Selection Committee Recommends Six Candidates For Escambia County Superintendent

July 17, 2020

The list of candidates to be the next Escambia County School superintendent was narrowed to six recommendations Thursday night by the Superintendent Search Citizens Advisory Committee.

The six names will go next to the Escambia County School Board for discussion at a July 20 workshop. The board can remove any of the six form the list, or add back any of the 21 others that applied as they create their own semi-finalist list.

The candidates recommended by the search committee are:

  • Marques L. Stewart – 9th grade principal Fredrick Douglas High School, Atlanta, 929 students, July 2019 to present. Previous: Principal Harper Archer Middle School, 486 students, January 2015-June 2019.
  • Dr. Earl Johnson – Executive director Leadership/Operations Flagler County Schools (FL), 13,000 students, 2017 to present. Previous: High school and elementary principal Flagler County, 2004-2017.
  • Keith C. Rittel — Superintendent, Provo, UT, 18,000 students, 2012-present. Previous: Deputy superintendent, Clover Park (Lakewood, WA), 12,000 students, 2008-2012.
  • Dr. Timothy A. Smith – Executive area director of high schools, Orange County (FL), 212,000 students, June 2018 to present. Previous: Principal of Winter Park High School (FL), 3,400 students, July 2010-June 2018.
  • Keith Leonard – assistant superintendent of Human Resource Services Escambia County, 40,500 students, June 2020-present. Previous: Director of Human Resources, Escambia County, 2007-2020.
  • Dr. Vincent F. Cotter – Co-founder Exemplary Schools Organization, 2014-present. Previous: Consultant 2011-2013: Superintendent Colonial School District (PA), 4,966 students, 2000-2011.
  • Click or tap any applicant’s name to load their resume.

    Only one of the six candidates is local. Keith Leonard of Cantonment is the current assistant superintendent of Human Resource Services and spent 13 years as the Escambia County School District director of Human Resource Services.


    27 Responses to “Selection Committee Recommends Six Candidates For Escambia County Superintendent”

    1. Tabby on July 21st, 2020 10:30 pm

      Sad that Escambia County voters let a bunch of idiots manipulate them to give up their say on our school system. Now, I’m certain the filthy Liberals in Acedemia are going to put a like minded individual in that spot. Someone that knows nothing about our regional, let alone local identity. Then again, maybe that’s exactly the agenda, to erase that identity and instill their filthy ideals in our children above and beyond what their already learning.

    2. Citizen on July 21st, 2020 4:54 pm


      The citizens of Escambia County, in their infinite wisdom, voted to NO LONGER HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE… because “more accountability” wahahahahaha laughable!!

      Escambia County voted to NOT BE HEARD!!

    3. Don on July 21st, 2020 1:21 pm

      Why are people wasting their time giving their opinion on who would be the best pick for superintendent ?????

      They VOTED that right away FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. TB on July 20th, 2020 1:58 pm

      Not sure why everyone is putting in their 2 cents. You gave up your right to elect the superintendent and put it in the hands of the board. So now you’ll just have to reap it. The is what you get when you give up your rights.

    5. Beverly Harris on July 20th, 2020 1:43 pm

      Did the citizens who voted yes for an appointed Superintendent not realize they were handing over control to the school board? This was promoted in a such a way that the voters fell for the publicity and the wording that was on the ballot. Now the taxpayers students, and schools will reap the consequences. The good ole boys are now in control. Follow the money on those who sponsored the proposal. The Teachers Union also plays a role in this too. Parents of students you will get a superintendent chosen by the school board whether you like it or not. Complaining won’t do any good. I bet they already know who will be selected .

    6. Jan on July 19th, 2020 11:08 pm

      Keith Leonard for sure!

    7. Taxpayer on July 19th, 2020 5:10 pm

      Keith Leonard will just be more of the same, nothing more nothing less! Bring in fresh talent who will remove themselves from all of the past political system that’s running crazy in this district…as well vote this group of board members out!!!

    8. Rigged on July 18th, 2020 9:36 pm

      The fix is in and has been from the beginning!!!

    9. Edie on July 18th, 2020 2:25 pm

      I’ve lived in West Pensacola for 15 years and have never understood why we don’t divide Escambia County between 2-3 Superintendents. Our student base is just too large.
      Change up the Organization Chart.

    10. SGP on July 18th, 2020 11:46 am

      A quick review of the resumes of the six candidates points to the obvious choice for me. There is only one candidate who hasn’t job-hopped, often from state to state or county to county, in an effort to pad a resume and self-promote. The big red-flags for me are less than three years in a position of great responsibility, such as principal of a school, and the size comparisons of the Escambia County School District with the ones noted for each of the other candidates. When you weigh the combination of these variables, one candidate has a clear appreciation for the needs of Escambia County and a proven record of service to Escambia County. That candidate is Keith Leonard. He IS the best and most experienced person for the job. He has spent 30+ years in a meaningful pursuit of what is best for our students and has a real stake in their success. He does not view this position as an entry on a meaningless resume. I have little confidence that the other candidates are truly interested in the success of our students. I enthusiastically support Keith Leonard for Superintendent of the ECSD.

    11. Uncertain voter on July 18th, 2020 10:11 am

      Let Keith Leonard fix Bellview Middle School and other troubled schools before joining this list. Otherwise it’s time to bring in someone new.
      Bellview Middle School
      Math: 26% | Reading: 29%,
      C. A. Weis Elementary School
      Math: 25-29% | Reading: 10-14%

    12. Rhonda Fowler on July 17th, 2020 11:10 pm

      Please do NOT choose Keith Leonard!! He does NOT support teachers! He is not a good leader by any means! We need some fresh blood in this district!
      Retired teacher 27 years.

    13. Jo Ostr on July 17th, 2020 10:48 pm

      Looks like Timothy Smith and Earl Johnson have the most relevant experience and best educations. Hoping for good things in our future.

    14. Mj on July 17th, 2020 8:48 pm

      All these years, Keith Leonard has been the director of HR…how is there such high turnover within the Escambia District..hmmm?!? Something aint clean in the milk!

    15. Mary Gilliard on July 17th, 2020 8:00 pm

      Keith Leonard

    16. Melissa Pino on July 17th, 2020 2:54 pm

      My public school education in small town Iowa–appointed superintendent–positioned me to work my way through undergrad at University of Iowa, receive a scholarship from Boston University, and be awarded with a full ride from Harvard. Every child in Escambia deserves similar opportunity, which is why I spoke in favor of an appointed superintendent. It was a proper step towards improving our schools.

      It’s so disappointing that this selection looks to be devolving into another popularity contest. There is lack of experience among these six that has no business on any short list for this all-important position.

      Hopefully the committee goes with the best, most experienced person for the job, and doesn’t bow to the local politicking that is so evident.

    17. RC on July 17th, 2020 2:53 pm

      Elected school board members, please don’t let this become a good ole boy selection! The easy thing to do is just select someone who has spent their career ” in the system”! The past has not produced the results the citizens expected nor deserved. We must demand better and it starts with a new direction and a fresh approach. Make the right choice for a better school system, our children’s future depends on you.

    18. Abby on July 17th, 2020 2:09 pm

      This is ridiculous. No one should be elected unless they have worked in a school and then moved up the ranks as principal. This is so disgusting. This is why teachers are frequently upset. You say you will give us someone like this and not one on this list is what you promised. We need someone anti-Malcolm Thomas, not a duplicate. And Keith Leonard is not a good choice. He is a bad man and doesn’t care about teachers.

    19. CMH on July 17th, 2020 1:17 pm

      A person who has not been a principal of a school shouldn’t be in consideration for the job. Look through the resumes.

    20. Howie on July 17th, 2020 12:09 pm

      Keith Leonard gets my vote.

      My great grandchildren will be in good hands with Keith.

      The fact that Keith has been in various positions in Escambia’s School System, he knows the in’s and out’s in this school region.

      I’m sure Keith has some great ideas and plans in mind already.

    21. Yeppers on July 17th, 2020 9:16 am

      Keith Leonard would have my vote.

    22. Rita Mattson on July 17th, 2020 9:15 am

      Hands down, Keith Leonard!!
      My grandchildren would be in good hands.

    23. Linda Brown on July 17th, 2020 9:14 am

      School Board Selection Committee Members,
      After reviewing the info on these candidates, there is only one that has been in a position of experience with operations the size of Escambia County. A working knowledge of the Escambia County School District and all the historical efforts, applications, programs, and processes that have formed the foundation and growth of our schools is a HUGE qualification.

      Keith Leonard is the Best Candidate to Lead Escambia County Schools!

    24. Jlb on July 17th, 2020 7:57 am

      Having lived in an area with a appointed superintendent, I can tell you I’m hoping things work out better here than there. 3 superintendents within 4 years. However I will say that the ones that never worked out where the ones who came from out of town especially up north. Where things are done so different. So unfortunately since we won’t be voting I’m throwing my hat in the bucket for Keith Leonard. Good luck

    25. Fresh Air on July 17th, 2020 7:56 am

      Schools have been struggling around here as of late. I’d say it’s time to bring in some fresh blood from outside the area. Timothy Smith has all the qualifications and he has led massive projects to a successful outcome. Plus if we’re just looking at number of students he blows everyone else away.

      But seems we like to do what is convenient instead of what is right so Keith Leonard will probably win this thing.

    26. Anne on July 17th, 2020 6:37 am

      School Board and Selection Committee Members,
      Looking at the SIZE of student populations for which these individuals have been Responsible tells a LOT about their true qualifications.
      Placing the candidates in that ranking will tell the story.

      KEITH LEONARD is Without Question the Best Candidate to Lead Escambia County Schools through this viral mess and into the Future.

      Since we are no longer allowed to Vote for Superintendent, I will toss my pebble into the bucket for KEITH LEONARD…..

    27. JTV on July 17th, 2020 6:01 am

      Good Luck Keith Leonard.