that it mattered because over a month had passed since the first warning and he had already allowed the infection in. That just made it worse quicker.

    He kept calling it The Flu or Kung Flu or the China Virus to distract from the fact that it is bad and is not in China; it’s here. He told people his gut told him ineffective drugs would affect it — they didn’t.

    He said publicly he wouldn’t send supplies to states whose governors didn’t praise him.He silenced infectious disease experts because they disagreed with him.

    He insisted on large gatherings so people could come together to praise him but insisted they sign waivers for when they contracted the virus at those rallies and suffered for months or died — which some are or did.

    Through his actions and words, he shows who he cares about and it isn’t you. Nor will he get better. He will continue to abuse and misuse his power as long as he has it.

    David for opened eyes

  3. How it was handled on July 25th, 2020 8:37 am

    We all know how the virus came to our nation. My problem is how it was handled. Everything we had should have been activated to fight this virus. I have a nurse friend and they are still short on supplies. This did not have to be like this.

  4. Chell on July 25th, 2020 12:46 am

    @ Governor. Parents have three options. Most parents have to work and I’m so glad we can make our own choices. I never want to live under a dictator!

  5. Independent thinker on July 24th, 2020 10:42 pm

    Im not a fan of trump…but I’m against open borders, against abortion, against higher taxes. Why would I dare vote for biden and the democrats who stand against all i believe in. Biden is just a puppet, but he’s not even bright enough to realize it or he doesn’twant to admit dementia has hit home. This virus is going to spread no matter who is president or governor. Maybe we would have been better off with the alcoholic drug abusing Andrew gillium and his male escorts.

  6. William Reynolds on July 24th, 2020 10:00 pm

    >> All I can say is 189 +20+2+2= 213 So how did they come up with 223?

    Some new cases have locations listed a day or so after they are listed. Others are classified as “missing” location data.

  7. James Dean on July 24th, 2020 9:51 pm

    Crazy to see people actually blaming Trump for the COVID19. CNN and main stream media have yall brainwashed LOL I have beachfront property in Kentucky to sell you

  8. Just Pointing Out on July 24th, 2020 9:48 pm

    All I can say is 189 +20+2+2= 213

    So how did they come up with 223?

  9. Sad I voted for him on July 24th, 2020 8:13 pm

    I am ashamed to say I voted for both of them. I can promise you I will not vote for either of them again. I agree, this hate is tearing out country apart. It is time to be as one again. There is no discrimination in heaven.

  10. Melissa Pino on July 24th, 2020 7:17 pm

    Green rocket: he’s nobody’s president.

    He’s a megalomaniac, homicidal, lunatic hurtling this country into fascism and propelling us closer to civil war every day. Which is working quite nicely towards his end goal of becoming dictator of the United States of America.

  11. MiB on July 24th, 2020 6:13 pm

    Don’t blame others. Take responsibility for your life. Pay attention like your life dependeds on it… Try helping others if you can.

  12. John on July 24th, 2020 5:26 pm

    @Victoria. People cannot stay home forever. And criticism over the governor not doing another stay at home order is ridiculous because it’s up to your local authorities to enforce a mask and stay at home order. There is a reason that we have federal, state and local government.

  13. A Alex on July 24th, 2020 4:58 pm

    Trump is not the cause or problem of this epidemic…. If the citizens of this country would back him as we backed George Bush after 9-11
    How great would we be….

  14. Lee on July 24th, 2020 3:33 pm

    @Green rocket – Desantis is one of the reasons we are in this situation now. If he had listened to health experts, not the WH, we wouldn’t continue to have such high numbers. We are watching an exercise in how NOT to lead.

  15. Kathy Eddins on July 24th, 2020 1:20 pm

    Please don’t take a chance.When in schools one brings fevers,colds,lice any disease.It always spreads .With some having no symptoms for some COVID-19 children or Adults.The others get it and brings it home.We need our Dads and Moms and siblings to be healthy to provide for families.When they weren’t mixing on beaches and stores our Children were safe at home.PLEASE keep them safe.God gives wisdom if people would listen.

  16. Green rocket on July 24th, 2020 12:38 pm

    He is your president also. Florida has one of the best governors. School openings have already been delayed.

  17. Victoria on July 24th, 2020 12:21 pm

    I agree with you about school .We also need some real leadership Trump and Desantis is a joke .It’s time to take action and take care of your people and our country .Pray for God to keep us all safe and give us the strength to get through this

  18. Governor on July 24th, 2020 12:07 pm

    Governor, your President now says some might need to delay school openings. Will you listen now or put our kids in danger? Florida needs some leadership.